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For noobs and people who know how to help noobs

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:17 am
by Sol
This can go for people who have wrote 'targets' for their newly ascended alliance members/friends etc, to aim for.
Basically I'm looking for a set of targets a newly ascended player should be aiming for as they grow, you may have followed a path already to get where you are, or you may be taking one now, I require your knowledge.
So what I'm looking for is something like:
- train a bit of attack, and train some income planets.
- farm your face off and buying lvl 10 charisma and 10k fleets
- buy level 10 attack physical...


Up until the account has around 800 physicals and 600 personals and 200-1 bill CER (whatever your plan of epically fast growth is).
Yes this is for an upcoming update (that has very little relation to a user guide) :razz:

Re: For noobs and people who know how to help noobs

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 3:45 am
by Juliette
I advise my ascenders to build 150k raw UP for their first ascension.
19T is not that hard to farm, and where necessary, they receive a boost (hardly ever necessary, and having needed a total of 20T in booster naq gets them out of the program).

Ascending with 150k raw UP, they get around 7 million APP. I recommend them to upgrade all their personals (APL/ASL/DPL/DSL/ERL/EFL/ECL/CHAR) and MNEC to 600, and their physicals to 900.

Then hit a few of the lower ranked players within their means (at first, under 100 planets total), for amounts that are .. silly. 100k, occasionally. There is of course the rare exception, a few billion taken from such small accounts, but they are 'ultra rare'. Any DMU stolen is to be invested in fleets.
When you have either expended all your ATs or have reached a nice few mil+ CER (rather quickly with the earlier decent CHAR investment), log off and wait a few days until your ATs are back at 4k. Rinse and repeat, attack players within the 5x range from your planet size, first check for averages, then hit those above it. Invest in CER, and when you reach your first billion planets, start focusing on the rest.

Re: For noobs and people who know how to help noobs

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:45 am
by jedi~tank
Personals to 800
Physicals to 1200

Mark as many 0 or very low defenses as possible and hit 250 or higher.

Keep all killables tucked away unless needed for a mission or are online to defend.

Re: For noobs and people who know how to help noobs

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:51 pm
by Sol
how about i add the clause... i need it to be broken down into 3+ parts :razz:
e.g (i'm thinking something like)
-increase CER to 10k
-increase attack and covert physicals to 50

-increase CER to 100k
-increase attack and covert physicals to 200

-increase cer to 1 mill
-increase attack and covert physicals to 300
increase defence personals and mnec to 200

increase CER to 10 mill
-increase attack and covert physicals to 500
increase defence personals and mnec to 400

cer to 100 mill
all physicals to 600
all personals to 500

cer to 500 mill
physicals to 1000
personals to 700

Basically, supreme planetary growth at the beginning and then defensive position for the personal being, and level out everything in the end.

Re: For noobs and people who know how to help noobs

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 3:58 am
by SSG EnterTheLion
We have a properly calculated 'stat' guide somewhere around..I'll try and find it. But offhand I would ask the various alliance ascended Directors for their views.