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Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:03 am
by Legendary Apophis
[justify]What's your opinion regarding "neo-conformism", also known as "political correctness" or "liberal-conformism"?

My opinion/analysis is:

This ideology is in favor of censorship of freedom of speech when political incorrectness is noticed (mainly related to cultures/religions), even though claiming to be against censorship.
They also are in favor of "communautarism" because they consider minorities should deeply defend and affirm their cultural particularities, they reject completely integration throughout assimilation process. They are in favor of "affirmative action", in other words, positive discrimination. One can wonder how could a discrimination can be positive while another is negative, as after all, positive discrimination for one is negative for another. Discrimination should only be done by skills/diplomas and not by origins/ethnicity or anything of that sort for the reason I raised.
They also have a deep paranoia regarding racism/xenophobia (it's everywhere and almost anything can hide racism), and also happen to consider racism can only be done by "Caucasian" people, these people cannot be victims of racism/xenophobia because it's only these who happen to be racists/xenophobic (one wonders why..). They usually are uncomfortable with occurrences of racism/xenophobia when it's minorities vs minorities or minorities against "Caucasian" and try to explain this by different reasons (it's probably socio-economical reasons they say).

These people happen to dislike deeply christian ultra-conservatism/radicalism but are usually rather embarrassed in front of other religions' ultra-conservatism/radicalism. They often scream "bigotry" when the christian conservatism is -or most often just supposedly- noticed. These people scream when one is noticed to do prejudices/mistaking between radicals and non radicals, but these people also happen to be less screaming when similar is done towards Christianity. In fact, they consider criticism against Christianity even if it's aggressive and prejudices-rode is not a problem at all (regardless of the cultural origin of critics), however if same is done regarding other religions, even if it's not aggressive/prejudices-rode, they consider it can only be done by people more or less close to said religions (a Christian cannot criticize other religions, but Christianity can be criticized by all people).
Not to forget they often tend to be in favor of human rights regarding prisoners regardless of acts they did, because human rights apply for everyone...except for some people who happen to "devil incarnated" (cultural/political reasons mainly).
They have liberal politically-correct stances, and are extremely intolerant against people who tend to disagree with them on some subjects about "progressiveness of society", regardless of the basis of their argumentation often calling them "bigots" and other terms (they are fond of use of "-phobic" terms to explain/determine behaviors/argumentation of their opponents, regardless of the validity of use towards argumentation of them, but reject the existence of christianophia, reasons explained previously)

In fact, they happen, like the ones they like to confront, those they call "bigot" (regardless of them being driven by religious argumentation or not) to be narrow minded in their own point of view. Problem being, they make a prejudice/generalizing towards their opponents by screaming bigotry, while bigots indeed exist (ie: religious ultra-conservatism in America) they don't happen to be the only ones who have criticism towards "neoconformism" and political correctness, there are many non "narrow minded"/"bigots" driven by a Truth who disagree with political correctness.

Finally, last but not least, same as religious conservatism, they happen to have a Manichean view of society, even though it's a complex one and they barely will use "good side/bad side", for simple reason it's what their opponents use, however, it doesn't mean they don't have one, just that it's a bit more complex.

Edit: you'll note that I don't consider there are different races but different ethnies, that's probably one of the only "politically correct"/"neo conformist" stances I have.[/justify]