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NPD to be banned in Germany?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:57 am
by Legendary Apophis
What do you think about the new attempt to ban the extreme-right white-nationalist National "Democratic" Party in Germany? (ideological infant from NSDAP, against current German's political system, advocating for white supremacy and linked with other minor extreme right parties from Europe members of the European National Front, being against both capitalism and communism)

German citizens and political leaders alike are appalled: For ten years, a group of neo-Nazis has ben carrying out a series of murders targeting immigrants - apparently without the country's intelligence services recognizing that there was a network behind the murders.


In response, German political leaders have made emphatic calls for the country's far-right National Democratic Party, the NPD, to be banned once and for all, after a first attempt failed in 2003. The Federal Constitutional Court, at the time, rejected the government's arguments for a ban, saying too many intelligence informers had infiltrated NPD ranks.

The leader of Germany's Social Democrats, Frank Walter Steinmeier, on Tuesday, called for a new attempt to be made. The head of Germany's police union also said the NPD should be banned. Even Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats, who were previously against such a move, now say they would back a ban.

But that may be difficult: according to German daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger quoting intelligence sources, there are up to 100 paid informants in the NPD today, significantly more than in 2003, when 15 percent of the party's members were informants.


Eckhard Jesse, from Chemnitz, said he thought an NPD ban would be highly impractical. Extreme right-wing attitudes would not disappear if the party were made illegal, he said. Many members would form new organizations, and many hardliners would become even more radicalized, causing the complete opposite of the intended effect.

Jesse said that the authorities should watch the numbers. The NPD, right now, is a small and obscure party that attracts hardly more than one percent of German voters. In addition, informants embedded in the party made its observation easier.


Danger of radicalization

Political scientist Butterwegge of Cologne University agreed that banning the NPD could create the danger of further radicalizing right-wing extremists. However, he said he supported a ban, as long as it's not the only political action taken.

Bans should not be the only weapon, says Funke

"I think a ban on the NPD could send a powerful message to German society that we are not going to tolerate right-wing extremism in any form," he said, adding that such an effect would only happen if the government handles the ban well.

A wide-ranging explanation for the ban would be necessary, Butterwegge said. Not just the NPD as an organization would have to be observed, but rather its ideology. The idea that Germans are superior and belong to a greater race is the driving force behind right-wing extremism, and going along with it is the social Darwinist argument that the strongest must rise to the top of society.


Full article:,,15538323,00.html

Personally, I don't know if it would solve the problem and I tend to agree partly with article's specialists, that it might be more dangerous to forbid it, even though it's tempting to ban such awful party.

Re: NPD to be banned in Germany?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:41 am
by Juliette
Ridiculous. If you pretend to be a democracy, you will get to deal with people you think are despicable. Even if you cannot win an argument with them on arguments alone, or if you are scared to death by them, that is no reason to ban a political party. It is the behaviour of leftist intolerant pigs to attempt to ban what they cannot defeat within the system.

Re: NPD to be banned in Germany?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:56 am
by Legendary Apophis
Well, the thing is that if they ban this party, they will have to ban as well the leftist/anarchist groups who advocate revolution/insurrection/terrorism...and also the groups of radical Muslims such as salafists groups.
Also, it might cause a feeling within them that they are "victimized" and it would enable them to get more audience and get more support, not to mention become even more radical than they already are (and they already are much radical). If they are banned the infiltration made by security agencies of Germany, as one of the analyst said, might be endangered. :-k

Re: NPD to be banned in Germany?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:58 am
by RepliMagni
Juliette wrote:Ridiculous. If you pretend to be a democracy, you will get to deal with people you think are despicable. Even if you cannot win an argument with them on arguments alone, or if you are scared to death by them, that is no reason to ban a political party. It is the behaviour of leftist intolerant pigs to attempt to ban what they cannot defeat within the system.

But if they can directly link the political party with said crimes, with inciting racism and violence, then they have every legal right to order its disbandment...

Re: NPD to be banned in Germany?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:12 am
by Legendary Apophis
RepliMagni wrote:
Juliette wrote:Ridiculous. If you pretend to be a democracy, you will get to deal with people you think are despicable. Even if you cannot win an argument with them on arguments alone, or if you are scared to death by them, that is no reason to ban a political party. It is the behaviour of leftist intolerant pigs to attempt to ban what they cannot defeat within the system.

But if they can directly link the political party with said crimes, with inciting racism and violence, then they have every legal right to order its disbandment...

That's what happened in France, one small party was disbanded few years ago due to inciting to racial hate, being openly antisemitic and "black suprematist" (a french radical black power party) being openly racist against what the Americans call "Caucasians".
Recently, during the European Elections, there were discuss in the french government regarding banning a party from partaking in elections, one party which was claiming to be "anti Zionist" while being in fact sort of a coalition with only similar opinion shared being, to be anti Israel if not even anti Jews. The ban didn't happen and their best scores in said elections were done in the North-east suburb towns of Paris, where the rabble thugs -chavs in English- and hateful radical Muslims are the most numerous (probably only time they voted in their life..).