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Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:57 am
by Psyko
I'm not sure if this is the method of sex education is used in other countries (I'd be more than willing to hear about it, though), but in America Abstinence Education has taken over.

The latest step made to expand on Abstinence has just been made by Tennessee (Sorry, Ear): ... g-schools# Holding hands has been labeled as a "gateway sexual activity" as if it is some kind of gateway drug like marijuana. Anyone caught holding hands in front of school-aged children and teens could face criminal charges or fines, that includes teachers demonstrating the act of hand-holding.

So what is your view on Abstinence Education, and/or how do you feel about this latest law?

Personally, I've always disagreed with teaching Abstinence Only, but I'll put my rant about that in after some other people give their opinions.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:09 am
by Juliette
Sickening and utterly unnatural is what it is.

The whole 'abstinence education' goes against the whole concept of 'freedom' and proper child development. No wonder American children are so **Filtered** up about sex. Makes me want to kill the morons who come up with this kind of child abuse, because yes, that is exactly what it is, child abuse. If you willingly sacrifice a child's proper development in favour of some whackjob mentality that 'sex' is 'dirty' and talking about it a goddamned sin.. bah.

Children are going to come in contact with sex. Period. Best inform them of the consequences when they ask questions instead of setting a specific age.

The concept of 'gateway sexual behaviour' is absolutely moronic and anyone defending it deserves a meeting with a drunken town's watchman.

(In case it did not come across properly; yes, it does go too far. It should not exist at all. Whackjob educators.)

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:25 am
by Legendary Apophis
Psyko wrote:
The latest step made to expand on Abstinence has just been made by Tennessee (Sorry, Ear): ... g-schools# Holding hands has been labeled as a "gateway sexual activity" as if it is some kind of gateway drug like marijuana. Anyone caught holding hands in front of school-aged children and teens could face criminal charges or fines, that includes teachers demonstrating the act of hand-holding.

That is a step too far, seriously, it's just going to mirror ultraconservative-religiously Iran lol

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:31 am
by Angnoch
Teaching abstinence only is a ridiculous idea, although the thought behind telling kids to wait is a great thing especially since teen pregnancy is at an all time high in the states. I believe that it is an outdated concept something that with the media throwing sex around because lets face it, a pretty face and nice body sells more and gets better ratings, and our culture has become far to superficial. The idea that teenagers whose hormones rule their every action will be curbed by fear and declarations of abstinence is naive and lazy minded you need to properly educate kids of the consequences of sex, not just tell them don't do it, it is bad.

As for telling people they cannot hold hands, what kind of bull is that, holding hands is a symbol of friendship I point to the famous Beatles Song there is nothing inherently sexual about holding hands, it shows a unity of two people beyond mild affection, it is a sign that you deeply care for the person, regardless of sex or gender or any other misconstrued intents. In other ways though holding hands is intrinsic to children in terms of relationships with significant others because holding hands is seen by many to be a milestone that you reach with your boyfriend girlfriend *when you are younger* I know I got a thrill the first time I held someones hand it was exciting and made me feel appreciated something that is necessary for positive reinforcement.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:33 am
by Juliette
Legendary Apophis wrote:That is a step too far, seriously, it's just going to mirror ultraconservative-religiously Iran lol
Iran is not ultra-conservative and religious. That is what the media in recent years might have been using as 'the image of Iran', but Iran is a pretty modern (albeit Islamic) nation.
No. It is going to mirror the Amish. And while being Amish is fine for the Amish, forcing it upon others is insane and an extremist violation of child liberty.

Agnes said it well. ;)

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:36 am
by Legendary Apophis
Cersei Lannister wrote:
Legendary Apophis wrote:That is a step too far, seriously, it's just going to mirror ultraconservative-religiously Iran lol
Iran is not ultra-conservative and religious. That is what the media in recent years might have been using as 'the image of Iran', but Iran is a pretty modern (albeit Islamic) nation.

Well, the inhabitants are likely 'modern' in Iran (they -young generation- always try to get away from the very strict limits), but the state isn't. That's what I meant here, rules being much strict due to religious principles, involving a behaving police or whatever it's called in English. Which would be required in the USA as well if they wanted to apply such strict rules regarding everyday behaving between couples.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:53 am
by Juliette
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Cersei Lannister wrote:
Legendary Apophis wrote:That is a step too far, seriously, it's just going to mirror ultraconservative-religiously Iran lol
Iran is not ultra-conservative and religious. That is what the media in recent years might have been using as 'the image of Iran', but Iran is a pretty modern (albeit Islamic) nation.

Well, the inhabitants are likely 'modern' in Iran (they -young generation- always try to get away from the very strict limits), but the state isn't. That's what I meant here, rules being much strict due to religious principles, involving a behaving police or whatever it's called in English. Which would be required in the USA as well if they wanted to apply such strict rules regarding everyday behaving between couples.
Nonsense. You obviously never have been to Iran and believe the media hyping of that absolutely ridiculous idea. Additionally, no behaviour police is required when your own population is so messed up in their noggins that they would enforce the grand idiocy of its elected officials (read: the trash that pretends to 'know best' how to educate children on 'appropriate behaviour' while screwing around with cheap hookers).

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:01 pm
by Angnoch
Iran is not as fundamental as people seem to believe, it is in fact a rapidly westernizing country, although not in every facet of its existence it is still an Islamic state and has all the trappings of a state steeped in any religion, but the people are allowed more liberties than most would expect or even believe. It is vilified in the media because sensational and incredible stories sell...see my above post ratings mean everything so distortion of basic facts is given the green light by most large media outlets

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:08 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Cersei Lannister wrote: Additionally, no behaviour police is required when your own population is so messed up in their noggins that they would enforce the grand idiocy of its elected officials (read: the trash that pretends to 'know best' how to educate children on 'appropriate behaviour' while screwing around with cheap hookers).

Isn't it as caricatural as my post was accused to be? :-k

Angnoch wrote:Iran is not as fundamental as people seem to believe, it is in fact a rapidly westernizing country, although not in every facet of its existence it is still an Islamic state and has all the trappings of a state steeped in any religion, but the people are allowed more liberties than most would expect or even believe. It is vilified in the media because sensational and incredible stories sell...see my above post ratings mean everything so distortion of basic facts is given the green light by most large media outlets

They are under Sharia law, that does give an overall idea already about what's put in front of the people (even though it's not as bad as...Sudan), regardless if they abide by said laws or want to disobey.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:09 pm
by Juliette
Legendary Apophis wrote:
Cersei Lannister wrote: Additionally, no behaviour police is required when your own population is so messed up in their noggins that they would enforce the grand idiocy of its elected officials (read: the trash that pretends to 'know best' how to educate children on 'appropriate behaviour' while screwing around with cheap hookers).
Isn't it as caricatural as my post was accused to be? :-k
Or is it. Go talk with Agnes, he is good at handling flippancy.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:16 pm
by Angnoch
It is a caricature but it does not make her statement any less accurate...sadly that is one caricature that has held true throughout time all people who profess to have peoples best interests at heart have been proven time and again to be liars, cheats, and absolute frauds it is one of the reasons there is a complete lack of trust in most governments, it is sad since not all people in power fall under the generalization and are genuinely trying to do some good in the world but they are to few and far between. The sheep are happy to follow their shepherd even if it leads to slaughter, they won't even know until it is to late as the herd has no need to look since they believe that the people in charge are out to protect them from the evils of the world. I wish it were true, but one cannot blindly follow sometimes the best thing a person can do is question, even if you do nothing else.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:23 pm
by Psyko
So instead of discussing the modernity of Iran or comparing Tennessee to the Islamic country, when discussing other countries' policies I would rather hear about their sex education programs/systems.

You've all mentioned abstinence only education does not educate kids/teens on the consequences of sex. To expand on that, it also prevents the education of how to be safe when finally making the decision to have sex. Do condoms prevent all forms of STIs (STDs)? How reliable are birth control pills? Is there a "safe zone" where protection is not necessary because of what time of the month it is for the girl?

My cousin was 2 yrs behind me in school, and in that time our school switched to abstinence education. She didn't know the right answers to any of those questions. She ended up with three STDs on two different occasions (thankfully all cureable) and an unwanted pregnancy. Abstinence education didn't stop her from having sex, but it did keep her from the knowledge to help protect herself from disease and pregnancy.

This hand-holding **Filtered** is ridiculous and, like Juliette said, moronic! I'm all for people being religious and having faith, but when that same faith causes laws which only harm our youth and country I have REALLY BIG **Filtered** PROBLEMS WITH IT!! Stop forcing your religious ideals and opinions on the rest of the country/world! I'm **Filtered** sick of it!

/mini rant

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:31 pm
by jedi~tank
Abstinence education goes too far yes. However I do believe abstinence is a very good thing...unfortunately what we have in cases such as this is the government institutions stepping in and parenting our kids due to the incredibly large numbers of parentless or 1 parent kids. I hate to throw a negative twist on it BUT, this **Filtered** is nose diving into the ground rapidly.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:43 pm
by Juliette
Jedi~Tank wrote:Abstinence education goes too far yes. However I do believe abstinence is a very good thing...unfortunately what we have in cases such as this is the government institutions stepping in and parenting our kids due to the incredibly large numbers of parentless or 1 parent kids. I hate to throw a negative twist on it BUT, this **Filtered** is nose diving into the ground rapidly.
We were pretty negative about society already, JT.
As for abstinence itself, it does have its pros and cons. I do not oppose explaining it to kids.. but forcing them to abstain is as abhorrent as forcing them to have sex. Best you can do is teach them and give them the possibility of an educated guess.

Re: Does Abstinence Education Go Too Far?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:46 pm
by jedi~tank
Cersei Lannister wrote:
Jedi~Tank wrote:Abstinence education goes too far yes. However I do believe abstinence is a very good thing...unfortunately what we have in cases such as this is the government institutions stepping in and parenting our kids due to the incredibly large numbers of parentless or 1 parent kids. I hate to throw a negative twist on it BUT, this **Filtered** is nose diving into the ground rapidly.
We were pretty negative about society already, JT.
As for abstinence itself, it does have its pros and cons. I do not oppose explaining it to kids.. but forcing them to abstain is as abhorrent as forcing them to have sex. Best you can do is teach them and give them the possibility of an educated guess.
