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Re: Board Warning Issued

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:59 pm
by Empy
You were warned for editing your post back to it's original state after a Mod edited it. What the post contained prior to being edited (eg what was edited out) is irrelevant.

If you wish to contest the warning given before the one for editing your psot, then that should be more clear (in my opinion).

Re: Board Warning Issued

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:34 pm
by Psyko
Tetrismonkey wrote:Search found 140 matches
Search term used: douche

For the sake of seeing this side of your argument, I went and had a look at your search results. It's a bit skewed since I see more of the forum than you, so I have a much higher result. But if you look through many of those results, most of those counted are quotes of a post that contained the word. Which makes the results a lot higher than the true number of times someone has used the term. There were also some, though not more than about a page of results, where the term was not directed at any person, or not at a person on this forum.

That being said, the primary location of most of those results is in the Vendetta Corner (shock and surprise? anyone? I thought not). Now, maybe those were not reported as being insults and a mod never caught it. Or maybe a mod simply didn't personally see the harm in saying the head of someone's alliance is a douche.

My personal opinion is that a term does not have to be filtered to still be seen as an insulting turn of phrase. Calling someone a douche is a bit out of bounds, in my opinion. I said as much when I reported the post. (Yep. It was me. I confess. Shoot me now.) But it was up to the mod who handled the case on whether they felt it counted as an insult or not, and I knew as much when I reported it.

Where I think you really crossed the line was in re-editing your post. By being contacted about your post and its content, you should know that it's a verbal warning. Despite thinking you are in the right, you should still accept that the mod sees it as outside the rules of conduct. Yet you changed the post back after a Mod had made the changes. It's kind of like the silly little rule about direct replies to Mod's posts. You do it, you get a warning.

tl;dr You might be able to argue the verbal for the insult, but you can't argue a warning for undermining the authority of a Mod after they have spoken to you about a post's content and edited it. In my opinion, of course. And yes, I know you didn't ask for it. :-"

Re: Board Warning Issued

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:36 pm
by Jack
It was a personal attack through and through.

Re: Board Warning Issued

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:48 pm
by ~Odin~
Hello Tetrismonkey,

I'm sorry about the late reply i did inform the forum staff i would be rather busy this weekend and i have just noticed this case. The warning you have been issued for as i can see it is for re-editing a post that a Mod had previously edited (By the looks of things they had edited the post due to an insulting word used towards another member of the forum.) This in itself is breaking the rules so I feel that the warning should remain in place.

I will however have a chat with the admins and talk about getting the word "douche" added to the filter, the word on its own not directed to anyone or used to describe someone is not an issue as far as I'm concerned but when aimed towards a person or used as a description of a person is an insult. I am here to give judgement on this case and can not pass judgement on any other cases where someone might or might not have been warned for using the word in an insulting manner or not.

This is my verdict if you wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact me via PM.


Re: Board Warning Issued

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:01 am
by Clarkey
Seeing as I was the intended victim of this abusive/insultive word, I suggest you google this: define:douche and have a good look at one of those results, it was the first result on my page. [-X

Case closed in my opinion, in fact you're lucky you didn't get 2 warnings, one for abuse and one for re-editing a Mods edit.

Re: Board Warning Issued

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:51 am
by BMMJ13
You are talking about it like it was a warning for masking or profanity, however it was one for abuse and moderator disrespect.

c. Abuse / Racism
Members of the SGW community are required to speak courteously to others. Personal attacks on other members are not tolerated. This includes comments about one’s sex, gender, skin color, religion, or cultural heritage. You may not post personal information about another user regardless of how it was obtained. This includes their address, phone numbers, names, or any other detail about their real life status that they have not already posted on the SGW forums themselves. For exceptions to this rule please see the role playing section (section 6).

Minor infringements such as throw away comments may be ignored. If not, a polite note from a moderator will be issued requesting the user to tone it down. More serious cases and repeated breaking of the rule will result in the issuing of warning points.

You should look at the part in bold and blue from the rule on abuse. While they did not give you a warning at first being lenient, your re-editing caused you to receive the warning as you both ignored the note from the moderator and continued to post the abuse.

Re: Board Warning Issued

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:03 pm
by Loki™
Some No expressing his/her No No! :-)

Play nice