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Quickfire tournaments

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:23 am
by marshall
The idea is simple. Where some tournaments can last days (I believe the TDM lasted 5? cant remember how many nights of sleep I missed) for the casual player, it is fairly impossible to stand any chance of winning. So the idea is for a quickfire tournament.

Normal Deathmatch rules to apply, but the tournament is limited to 20? players. Obviously the number of entrants can vary, but would be at a first come, first served basis for entry.

The difference would be that everyone is thrown in together at the same time. And after a few turns (number to be decided) the lowest ranked player is automatically eliminated. And then every turn change after that until one player is left standing.

This type of tournament could be implemented in such a way that it is a weekly event. Obviously the prizes would need to be scaled down, maybe a tier 2 demi and a handful of LF cahce for the winner.

What do people think? ^_^

Re: Quickfire tournaments

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:31 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
Well, I think that anyone should be able to set a tournament and accept anyone they want in it, set their own rules, etc..... for fun and maybe prestige. But there rewards should be nil.

Maybe give this option once after, to all those who participate in official tournaments. (no admin wants to put pressure on their system, but this might increase the activity in ascended if it's intended by the game owners)...

Re: Quickfire tournaments

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:36 am
by marshall
Creating your own tournaments would be abusable. For example an alliance creates their own tournament, invites all their members and sit protected from the rest of the server... but this is not the topic of this suggestion ^_^ which is quickfire tournaments lol

Re: Quickfire tournaments

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:45 am
by Nigatsu_Aka
I wasn't thinking of it functioning like the official tournaments are implemented (take away the realm). I was thinking of something parallel, that uses the skills, gives a set amount of planets and let the players play with who they want how they want, for training, for fun, etc without safe-ing away their "real" account. It would function just like a quickfire tourney, but with no rewards other than maximum a score system, or something but nothing usable on the "real" realm.

And btw, if i knew that by signing up for that tourney would take my realm away and not be able to play in the "real" realm, i wouldn't have signed on. Was stupid from me, for not reading the rules, but I also think this system is a bit unfair as only the top get rewards, while the losers who resist in the tourney but don't get access to any rewards, lose a lot by not playing for a few days in "real" realm.

And since Ascended is about Gods, they should be omnipresent and omniscient, thus, allowing them to participate in the tourney, but without them being safe from the "reality".

Re: Quickfire tournaments

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:03 pm
by Sol
Nigatsu_Aka wrote:And btw, if i knew that by signing up for that tourney would take my realm away and not be able to play in the "real" realm, i wouldn't have signed on. Was stupid from me, for not reading the rules, but I also think this system is a bit unfair as only the top get rewards, while the losers who resist in the tourney but don't get access to any rewards, lose a lot by not playing for a few days in "real" realm.

They lose a few days of farming, if that, and could win a fair bit. It's up to the player, some people just get sick of farming to grow, rinse and repeat, it adds a little bit of difference in the game.
Nigatsu_Aka wrote:And since Ascended is about Gods, they should be omnipresent and omniscient, thus, allowing them to participate in the tourney, but without them being safe from the "reality".

yeah... if ascended really adhered to that then many things should be changed. Not all things have to be based around an idea.

Re: Quickfire tournaments

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:29 pm
by ƒëmmë
don't know if I agree with bottom rank being automatically dismissed.. seen ppl crawl back from there...

I think there should be some activity requirement in it too..

Re: Quickfire tournaments

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:58 am
by marshall
Then the player who has killed the least amount of planets could be eliminated? But that would be harder to judge and dependant on how many turns a player has used. While the lowest ranked player COULD survive a little longer, most of the time, the lowest ranked player would already be crippled in such a way that winning would be off the cards...