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Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:25 am
by Quina Quen
Thread in question - 'Computer help' - Author: CCexy

Moderator in question - [BoT] Jack

I have received a formal board warning from the named moderator above for a post (detail below). The opening comment from Jack is off the back of another user suggesting using a Mac (implying using another system/operating system completely).

[BoT] Jack wrote:Split all of the useless crap. If you're going to post advice, then offer something far more useful than "buy a new computer/OS.' If you have a problem with the system he uses, then take it up in another topic. Do not spam this with your worthless opinions about the quality of a particular product.

You have been warned.

The response - which I have been warned for.

General Riviera wrote:How can you warn someone for suggesting using a different operating system and classify it as spam? It's highly relevant given that the OP indicated s/he uses Vista (which everyone knows is a pile of proverbial horse manure). And since when was that person's opinion any less valuable than yours? You can be so full of it sometimes Jack - maybe this is just one of your bad days eh?

A further post from Zeratul offering good solid advise also concerning the use of an alternate OS as a solution can clearly be seen below.

Zeratul wrote:Looking at posts higher up here, we'd ask you how it messes up messages, is it any specific key or group of keys, or is there no pattern?

To see how things work, it might work for you to test by getting a different OS on a USB stick or a CD/DVD, to see whether error is still there. Such external OS things tend to get their own drivers, so that might show solution. Nice thing with some of those external OSes is that you can test-run without installing it. If such works and the problem is still there, then the problem is probably in the keyboard itself.

Oh, and we'd suggest trying to follow General Riviera's suggestion first, as it is far simpler to do.

Now here's something Zeratul may find amusing.

Inbox message following the warning:

[BoT] Jack wrote:
General Riviera wrote:How can you warn someone for suggesting using a different operating system and classify it as spam? It's highly relevant given that the OP indicated s/he uses Vista (which everyone knows is a pile of proverbial horse manure). And since when was that person's opinion any less valuable than yours? You can be so full of it sometimes Jack - maybe this is just one of your bad days eh?

Warned as in warned to not continue. He asked for help with keyboard problems, replacing the OS is a ridiculous suggestion that does not suit the issue.

If one wants to help, they are allowed ' lulz Vista suckz' does not help.

Zeratul - I'm sorry, but your opinions are 'ridiculous'. ;) Did you get a warning too? ;)

Can I also ask why one grumpy moderator thinks that the opinions of others are also 'worthless'? That is a disgusting attitude.

I would like to request that the warning be revoked and also that Jack's position actually be looked into - he has demonstrated nothing but hasty click-happy inconsistency with his duties as someone who is supposed to be responsible. Nothing personal pal.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:11 am
by Drought
though vista may be a troublesome system for many household to maintain
countless computers with vista run in buisnesses everyday without problems
portraying the operating system as the culprit would be as usefull as saying the one having the problem is the cause

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:34 am
by Quina Quen
Whilst that's true, it isn't the point here. The OP indicated they used Vista, another poster identified an alternate OS as a potential solution. Whether Vista is deemed good or bad, it doesn't matter.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:00 pm
by Juliette
Thank you, Louie. This post is to let you know we have seen your post. :)
When we have some questions, we will let you know. Expect a first response within the next two days.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:05 pm
by Quina Quen
Thank you.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:48 pm
by Clarkey
Just to point out General Riviera, and you should know this by now, if you ever want to respond or comment on a moderators official post in a thread it HAS to be taken via PM or posted in the Talk to the Mods Direct section. The rules 100% state that replies to an official moderator post will be treated as spam.

Your warning was clearly for responding directly to a moderators actions in the thread at hand which is considered spam. You know where to take such issues with moderators.

As for the original warning by Jack in the thread, I don't know if it was warranted and it's not my problem, but the fact is your warning is clearly in relation to the post you made in response to Jack, not the original post.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:52 pm
by Quina Quen
Know your own rules if you wish to pull people on them.

b. Replies
Replies will be considered spam if they do not contribute to the discussion of the topic, or derail the topic from the intended purpose as defined in the opening post. This may include multiple replies that contain nothing more than emoticons or small words such as ‘lol’. While it is appropriate to indicate something is amusing, drowning out a whole thread with such posts makes it hard to follow for all users. In addition, creating consecutive posts as opposed to using the edit function will be considered spam (referred to as double or triple (or more) posting).

Replying to the official post of a Moderator in a topic is spam. Discussing the action that the Moderator has taken belongs in the correct sections of the forum, or in private messages.

A polite note from a moderator will be personally issued requesting the user cut down the amount of irrelevant posts. Repeat offenders will be given one warning point.

Granted, I posted on the thread unaware of this rule prior to researching it however one post is not a repeat offence and a polite note from a moderator it was not.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:46 pm
by Jim
The precedent has been set for a longtime that a user will be given a warning for replying to an official moderator's official post (e.g. in colour).

Though jack is an evil evil man.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:08 am
by Jack

Jim is correct, it has been precedent for about 2 years or so now.

As for the rest of your gibberish. lulz

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:01 am
by Quina Quen
Read the rules that I have quoted, and in particular the point in blue.

A polite note from a moderator will be personally issued requesting the user cut down the amount of irrelevant posts. Repeat offenders will be given one warning point.

Hardly a repeat offence was it even if I was oblivious to this rule and at no point have you been polite. You swagger about the forum thinking you (ironically) are Jack-The-Lad. I find it highly annoying that you wish to tailor your own board rulings now that something comes back to bite you in the ass.

You're a sorry effort for a human being.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:20 am
by BMMJ13
1.) Replying to a mod post is instant spam, no matter where it is. It says so in the rules highlighted below.
b. Replies
Replies will be considered spam if they do not contribute to the discussion of the topic, or derail the topic from the intended purpose as defined in the opening post. This may include multiple replies that contain nothing more than emoticons or small words such as ‘lol’. While it is appropriate to indicate something is amusing, drowning out a whole thread with such posts makes it hard to follow for all users. In addition, creating consecutive posts as opposed to using the edit function will be considered spam (referred to as double or triple (or more) posting).

Replying to the official post of a Moderator in a topic is spam. Discussing the action that the Moderator has taken belongs in the correct sections of the forum, or in private messages.

A polite note from a moderator will be personally issued requesting the user cut down the amount of irrelevant posts. Repeat offenders will be given one warning point.

2. The topic was verbally warned to stop spamming, you posted after that, hence it was a repeat offense.

3. You personally have been verbally warned before by other mods about spamming, hence it was again a repeat offense.

Had both #2 and #3 not been true, you could of argued that you were not warned previously, however you had been, multiple times.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:48 am
by Quina Quen
What a load of crap. Your minion of click-happiness Jack posted after another user made a valid post regarding an alternate OS. I posted in direct reference to his shoddy moderation abilities.

To be honest, I can't be bothered. Do as you wish. Ban me for all I care. The only thing some of you moderators are consistent with is double standards.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:19 am
by Clarkey
General Riviera wrote:You're a sorry effort for a human being.
Whether Jack was right to issue you with a warning or not should not give you the right to attack a person in such a way. If Jack said in this thread that you were a sorry effort for a human being you would go mental at the Ombudsman. I'm sorry but you have no justification for such an attack.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:22 am
by xDaku
General Riviera wrote:To be honest, I can't be bothered.

Then why go through all this?

Clarkey wrote:
General Riviera wrote:You're a sorry effort for a human being.
Whether Jack was right to issue you with a warning or not should not give you the right to attack a person in such a way. If Jack said in this thread that you were a sorry effort for a human being you would go mental at the Ombudsman. I'm sorry but you have no justification for such an attack.

Double standards only exist for the mods, don't you know that? :roll:

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:46 am
by Quina Quen
I have every right to an opinion Clarkey.