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More or Less Major changes ....

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:14 pm
by Tomy
I´ve come up with some ideas resulting from this thread: viewtopic.php?f=101&t=194189

seems like more and more ppl have problems with the game, and i see them too, so maybe some changes could make the game more attractive.

Problem now is that as an advanced player you can grow in an extrem tempo, and it seems even the plague cannot do much about it. So why not let the players "decide" where the edge is.

One of the ideas is to limit the army size based on requirements that you have to meet, which are:

- planets: as more and more Units require more and more room, players need to have planets, which raise the capacity of units you can have.
this raises the question what we do with the bonuses.
1. we delete them.
2. we reduce them.
either way, planets still should be upgradeable, like UP, just that you upgrade the capacity, but each planet still has limits.

- army feeding: this means simply: the more units you good, the more food you´ll have to provide.
a good equivalent to food could be naquadah. as it is naquadah which you´ll have to invest to pay for food.

- army satisfaction: many things are waaaaay to easy for really strong players, like repairing weapons. Some players even decide not to have any defence, because raiding and farming aggressively makes it obsolete. But if we introduce a scale, where each players must meet a certain degree of satisfaction of their army, before their army turns against their commander, meaning the player, that would make the game more interesting and give brutal and aggressive players a limit. even too much killing could influence to this scale, depending what race you chose etc etc. So if your army is satisfied with you as leader is influenced by:
1. your army size
2. your food providing
3. your proper degree of defence and covert
4. your proper level of culture (next point)
5. your killings/losses/efficiency depending of your race (eg. if you are human you won´t attack someone if you did not declare war with him or got attacked by them or something like that.)
6. maybe something else i can´t think of right now

- culture: i think it could be just something like tech upgrade-site, but that there is no limit to it, as you´ll have to upgrade it each time you meet your army limit. just think of rebellions etc etc in your army if your army size is too big and you have no culture. so again, there should be more than one thing that you can upgrade limitless.
But costs are not only naquadah. you´ll have to meet certain requirements again:
weapon number (should be as high as trained units), proper mothership upgrades, number of planets, "commanders" "lieutenants" for your army.... AND: you don´t have to go above a certain number of UU=> means your folks should all have a job ...

- spies and anti-spies should not be retrainable. only for a proper cost. and even than, a loss of 1-5% from the spies you wanted to retrain is "acceptable" (like commiting suicide when loosing their "job")

- a certain "plague" equivalent to the UP. means: 1-30% (or more) of your actually UP is not the amount of UU you actually get. this depends on how satisfied your army is.

yeah, there are a few changes, but these are just some thoughts i had .....

Re: More or Less Major changes ....

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:27 pm
by Bromas

Re: More or Less Major changes ....

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:31 pm
by Tomy
ok ... :-D