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Reporting a bug/guidelines

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:54 pm
by Sol
Keep forgetting to write some new ones up so I'll do it now before i forget again.

1. When making a bug report (or posting a bug in the relevant thread) try using the following template:

(more than likely you will need to post your ID/username or message me with it and a link to the thread)
- The URL of where the bug was seen to occur.
- What time it roughly occurred, if you think it's relevant to mention it was directly before or after a turn change then you should do so.
- Brief description of what happened, what should have happened or what shouldn't have happened, and IDs of the involved accounts, numbers/stats can be included.
- Any relevant information that you think is NECESSARY.
- Any screenshots you provide must include their URL, or complete information regarding time, action and entities involved.

Providing that will allow it to be solved faster as about 99% of the time no further information will be required.

2. Bug threads don't need to be commentated, or given live updates unless requested by a mod, or greater in the hierarchy.

3. 1-2 people can confirm the bugs existence, anymore is not needed.

4. Keep things short, concise, and leave the threads uncluttered so they can be traversed easier. Especially with collective bug threads as multiple reports will be filed within a single thread.

5. 1 report is enough for each bug, if it goes unanswered/unsolved within a few days it can be bumped.

Re: Reporting a bug/guidelines

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:30 am
by Support
Considering the rise in vague or incomplete bug reports, I feel compelled to remind you all of this prescriptive thread.
Bug reports that do not contain the required information will not be processed swiftly.