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Bring back raiding?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 4:46 pm
by Sol
So should raiding be brought back with it being looked over and 'fixed', to help noobies get up to scratch?
By 'fixing' the following things will, at the very least, be incurred:

- It will be available for people with a planet count proportional to the average CER, i.e average may be 600 mill, cap may be 1.6-1.7 of that (in regards to the planet count of the user).

- It will slowly decrease in how many planets can be raided as the planet count of the user increases.

- 1/5th, 5x rule will still be in play, people will not be able to 'raid back' if they are over the threshold.

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:06 pm
by GhostyGoo
As i've said, i'm not very good with mechanics so i won't attempt to crunch percents. I'll take a cookie while i'm here though.

In my opinion the raid function being removed was a slight knee jerking motion required to stop accounts being totally trashed by the right amount of teamwork. I suffered very badly as a consequence of unworship/raid/rinse/repeat and i was so upset about it that it caused, roughly, a 4 year hiatus and, to be honest, there are 2 people i thought were gate wars friends that i still wouldn't speak to if i met yeah, pretty serious stuff.

The type of raid function which is being discussed here is totally different and, as long as the function to cause de-worhsipping of a realm is not re-introduced, it should be christmas in heaven.

The Ghost from Goo Monte, he say YES!

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:24 pm
by Sol
probably should say as well, before you choose 'no' you can suggest another clause for the re-introduction of the raiding function.

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:04 pm
by Lore
No with no reintroduction at all.

With endlessly large amounts of DMU out there why not let them build their account?

I strongly disapprove of anything that allows 1 to attack another in a way that they can not be attacked back, nor the defender be able to recover from.

The ONLY way I would allow raiding is a set time frame such as first 30 days, after that raiding is done. It should only be inactives as well. Would be totally wrong for a top account to get massed and then raided. You now it will be abused and small ascended accounts will be coming from no where, and be created just for that pourpose.

Still do not see what is wrong with letting them actually build their account, why must they be spoon feed everything at the expense of another older or active account?

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:30 am
by Sol
Lore wrote:No with no reintroduction at all.

With endlessly large amounts of DMU out there why not let them build their account?

I strongly disapprove of anything that allows 1 to attack another in a way that they can not be attacked back, nor the defender be able to recover from.

The ONLY way I would allow raiding is a set time frame such as first 30 days, after that raiding is done. It should only be inactives as well. Would be totally wrong for a top account to get massed and then raided. You now it will be abused and small ascended accounts will be coming from no where, and be created just for that pourpose.

Still do not see what is wrong with letting them actually build their account, why must they be spoon feed everything at the expense of another older or active account?

If someone leaves out 10 odd bill planets as untrained then they should expect some crap to go down. You don't see that happen on main, it's why there is always stats, income, or units to gain from an account.

There is a difference between spoon feeding and actually letting them grow due to the lack of farms available.

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:48 am
by Gohan
This has potential to be a good plan, providing the strong don't get stroner. I like the idea of cutting it off at only those below 20% of the average CER can do it. But, I'd think more about maybe making it after x-total planet size you can no longer raid. Like the raid cap on main. Set it at, say, 6b planets? Got to be careful how many planets are going to get stripped. There aren't that many amazing farms, and they're going to get stripped within 12hrs of the raid being released. 6b is a good size and it means the recently ascended will be able to get to a good size in a very short period of time, also means some more war focused people can recover their losses faster, but ofc, since turn generation is slow, that should keep a nice level.

I'm sleepy, so sorry if non of that made any sense...

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:08 am
by Neimenljivi
Sol - might I suggest copying the whole idea in your opening post so people see it's not nearly the same as raiding was all those years ago?

To sum up - the raiding was only as problematical as it was because people were able to untrain income planets on another account (I don't remember what the "attack" was called like, but those of you that remember raiding know what I'm talking about). This option would no longer exist. That way the only planets that would be raid-able would be the untrained planets. Furthermore one couldn't just raid whoever, but could only raid people within their army size limit. For instance - 4b planets big account could raid anyone from 0 to 8b planets count, 15b planet count accounts anyone from 12,5b to 17,5b planets count and so on - the limits get smaller and smaller as planet counts gets bigger - that way the biggest accounts won't be able to just jump the gun and raid everyone in the game, but the newest accounts will have a chance to diminish the gap between the oldest and newest accounts which is, although a result of hard work, too big and it'd take many years to catch them - I'm not saying it should be easy but who wants to play a game where the only chance to catch the biggest or be close to them is to wait god knows how many years with a CER a lot bigger than their CERs?
There are also some suggestions which would not actually harm the farms by raiding them so much - check out this thread: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=192009


Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:30 am
by Mathlord
If you bring back raiding, remove initiate revolution.

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:47 am
by Lore
So once again you are actively choosing to target specifically casual players. Those who do not have time, or desire to play daily or multiple times per day. You now want to force them to change their play style and account set up. One of the problems in main now is any non $$ spender can not compete, and it is getting so that no casual player can compete. Now you are doing the same to ascended. Giving the most active more and more bonuses while refusing to give casual players an opportunity to compete. Now with this it will pretty much make ascended just like main. Either be hyper active, or be a farm for the hyper active. That's the only options that will be left.

Again I ask WHY is it necessary for an account to be as big as an older account? ANY account in the game can mass/DM/Attack even the biggest accounts with no problems IF they actually built their account. An account can be 0ed no matter its size even before being phased so again someone please explain WHY it is necessary for a new account to be the same size as an old account?

This update will force people to be farms if they do not want to be raided. If you want to "attempt" to not be a farm then you must build stats. If you piss someone off all those stats and planets are removed from your account with there being nothing you can do to stop it. This removes the lone wolfs ability to survive. You will see the same that was seen before. The larger alliances in ascended will reap the benefit of strength in numbers and teamwork. Any who oppose these numbers will get destroyed and farmed, if you try to stop being farmed you get raided. It will go back to the old ways yet again. "You raid me or my alliance and we sit on you raiding the planets back or keeping your stats 0ed for us to farm you, If we raid you, you accept it as part of the game."

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:48 am
by Neimenljivi
I fail to see how that would help the 24/7 online players mate. Of course one has to spend some time to raid the units, but one also has to spend the same amount of time to farm the DMU and spend it on increasing CER AND wait a lot of days to get the same amount of units one could get while raiding. More and more you raid, less and less targets you have that are in your planets range to be raided. So it won't really help those any more than it'll help the casual players like myself and you. At least I don't see how anyway.

Big accounts won't be able to extort you really as they won't be able to raid those that could be extorted. Yes units will have to be trained, but then again what good do they do anyone if they're untrained? If you don't have any units trained, not even stat units, then you're essentially a farm anyway so this will just increase amount of DMU available which is, thanks to Sol being in charge of ascended and making updates to increase activity, getting smaller and smaller. So I don't see the problem here. Furthermore if one does have big enough stats not to be farmed, one usually doesn't have enough units to even be farm-able so it won't really affect those either. Those in-between - well what good does having a bunch of untrained planets do for them?

Not as big as an older account, but I doubt anyone would actually like to play the game knowing it'd take years of hard work before they could even be close to being as big as the highest people. Especially those that are brand new to ascended. Of course raiding has to be made a lot tougher than it used to be, so all that hard work of certain few won't be put to nothing, but there has to be at least a remote chance of people being able to catch up. Those who are semi-active can't catch up with the biggest accounts anyway, and they'll still be able to compete with the same accounts as before as those who are hyper active have already surpassed the semi-active.
Unfortunately even with being prepared to take substantial losses it isn't as easy to take out a 30b hugely built up player as you make it look mate :/

Anyway I think it'll help the newest accounts the most as they'll have the most targets. Would I like everyone to undergo the same trouble as most of us went through with ascending while losing MSs, APPs giving next to no LFs, building accounts the hard way? Yes, but then again accounts now are so much superior to how accounts were back then that it'd be 10x as hard and it's a lot harder to build an account now, on ascended, to an average level, than it used to be so they've got to be given some advantage we weren't back then.


Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:42 pm
by Sol
Mathlord wrote:If you bring back raiding, remove initiate revolution.

When was the last time you logged into ascended?

Lore i moved our posts that way -> viewtopic.php?f=30&t=192009

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 5:07 pm
by Gohan
Neim wrote:Not as big as an older account, but I doubt anyone would actually like to play the game knowing it'd take years of hard work before they could even be close to being as big as the highest people. Especially those that are brand new to ascended. Of course raiding has to be made a lot tougher than it used to be, so all that hard work of certain few won't be put to nothing, but there has to be at least a remote chance of people being able to catch up.

Why should they be allowed to catch up? You say there's players on Asc who farm heavily, play it every single day and have worked for years to get their accounts in an amazing shape. Why should all that work be gone, and the others allowed to catch up? I agree the gap has to be shortened, but not to that high a degree. That's like saying 'Some guys on main just got level 40 coverts... i guess we should give everyone else level 38's, just so they can compete.' Hell no, you get a good account through one thing on Asc, hard work. I don't want no one to catch up to the larger players based on the sole fact that they're larger. They're larger for a reason, 'cause they worked at it! 'cause they deserve to be!

Raid should be introduced, but it should be introduced with a nasty twist. No, at 00:00 raid is introduced, if you're online, well done you get them, if you're not, unlucky. Nah, i think everyone's spare planets should be trained into Labour planets. It will increase the overall DMU production in the game, but every farm will step up as one, in set %'s. The over all rate of DMU farming will jump up and it should level out over a day or two, with no one gaining a super-massive advantage. Then, as peoples CER's start to pump planets back into the accounts, raid targets are made. It would create a leveled equlibrium for all players and non would gain a massive advantage. Also, as i said in my other post, i don't belive anyone over 6b planets should be allowed to raid. Use 6b planets right and you can do a lot of damage, lets not get greedy.

Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 9:50 pm
by Neimenljivi
SC - Have you read the whole suggestion? Because if you had you would have noticed that the suggestion also included training untrained planets of inactives each day.
And I believe I did say that the raiding has to be made more difficult so it's not exactly a walk in a park to raid 20b planets, for instance. Of course hard work is going to have to be needed in order to close down the gap, but there has to be a way to close it down. And I hardly think enabling raiding again, under different rules which makes it A LOT harder than it was, equals to new accounts being given a covert level 38 on main.


Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:04 pm
by [BoT] Jason
So then I can build a 2 bil CER and be the savior to all noobs?


Re: Bring back raiding?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:55 pm
by ramen07
Sol wrote:So should raiding be brought back with it being looked over and 'fixed', to help noobies get up to scratch?
By 'fixing' the following things will, at the very least, be incurred:

- It will be available for people with a proportionally lower (e.g say 20%) of the average CER, and also based on a set average of powerups (so people dont purposefully keep a low CER).

- It will slowly decrease in how many planets can be raided as the planet count of the user increases.

- 1/5th, 5x rule will still be in play, people will not be able to 'raid back' if they are over the threshold.

Meh...there's a LOT of unallocated planets out there. Everyone and their mother would be able to get to the same level, no matter the cap