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Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:38 pm
by xdjoker
No matter how strong your mother ship gets you should always lose at least 1 mothership. It's a good way to balance the game.

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:41 pm
by Bromas
xdjoker wrote:No matter how strong your mother ship gets you should always lose at least 1 mothership. It's a good way to balance the game.

says the guy with untouchable MS's
No, its not realistic If I flew at your fleet of highly trained pilots in top class ships and I was in a copper box with no aerodynamic advantages and no good weapons other than like a .50cal auto gun would you lose a ship?

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:55 pm
by xdjoker
Andy! wrote:says the guy with untouchable MS's
No, its not realistic If I flew at your fleet of highly trained pilots in top class ships and I was in a copper box with no aerodynamic advantages and no good weapons other than like a .50cal auto gun would you lose a ship?

Before today I had a mothership fleet of 10 and I would still of agreed with losing atleast one mothership per attack. This is because you can't just keep on attacking and expect to not suffer any side effects. Now if you do not agree with the current system then how about this:
1st attack you dont absolutely lose one
2nd you absolutely lose one
3rd you absolutely lose two
Etc.. you can justify this by saying the crew of the motherships are getting exhausted after engaging in constant battle. Either way you are losing ships.

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:48 pm
by xdjoker
you act like losing one mothership is the end of the world. Losing a single mothership per attack is nothing hell even when i was still ascending one mothership per attack was nothing at all. The game mechanics work just fine the way the game is now. The only thing that they may need to mess with a little more is the stuff that they just changed but other than that i believe the game is good the way it is.

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:38 am
by jeffsupersaiyan1
yeah the update isnt good. you should keep the level your are at. forinstance level 10 will always have atleast 10 motherships

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:42 am
by jeffsupersaiyan1
well im quitting new grounds feel free to farm my account. this update makes it impossible to do anything . just used over 500 units for 12 million naq. no wonder game isnt active . hit me up when they fix the attacking issue

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:54 am
by Juliette
There is no attacking issue; well, not like the one you describe. You are just farming with way too few MSes.

To farm profitably, you need to maintain a force of at least 60, maybe 100 MS. Sure, you make a profit as long as you have more than 10 MS to attack with, but you only farm 1M per hit. If you are a farmer, you need a bunch of MSes, and you need to keep investing in them.
If you look at the Galactic Activity, you see that the majority of hits is for 5-15 million Naq per hit. This means that the single MS lost is easily replaced (yes, the units are not, but you are farming to increase your UP until you are self-sustaining). A UP of 350 means that you can build 7 MS a day and break even. So, with 100 MS, you farm for 10M on each hit; if you hit an inactive with 50M out, you break their MS defence down in 5 hits tops. After that, you lose no more MSes; this farm is, until the next daily refresh point, 'free'. Farming later on the day -and good reconning- means more chance of an already broken defence, thus making it possible to 'farm for free', in theory. Of course, such farms usually have less Naq, having been hit before.

Heart of the matter; most accounts are still too small (UP-wise) to survive on farming alone; but when they are big enough, various player use them .. untactically. :)

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:31 am
by jeffsupersaiyan1
60 good lord . i was getting like 2m an attack now im not getting anything because of this change . then it cost 50 more units to upgrade ????

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:33 am
by jeffsupersaiyan1
im gonna have to agree with Tetris the upgrade thing is pointless now because you will lose regardless.

Re: Motherships

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:49 am
by minisaiyan
it's just changing the way the game needs to be played. Adapt and get used to it, im still tackling the the thing about needing a large % of armysize not pastors to ascend faster.