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Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:12 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
March 22, 2012

Madrid’s high-class escorts have found a way to regulate the Spanish banking sector. The ladies want to have their say in the economy by withholding sexual pleasures from bank employees.

The largest trade association for luxury escorts in the Spanish capital has gone on a general and indefinite strike on sexual services for bankers until they go back to providing credits to Spanish families, small- and medium-size enterprises and companies.

It all started with one of the ladies who forced one of her clients to grant a line credit and a loan simply by halting her sexual services until he “fulfills his responsibility to society.”

The trade association’s spokeswoman praised their success by stressing the government and the Bank of Spain have previously failed to adjust the credit flow.

“We are the only ones with a real ability to pressure the sector,” she stated. “We have been on strike for three days now and we don’t think they can withstand much more.”

She has revealed that bankers have made some pitiful attempts to use their services by pretending to be engineers or architects.

“But they don’t fool anyone since it has been many years since these professionals could afford rates that start from 300 euro an hour,” she continued.

The bankers reportedly became so desperate that they even decided to call in the government for mediation.

The Mexican website, which initially published the story, cites the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness as admitting that the lack of legislation regulating the escort sector makes it very difficult for the government to intercede in the conflict.

“In fact, there has not even been a formal communication of the strike — the escorts are making use of their right of admission or denying entry to…well, you know. So no one can negotiate,” he was quoted as saying. ... e-sex-war/

:smt081 :smt089 :smt081

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:22 am
by Noobert
I laughed so hard reading the first line of that and then stopped. xD

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:41 am
by Legendary Apophis
Lol that's funny, don't know if it will be successful though.

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:37 am
Is prostitution legal in Spain or are these women making a public confession leaving them open to prosecution ???

Very amusing, though really just sensationalist nonsense, Im sure 'Bankers' who use these services would simply import new ladies before changing policy, and regardless of any strike 'supply & demand' rules, if someone wants this service and is willing to pay, someone else will step in to provide the service.

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:40 am
by [KMA]Avenger
That's not really the point mate. we all know that the bankers have the funds and means to import (or travel to a nearby country to get what they want) women if it comes to it. but ultimately, when you have the prostitutes saying no to money from the bankers, well that tells you all you need to know about the people in control of the money supply....that's like a banker saying no to bailout money lol

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:45 am
by deni
I did not realize that you have to declare your occupation when using the services of professional ladies.


Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:55 am
by [KMA]Avenger
When you have to pay 300euros per hour, i'ts obvious only the wealthy and the bankers that can afford it...i seriously doubt a road sweeper can afford those kinds of rates.

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 2:14 am
by Legendary Apophis
Your obsession with "bankers" reminds me about some parties in France who also happen to have a particular distaste about bankers and capitalists (blame them all as they are all corrupt), the New Anticapitalist Party (far left), the Workers' Fight (far left) and the Left Front (coalition of left-wing parties among which Communist Party, located at the left side of the Socialist Party on political spectrum) but also the National Front (mainstream far right party).


You can deny, but I'm informed enough about political parties in France to know these themes you often bring in the table are usually found within the far left and far right parties. Interpretation(s) from this observation are yours, not mine.

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:31 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Legendary Apophis wrote:Your obsession with "bankers" reminds me about some parties in France who also happen to have a particular distaste about bankers and capitalists (blame them all as they are all corrupt), the New Anticapitalist Party (far left), the Workers' Fight (far left) and the Left Front (coalition of left-wing parties among which Communist Party, located at the left side of the Socialist Party on political spectrum) but also the National Front (mainstream far right party).


You can deny, but I'm informed enough about political parties in France to know these themes you often bring in the table are usually found within the far left and far right parties. Interpretation(s) from this observation are yours, not mine.

You really confuse Jim, and i am not just saying that, you really do :? :shock: have you been sleeping since 08?? :?

If somebody is corrupt, i mean absolutely corrupt, corrupt to the point they don't care what damage they cause and i point it out what does that have to do with extreme political views? :smt017

All i do is point out just how corrupt the banking system has become since deregulation started under Clinton with the removal of Glass Steagall in the US and then spread through the whole world. this isn't something that was unknown or was not foreseen. when Glass Steagall and the rest of the global banking regulations where removed top economists warned in the mid 90's this would happen. because it happened before. you say you are a student of history, you should know why Glass Steagall was put in place, and what happened in the late 20's right through to the early 40's.

I've told you in the past, in the present TOTALLY corrupt political climate i am a political atheist, i don't support either the left, the right or the middle. you can choose to accept what i tell you is the truth or not, but please stop trying to put me in 1 group or another. if i have proved anything over the past 6 years is that i think for myself (even if i end up in a group all by myself and puts me against the entire worlds population) and don't give a damn for herd mentality.

Ever seen the film Midnight Express? there's 1 part of the film where people are walking round a pillar and the guy the film is about decides to walk the otherway, all the time everybody else is grabbing at the guy trying to force him to walk round the pillar the same way round as them...i am that 1 guy who dares to go against the grain so to speak. do i think i am alone no, there are many others throughout history who have been that way inclined. IE those who went against the established view and proclaimed the world to be a sphere who were persecuted by the authorities and the church and proclaimed insane and killed for that belief. i stand with those people.

I hope i have made myself clear and you stop trying to class me as an extremist, 1 way or the other.

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:34 am
What next.... will drug dealing refuse to sell cocaine to Wall Street ?? :smt043

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:42 am
by Juliette
MEZZANINE wrote:Is prostitution legal in Spain or are these women making a public confession leaving them open to prosecution ???
In Spain, prostitution exists in a legal vacuum. Sex workers are not penalized, instead the pimps are the ones who are punished. With 90% of prostitutes in Spain said to be illegal immigrants, brought into Spain through illegal human trafficking, the circumstances of many prostitutes leave them in legal limbo.

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:47 am
by [KMA]Avenger
MEZZANINE wrote:What next.... will drug dealing refuse to sell cocaine to Wall Street ?? :smt043

Maybe charities will refuse to accept donations...maybe what Bill Murray said in Ghostbusters...Dr. Peter Venkman: "Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!"

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:48 am
by Juliette
deni wrote:I did not realize that you have to declare your occupation when using the services of professional ladies.

No, this is about bankers who pick up prostitutes saying "OMG I'm a banker, I rule". :P

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:02 am
by [KMA]Avenger
T-X wrote:
deni wrote:I did not realize that you have to declare your occupation when using the services of professional ladies.

No, this is about bankers who pick up prostitutes saying "OMG I'm a banker, I rule". :P

Their ego and hubris is after all, nearly without equal.

Re: Spanish escorts withhold "services" to bankers....ROFL!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:19 am
T-X wrote:
MEZZANINE wrote:Is prostitution legal in Spain or are these women making a public confession leaving them open to prosecution ???
In Spain, prostitution exists in a legal vacuum. Sex workers are not penalized, instead the pimps are the ones who are punished. With 90% of prostitutes in Spain said to be illegal immigrants, brought into Spain through illegal human trafficking, the circumstances of many prostitutes leave them in legal limbo.

I dont see the Limbo, if it's illegal you arrest them, charge them and deport them

But TBH the article seems directed at 'high end' prossies who call themselves escorts, surely such people earning 300 Euros an hour would have to be EU natives for regular medical testing ( no one would pay those prices for the risk for catching something nasty ), be renting/owning nice property etc. I would assume the illegal immigrant kind would be street walkers at the lower end, exploited and often addicts, a problem most countries have and certainly not the type to strike.

deni wrote:I did not realize that you have to declare your occupation when using the services of professional ladies.


lol maybe there's a form to fill in like when you give blood

Have you had unprotected sex in the last 6 months, have you been abroad to various dirty countries in the last 6 months, have you used needles etc etc.... ARE YOU A BANKER ? YES !!! hell no, not taking any fluids from someone that dirty :smt043