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Christmas ???

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:19 pm
What does it really mean ?

What are it's origins ?

Why do we Celebrate it ?

Should Christmas be renamed Commercial Fest ?

Or am I being a proper old bah humbug lol

K so most of us were probably taught the religious stuff in school ( Most of it fake / made up ), forced to act out the nativity story etc, some of us were also taught the stories of St Nicholas giving gifts ( again highly exaggerated ), a few of us may even know the stories of how Father Christmas was made up as a marketing gimmick, maybe some even know about the pre-Christian pagan winter solstice rights that it replaced ( or absorbed into the 'new' faith ). But whats it really about today, how many actually celebrate the religious stuff, how much of it is purely commercial ( annual spending frenzy ), how much is genuinely for he kids, how much is an excuse for time off work, how much is for display & social standing, who can afford, or is willing to spend the most on decoration/gifts ?????

Re: Christmas ???

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:34 pm
by Rudy Peña
MEZZANINE wrote:What does it really mean ?

What are it's origins ?

Why do we Celebrate it ?

Should Christmas be renamed Commercial Fest ?

Or am I being a proper old bah humbug lol

K so most of us were probably taught the religious stuff in school ( Most of it fake / made up ), forced to act out the nativity story etc, some of us were also taught the stories of St Nicholas giving gifts ( again highly exaggerated ), a few of us may even know the stories of how Father Christmas was made up as a marketing gimmick, maybe some even know about the pre-Christian pagan winter solstice rights that it replaced ( or absorbed into the 'new' faith ). But whats it really about today, how many actually celebrate the religious stuff, how much of it is purely commercial ( annual spending frenzy ), how much is genuinely for he kids, how much is an excuse for time off work, how much is for display & social standing, who can afford, or is willing to spend the most on decoration/gifts ?????

1.) Here is what it really means. ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related
2.) Its origins come from Paganism, in order to help covert the Pagans to the Roman Catholic Church.
3.) We celebrate it cause after many hundreds of years, it has come to be the way we know it now.
4.) We can rename it whatever we want, but it wont matter.

In the KJV bible, Luke 2:7-8 says
7And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Now if it was winter time, it would be too cold for them to be tending to the sheep. It is most reasonable that Jesus Christ was in March/April or even may timeframe.

Part of the marketing came from when farmers were able to buy things in the winter time. Working all year around, they had saved up all that money. So with nothing to do as they were unable to farm until after winter, they spent it on other things. This is in part of how the marketing came into play.

Re: Christmas ???

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:12 am
by ƒëmmë
I think Jesus wouldn't be too impressed by all the gluttony etc that surrounds this celebration.

You lie to you kids to make them believe in some fat jolly man that gives out presents to "good kids"... they see richer kids getting far better gifts then them .. then as they age some arse is ready to shattered their (false) beliefs that Santa exists..

Also it is a time when suicides increase, and domestic voilence.. due to stress and increased consumption of alcohol plus compounding the issue of loniness those with out families feel..

And the star those so called wise men followed didn't lead them to a baby in a manger it took them to King David who ordered the killing of baby's born at that time.

So imo it would be nicer to commemorate Jesus birth in a more respectful and sedate way.. a meal with family/friends and I'd rather give to those in genuine need. With a token gift to loved ones.

I also hate how the shops start merchadising Christmas in Sept now and Easter in Jan.

I think this has helped destroy the wonder of it all..