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Sabotage and Blitzkreig

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:58 pm
by xdjoker
This may be a bug it may not but when i was sabotaging it would only destroy attack weapons and did nothing to defense. From the description of Sabotaging it says weapons in general so one would assume it should be defense weapons to. I did about 8 sabotages and not a single one touched a defense weapon.
Logs are: 11105, 11106, 11112, 11113, 11114, 11115, 11116, and 11120

Ok I did three blitzkreig each time it said the defender had about 4000 troops but were armed with nothing at all and i still lost around 40 to 50 troops each attack the same number as the defender about. Now with that said im almost a hundred percent positive that the defender had the defense weapons. One because he was inflicting around 3.3 bil damage and also i did a few recons with in mins of the attacks and the defender had the 3.3 bil damage. So for blitzkrig the weapons are not showing for the defender at all.
Logs are: 105675, 105674, 105673

Re: Sabotage and Blitzkreig

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:54 am
by [BoT] Jason
Sabotage takes out weakest weapons first if I am not mistaken

Attack weapons are 10,000 and defense are 20,000

So no bug there... Gotta mass the weps half way down to sab them