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Need to Contact Admin ASAP about canceled Cash purchase

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:55 am
by StormWolf
Not sure what happened, but I was looking at the total (with tax) cost of a Black Market purchase. I -thought- I'd canceled, but instead, I got an ingame PM and an offgame email confirming the purchase. Problem is...I never meant to actually buy at this time. I just needed to know the exact with-tax amount so I could buy later. Anyhow, I still have the turns and naq I bought...haven't used any of it. Had to issue a refund request from my card ASAP due to another automatic payment coming off that card that I simply cannot not have the money for. I'd rather not lose my 7 year account over this, but...if I do...I guess that's how it has to go, but this kind of caused me an emergency. Any way an Admin could contact me ASAP before my account gets auto-banned?

Re: Need to Contact Admin ASAP about canceled Cash purchase

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:08 am
by Juliette

Re: Need to Contact Admin ASAP about canceled Cash purchase

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:34 am
by StormWolf
Bah...I found the support email, and mailed them there. Guess I'd better also send one to the urgent email too. It's been a bad day, and I'm doped up to the gills on Demerol, which may also be part of the problem.

Re: Need to Contact Admin ASAP about canceled Cash purchase

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:39 am
by Juliette
StormWolf wrote:Bah...I found the support email, and mailed them there. Guess I'd better also send one to the urgent email too. It's been a bad day, and I'm doped up to the gills on Demerol, which may also be part of the problem.
Take a few deep breaths, explain what happened to 'urgent', and relax. You did all you can, whatever happens is out of your hands from that point. :)

Re: Need to Contact Admin ASAP about canceled Cash purchase

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:44 am
by StormWolf
Yeah...I know. Meant to say "thanks" to you in my last reply, too. Just forwarded the mail to "urgent" that I sent to "support". Gah...feel so stupid now...prolly should just Vac my acct as soon as my 24 hour wait from PPT is up and not play while they're flooding my IV with all sorts of happyjuice, huh?

Re: Need to Contact Admin ASAP about canceled Cash purchase

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:49 am
by Juliette
StormWolf wrote:Yeah...I know. Meant to say "thanks" to you in my last reply, too. Just forwarded the mail to "urgent" that I sent to "support". Gah...feel so stupid now...prolly should just Vac my acct as soon as my 24 hour wait from PPT is up and not play while they're flooding my IV with all sorts of happyjuice, huh?
Yw. ;) The latter is usually a good idea.