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Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:51 pm
by Jack
Without state recognition, marriage is nothing more than a symbolic gesture written out on a piece of paper.

Failure to recognize one marriage, while recognizing another is discrimination, and discrimination based on sexuality is flatout wrong.

Furthermore, state recognition of marriage is not a right. The state either needs to recognize all marriage, or no marriage.

I for one, demand no more state discrimination based on sexuality. Bigotry has no place in the government.

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:55 pm
by Psyko

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:22 pm
by doc holliday

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:02 pm
by Dubby_CompGamerGeek2
doc holliday wrote:wrong


Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:17 pm
by Jack
doc holliday wrote:wrong

Care to explain or do you prefer espousing mindless dribble?

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:19 pm
by doc holliday
i prefer to not argue with liberals on the internet :shock: specially when I am insulted before I even begin ](*,)
besides I must go to bed soon. My wife is waiting

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:36 pm
by doc holliday
Eärendil wrote:
doc holliday wrote:i prefer to not argue with liberals on the internet :shock: specially when I am insulted before I even begin ](*,)
besides I must go to bed soon. My wife is waiting

Lulz, you don't know Jack at all if you're calling him a liberal.

[-( nope i don't

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:46 pm
by Psyko
doc holliday wrote:i prefer to not argue with liberals on the internet :shock: specially when I am insulted before I even begin ](*,)
besides I must go to bed soon. My wife is waiting

Technically, I'm a centrist and a member of the Independent Party.

Although it does seem anyone who supports equal rights is a liberal. It was liberals who fought to end slavery, liberals who took part in the Civil Rights movement, liberals who supported the women's right to vote, and it is primarily liberals now who fight for the equality of LGBTQ citizens. So for now, I have no problem siding with the liberals on this issue.

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:54 pm
by Drought
apart from some financial advantages, marriage is an illusion anyway
those who need a marriage to validate/confirm/express their love for one another are bound to fail
so manny couples getting divorces nowadays, its a yoke
i believe the divorce rates are even higher nowadays then the couples who are getting married

and wheter or not gay couples should be allowed to marry in churches, well let them priests first lay off their hands from our children and siblings and have the damned pope punish them decently instead of hiding them, then i will listen to religeous people

further then that, I agree with Eärendil, as long as they dont bother me with it, who cares

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:37 am
by Psyko
Duck Dodgers wrote:apart from some financial advantages, marriage is an illusion anyway
those who need a marriage to validate/confirm/express their love for one another are bound to fail
so manny couples getting divorces nowadays, its a yoke
i believe the divorce rates are even higher nowadays then the couples who are getting married

and wheter or not gay couples should be allowed to marry in churches, well let them priests first lay off their hands from our children and siblings and have the damned pope punish them decently instead of hiding them, then i will listen to religeous people

further then that, I agree with Eärendil, as long as they dont bother me with it, who cares

You make it sound like being gay means you don't/can't go to church. This is far from the truth. Many same-sex couples want to be married for the same reasons as hetero couples. That is, they want to vow their lives to one another before their family, friends and God...and have the government recognize their union.

But you're right. Divorce rates are exceedingly high. There are also more fidelity scandals every month with people in positions of power. However, it is my belief that preventing same-sex couples from marrying does nothing but affirm to the world that American views them as second-class citizens unworthy of the same legal rights as we give heterosexuals.

Take God out of it. Person A loves Person B. Person A wishes to be with Person B for the rest of their lives. Person A proposes to Person B. Person B accepts. Both Person A and Person B are informed by their government they can never legally be married, forever preventing them from having the right to file their taxes together, make medical decisions for one another, shared parental and custodial rights for any children, and all of the other rights and responsibilities which come with a legal marriage certificate in the United States. All because Person A and Person B have the same genitalia.

I know so many people who get hung up on this issue because the United States instituted the term "marriage" which was originally derived from The Bible (way to go Christian founders ](*,) ). But those same people balk at the idea of simply changing the legal term from "marriage" to something else so that all couples will have the opportunity to have the same union. As if you are then stripping away their right to be married. This is when I wish to whack them upside the head with the Idiot Stick. That. Is. The. Whole. Point!

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:12 am
by Drought
Psyko wrote:You make it sound like being gay means you don't/can't go to church. This is far from the truth. Many same-sex couples want to be married for the same reasons as hetero couples. That is, they want to vow their lives to one another before their family, friends and God...and have the government recognize their union.

I believe a lot of the issues arose from that very problem, the church hessitates to give in to this.
Though its not everywhere the same.

Psyko wrote:But you're right. Divorce rates are exceedingly high. There are also more fidelity scandals every month with people in positions of power. However, it is my belief that preventing same-sex couples from marrying does nothing but affirm to the world that American views them as second-class citizens unworthy of the same legal rights as we give heterosexuals.

Many many religeous people in America, most of them lead by religion, and from what I know, its still the religion who is not wanting to accept something that is not written down in the bible.
I think in their eyes the marriage constitution directly derrived from the bible, is being defiled.

Psyko wrote:Take God out of it. Person A loves Person B. Person A wishes to be with Person B for the rest of their lives. Person A proposes to Person B. Person B accepts. Both Person A and Person B are informed by their government they can never legally be married, forever preventing them from having the right to file their taxes together, make medical decisions for one another, shared parental and custodial rights for any children, and all of the other rights and responsibilities which come with a legal marriage certificate in the United States. All because Person A and Person B have the same genitalia.

I agree with a lot, but on some cases I have my doubts too ... like the whole adoption thing, where a gay couple, be it men or women, want to raise an adopted kid.
From the get go, the kid's perspective of life is malformed.
I am kind of old fashioned and believe a mother and a father each contribute in their own way to the child. With gay couples this balance is disrupted.

Psyko wrote:I know so many people who get hung up on this issue because the United States instituted the term "marriage" which was originally derived from The Bible (way to go Christian founders ](*,) ). But those same people balk at the idea of simply changing the legal term from "marriage" to something else so that all couples will have the opportunity to have the same union. As if you are then stripping away their right to be married. This is when I wish to whack them upside the head with the Idiot Stick. That. Is. The. Whole. Point!


Thats religion for ya.
Annoying realy, as marriage and its concept predates christianity.

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:21 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Being Gay is a disease, in some cases it's a disease of the mind (mental problem, need to seek counselling) and in some cases it's a disease of the body (chemical imbalance messing with the mind). in both cases the patient needs help, not marriage, and defo not a same sex partner.

You guys should know me well enough that I HATE ANY intrusion into the life of a private citizen by the state so long as said citizen has done no wrong but in this case...the state should kill them all such is my hate and contempt for these sick people...of course, the trouble with the state taking care of this problem is that the state are nearly all homo's themselves....

Conundrum or irony?! anyways, they should all seek immediate help or be put to death...PERIOD!

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:42 am
by Psyko
Duck Dodgers wrote:
Psyko wrote:Take God out of it. Person A loves Person B. Person A wishes to be with Person B for the rest of their lives. Person A proposes to Person B. Person B accepts. Both Person A and Person B are informed by their government they can never legally be married, forever preventing them from having the right to file their taxes together, make medical decisions for one another, shared parental and custodial rights for any children, and all of the other rights and responsibilities which come with a legal marriage certificate in the United States. All because Person A and Person B have the same genitalia.

I agree with a lot, but on some cases I have my doubts too ... like the whole adoption thing, where a gay couple, be it men or women, want to raise an adopted kid.
From the get go, the kid's perspective of life is malformed.
I am kind of old fashioned and believe a mother and a father each contribute in their own way to the child. With gay couples this balance is disrupted.

That is one view point I can understand. There are some things children can say to one parent that they cannot discuss with the other. But that is not to say they cannot still have a healthy childhood. Many different couples are unable/unsuitable to adopt children, and if an agency feels a same-sex couple is not the place for a child, that is one thing. Bringing a third party into a relationship, particularly a child, raises a lot of questions.

[KMA]Avenger wrote:Being Gay is a disease, in some cases it's a disease of the mind (mental problem, need to seek counselling) and in some cases it's a disease of the body (chemical imbalance messing with the mind). in both cases the patient needs help, not marriage, and defo not a same sex partner.

You guys should know me well enough that I HATE ANY intrusion into the life of a private citizen by the state so long as said citizen has done no wrong but in this case...the state should kill them all such is my hate and contempt for these sick people...of course, the trouble with the state taking care of this problem is that the state are nearly all homo's themselves....

Conundrum or irony?! anyways, they should all seek immediate help or be put to death...PERIOD!
Wow. That is such a drastic opinion that I almost took it as sarcasm.

I can't recall ever hearing of any diseases which required the execution of those afflicted. There are countless cases that treatment, such as mental conditioning, counseling, and some other very drastic "help" for sexual orientation did nothing to actually "cure" the person's "ailment".

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:13 am
by Drought
Damn KMA, thats one hefty opinion you got there

I'll be honest here and tell you you sound like a closet case :P yoke yoke

Funny thing:
Last few months a couple of discussions arose on political level for the very issue KMA nearly bursted there
Homosexuality being a disease or not and the medical costs in the treatments, wheter or not it is an actuall ailment, and wheter or not your insured. I believe they still are not down to a final word on that one, but it fuels some hefty discussions

during a certain interview a known TV figure asked the interviewer "Who says that jesus and his apostles weren't a group of gay guys too"
There are certain scriptures in the bible, depicting Jesus and his group going to a certain place, where they get followed by a younger man who eventually walks around naked
there are a few more passages relating to similair situations

My opinion:
love and being in love is a way 1 stream, anyone is able to love someone or something, people just rationlise it differently, no matter what the casue

Re: Marriage

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:53 am
by Jack
I am disappointed in you, G, advocating genocide. Tsk tsk.