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Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:29 pm
by Raven
Alright so i just received a verbal warning from Rudy. About spamming in Matty his UU thread.

Has it come to a point where every comment wich does not include literally engaging into the threads point considered spam now?

I did not come here to fight the verbal warning, because i simply don't care. But i made a joke, Matty got to see it (Wich was the point) and hopefully added some humor to our vendetta.
What's up with the nitpicking in posts? The thread got removed aswell, and still the mod in question feels the need to nitpick at such a harmless attempt of adding some flavor.

Rudy Pena wrote:This is a verbal warning for spamming, do not spam again.Subject: buying 50mil uu 700bil / mil spam

Raven wrote:Just so you know, you will send your UU into death. You really want that for your precious homegrown (or raided) UU?
Think about that when you sell to this barbarian!


Re: Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:07 pm
by Juliette
Copied and moved as this is moderator feedback; please handle accordingly.

Re: Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:22 pm
by Raven
Let me explain this properly. I understand the warning, and do not have anything against Rudy for giving it.
Taking literally it was spam, so i agree.

But where is the human aspect? If you nitpick every single post made on this forum, the forum will soon look like....well this. Kinda how it looks like now.
I think its great you guys volunteer to clean up these forums, but i do not see the greater point in giving a warning for a joke made specifically against my vendetta partner, whereafter the thread is deleted. In my opinion it ruins the fun.

Please explain to me why these rules need to be followed literally and to the letter, while this is a gaming forum. Aslong as things don't get out of hand, i don't see why a joke here and there should be punished.

There is no need to be a machine, even in RL people oversee things because they understand it is not always needed to literally apply certain rules.

Re: Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:55 pm
by Juliette
SuperSaiyan wrote:I am personally pro-lenient when it comes to spam, being a massive troll/spammer and all that >,>
Yeah, you are.

Also: Yeap, Raven dearest. Moderators are people too. :-D

Re: Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:15 pm
by Empy
It's kinda like the whole spirit of the law, versus the word of the law type deal. As according to the word of the law your post was spam, but according to the spirit of the law I would say it wasn't. A good moderator must find a balance between these two aspects. I often see moderators when they first start going just by the word of the law and not thinking about it. I even see people as far up as Global Moderators who don't understand the spirit of the law.

The intention of the spam rule is to make sure threads don't go so far off-topic that they lose their purpose. So while it's wording does define what spam is and clearly mark it as against the rules, the intention of the rule is not for every single spam post to be against the rules in every single situation. In this case it doesn't seem as though Raven's post would have at all drawn the thread to a point where it was off-topic so much so that it lost it's purpose. So following that logic I don't see why it would've done any harm to leave the post. If the rules are enforced in such a way that all fun and humor is drained from the forums and every single post must be strictly and seriously on-topic then I don't see why anyone would wish to frequent them.

So while it's impossible to define a good balance between these 2 aspects in words, I think it should be clear that there is some spam that is fine being left alone as it does no harm and just makes the forums a happier and more fun place. All just my opinion, of course.

Re: Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:18 pm
by DaDigi
This is, was, and always will be an issue of contention. Not knocking anybody's particular style, but when you have mods who are big spammers, the spam culture is going to be all over the board.

If you have mods who do not spam, spam will be kept to This/That/Those, and the main forums will be kept on topic.

Unfortunately, or not depending on how you view things, we've always had a culture where the mods actively participate in the spamming, and this have a harder time defining limits on both ends of the spectrum.

Re: Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:31 pm
by Rudy Peña
Lore wrote:Market Rules and Guidelines

The overall Forum Rules also apply to all market sections. Please read them and keep them in mind.

[*]You are not allowed to post trades in other peoples trading threads. If you want to buy or sell resources, make your own thread. Spamming trade topics is also not wanted.

Re: Is everything considered spam these days?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:44 am
by Raven
Thanks to all, i think my point was taken. Aslong as you guys talk about this for abit, im happy.
Especially empy hits the nail on the head with what im trying to say.

Ashame of the last post by Rudy. No clue why that is needed. I would almost consider that to be spam.