Bring the Roleplaying back

What do you want to see in the game? what can be improved? any suggestions welcome here...
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Eisen Feuer
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Bring the Roleplaying back

Now as far as roleplaying has been doing pretty poorly...War side of things game is doing well right now but without the roleplay not much of a point to destroying someones "stats". I think the game needs a more immersive roleplaying experience. You have all these classes of enemies you are facing but the game mechanics remain the same. You have Houses and there are preset hostilities between the houses but not many people go to war because "x" is in this house.

A few ideas...come to mind...

Russian Roulette
You insert all the base race types into a algorithm that every once in awhile it will default war/war with two different races.
Tauri, System Lord, Replicator, Asgard, Ajna, Indu, Tolah, and Ori. The algorithm would decide who was currently at war with who regardless of peace settings and war settings in the past. This would bypass nox and critical would be totally random and change based on the current events within the game. If it seems the System Lord race has grown too powerful the overseer would take the next best (built in) race and set the war/war. Those who are vigilant enough can change the course of history within the game. Of course this would not change your "farm list".

Character Profiles
Something that has really caught on in ascended are the demi god's the bonuses they give as well as the canon they provide for the now "defunct" Stargate series. If gives people that like the roleplaying a chance to read and create new and interesting scenarios with only a paragraph of text. I think a character profile filling in answers based on personality and decision making could advance the roleplaying within game. If someone feels their character is a young priestess overlooking a frozen lake atop a mountaintop they can answer simple questions to get the peaceful and serene battlelog. Instead of the default x clobbered y. It could instead say x pitied y but was done is done tears will be shed for those who passed from this battle. Kin's men and foe alike. Of course the same could go for the opposite of that character reference. You could have a personality in game that includes a raving mad man driving his enemies back while foaming at the mouth on board his Mothership. Which will read something like this...x's forces constantly barraging the doors of enemy forces and neutral forces alike sweep y's lands pillaging and looting. Only one can imagine the poor souls that begged for surrender as they were all massacred leaving only scraps of metal and flesh rotting. X is a formiddable foe that few dare stand against.

Another idea is having a more integrated system between the game and the forums. If you receive a war setting or such in game it can prompt you with x declared war with you on here changing your enemies relations and peace relations directly between the game and forum...vice versa...if someone declares you as an enemy on forums it would change the status in game as well...(this one seems more difficult to implement...but you all are smart.) or perhaps a public meeting place within the game...kind of like a Sanctuary of the Gods.

Just a few ideas to bring back the more roleplaying parts to the game.
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Re: Bring the Roleplaying back

Eisen Feuer wrote:Russian Roulette
You insert all the base race types into a algorithm that every once in awhile it will default war/war with two different races.
Tauri, System Lord, Replicator, Asgard, Ajna, Indu, Tolah, and Ori.......

There are many races now, although you could probably base it off of races with x members, or base it on ascended being races, i.e the ascended beings war rages through to main.

Otherwise some good ideas, don't know why some main <-> forum linkage hasnt been done yet. Probably a bit to iffy.
Field Marshall wrote:
Sol wrote:It's not going to destroy your life :P
I think this is sig worthy in fact.
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Re: Bring the Roleplaying back

I'm liking it cpt. Harkness.
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Re: Bring the Roleplaying back

some good ideas here. :)
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