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Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:19 am
by Sol
So any ideas for different tournament styles?
So far ideas for rounds are:

- Deathmatch (obvious as to how its run)

- team deathmatch (people choose a partner, similar to above, certain twists are involved)

- Infected (x amount of people are 'infected' at the start of the tournament, infected can attack non infected but NOT other infected. When the non infected get massed BY infected such that they would be otherwise slaughtered, they are turned into infected.
Non infected can attack both sides, however infected are 'disabled' for a certain amount of time, and then replenished, when a non infected destroys another non infected such that they would otherwise be slaughtered normally, nothing happens, only infected can infect. Last non infected alive wins. All players get the cure in the end.)

- King of the hill (players have to do a certain something to gain points, think of GnR on main, one round might be; 5 points per turn at rank 1, 3 points for rank 2, 1 point for rank 3 etc. most points at the end wins, a time limit will be imposed, planets will probably be gained.)

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:09 am
by Neimenljivi
Fortress style - 2 teams - one with "fortified" positions which mean a lot bigger bonuses, especially defence and assassin ones, but have less players, while the other team, the attacking team has no bonuses whatsoever, but have more members.
The attackers win if they manage to down all defences in a pre-decided time frame (eg 24 hours), the defenders win if they manage to hold off the attackers.
Twist being that the defenders, among with their bonuses that could like double their defence or something like that, have the ability to repair a portion of their team mate's defences. The defenders can still attack and DM the attacking team, but have much greater losses than the attackers.
The player that destroyed the most and lost the least in each team is the winner of the team, while the winner of the winning team is the winner of tournament.

Trojan Horse - 2 teams, say 10 players per each team, while 3 of the players in the opposite team are actually in your team. So that means 7 players of team 1 in team 1 + 3 players of team 1 in team 2, while there are 7 players of team 2 in team 2 and 3 players of team 2 in team 1. These players are distributed randomly and only the 3 of players in opposite team know who they are (so the 7 players in team 1 do not know who their "spies" in team 2 are, only the spy in team 2 knows that s/he is a spy for team 1 and knows both other spies for team 1).
When a team attacks their own spies - they see the defences going down, losses on their and the "enemy's" side, but in reality their team mate in other team does not lose the defence or take any losses - this is to ensure there is no real friendly fire, but to also ensure that the identities of these spies remain hidden. The spies can also attack their enemies - but their enemies does not see who actually attacked them - they don't get any attack logs at all - they just start losing military or weapons get damaged from attacking, etc.
Each team has 1 player with a huge defence that requires the team work of whole other team to be taken down. That player can not attack the enemy team.
The first team to destroy the defence of aforementioned player wins. The winner is the player of the winning team who caused the most losses on the enemy team and had the least losses him/herself


Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:41 pm
by Mathlord

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:36 am
by Sol
@Neim, love the first one, fortress style, although i may do something different for the distribution of prizes.
The other one, trojan horse, is a bit iffy, unfortunately we can never really have rounds with secrets being kept due to the nature of the actual tournament. Unless people dont actually know they are the spies then it would be pointless because people would just spread the word.


Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:05 am
by Drought
Just thought some up for ya :)

Survival of the fittest: You are in the arena as long as your not logged out or killed.
Check method: if last login > 3 hours = boot from arena) other arena boot options are def and or planet count to low.
A round will simply come down who can be online the longest and not get killed.
Expected round length, no more then 48 hours.

Slay ehm: A round where everyone is automatically teamed up against another, regardless of power differences.
Upon entry, everyone has a devoted target, those are the only one you are able to hit. After one is killed, automatically teamed up against another until you are the last.

Chicken Run: Death match like round involving least losses amongst the winners.
After last elimination, from the last top 5, those who lost fewest in comparison to with what they started with, are the winner of prizes.

Flames of Fury: Death Match Round, less turns, far more effective kills and destroys. No phasing.

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:50 am
by Sol
I like the survival of the fittest, but i would have to kill of the auto log out after 3 hours for arena players.

slay ehm doesn't sound too bad, the last two are just remixed death matches so yeah...

Just made me think of another though:

*insert name* - where one player has been given insane power (say double everything) and the first person to kill them wins. If the person who has been given insane power kills another, that person is of course booted from the arena.

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:58 am
by Neimenljivi
Size matters not - the one who can keep the lowest stats for as long as possible wins the tournament. The game is, again, divided into 2 teams - the attackers and the defenders. The attackers can only mass, can't DM, while the defenders can also attack back and DM attackers. The attackers can't have any defence. The one with the smallest stat lasting the longest wins the tournament :)


Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:37 am
by Drought
Sol wrote:I like the survival of the fittest, but i would have to kill of the auto log out after 3 hours for arena players.

slay ehm doesn't sound too bad, the last two are just remixed death matches so yeah...

Just made me think of another though:

*insert name* - where one player has been given insane power (say double everything) and the first person to kill them wins. If the person who has been given insane power kills another, that person is of course booted from the arena.

*insert name* = Super Weapon Frenzy =D>

if you would simply logout while within the 3 hours time, and log in again, that would work too. You just have to be fit enough to remind yourself to log out within every 3 hours and log back in, effectively resetting last log in time to now , time()
A simple check on testing if lastlogin time > 3 hours should be enough.
You could still keep the session timout, simply add the boot option if it comes to effect hehe

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:50 am
by Mathlord
Sol wrote:@mathlord....wuuut?

Team Deathmatch :smt047

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:27 pm
by SSG EnterTheLion
Team deathmatch is perhaps the easiest to go with that for now.

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:07 pm
by Rudy Peña
SSG EnterTheLion wrote:Team deathmatch is perhaps the easiest to go with that for now.

I agree, but it should be random teams instead of people picking a team.

Kinda like in Call of Duty games where its random teams.

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:12 pm
by Sol
Rudy Pena wrote:
SSG EnterTheLion wrote:Team deathmatch is perhaps the easiest to go with that for now.

I agree, but it should be random teams instead of people picking a team.

Kinda like in Call of Duty games where its random teams.

The whole problem with random teams is you might not like the person you're all.. and purposefully sabotage the tag team.

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:13 pm
by Mathlord
Plus it would be difficult with random teams to coordinate with the other person

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:16 pm
by Sol
Mathlord wrote:Plus it would be difficult with random teams to coordinate with the other person


I guess the whole thing now would be...what would be implemented to make good use of the tag team idea. The two people have to choose between two attacking styles? One can only be an attacker the other can only be the assassin and covert operative? The attacker of course having to be the only one that can slaughter the opponent?

Re: Ideas for new tournament styles

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:29 am
by marshall
I like the "slay ehm" idea. 1 vs 1 until only 1 is left sounds awesome ^_^

would be a long tournament though.

How about a team deathmatch where everyone who enters is put on one of two teams. It would be a full on battle royale ^_^