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Farming and MT/SS

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:51 pm
by Slim87R
Okay, so I am starting to realize how much things start to snowball once you grow to a very large size and some heavy imbalances become very apparent.

The first thing I would like to point out which I know has already been said, but farming is far too weak in comparison to building and saving which will kill any war game. Lets put some numbers out here. Here is the Galactic Activity which everyone can see:

Chacho 1,018 18,596,904,844 18,268,079 156049569500
Dirtydel 1,003 15,602,824,456 15,556,156 373524374512
Warayth 1,182 16,983,714,930 14,368,625 395254480453
LoD 1,911 26,709,953,014 13,976,951 458857692729
Replica 210 2,611,637,081 12,436,367 185580823053
Visentinel 777 9,551,168,076 12,292,366 316838220008
LoTâ„¢ 2,403 27,795,068,218 11,566,820 824871016471
Meechum 1,419 15,378,994,320 10,837,910 185508492238
Arutha 2,681 28,911,778,656 10,783,953 218413535046

The highest anyone has manged to farm in total is 28.9 billion naq. Now I make close to double that in a single turn. I know that my account is a little exaggerated to use as an example, but I know there are others out there that make well over 1 billion naq a turn, which still means they build that up in a day in saving. I believe MS do not hold as much as they should. You have to build up at least 1000 MS to even have a chance at getting a decent hit.

Issue #2. MT and SS is too powerful for bigger players in my honest opinion. This leads to a snowball effect once you get very large.

Issue #3. The raid "balance" as pointed out by XdJoker is way to steep.

My ideas:
You didn't think I would just come in poke at the problems, complain and not put out anything that could potentially help did you?

For the first issue, I think doubling the amount a MS carries stock should be sufficient. This will also help small players because they will not have to use up there entire winnings from battle to build the mothership they just lost. They can start to grow straight from the start of the game.

Issue #2: I believe the solution to this is fairly simple in my eyes. Change the ratio of what you get. smaller players rely on smaller percent they get from the top average to get most of there MT, while larger players rely on their own income and that small percentage actually lowers the total they would get from their MT. I think that smaller percentage that is based on the larger players should increase while what players get from their natural income decreases. Maybe something along the lines of .35:.65. This will also nerf down SS numbers for larger players and increase the numbers for smaller players. This is assuming I understand SS correctly, every time I have seen the MT numbers messed with, the SS numbers changed too. This would also put more naq on the field which would help with issue #1 and aid in making farming relevant again.

Issue #3: Okay, this one was Jokers idea but I really liked it: Decrease efficiency by 10% after every million in growth after 3 million. This puts it at 0 right as you hit the cap for raiding.

If anyone has any ideas feel free to chime in!

Re: Farming and MT/SS

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:32 pm
by SVaRuN
Well this is really simple Dafaq

The reason for such small farming amounts is, that this game is currently in its first stage of play where people are ascending. Dont expect any bigger incomes popping up, when people are losing technology and units which actively make them.

The second problem is that some of you started this game really early and some used $ for SS-es to go ahead. All good, but you see this consequently also means that you guys will now have to wait for others to catch up in order to even have any game.

So the solution, be it a quick and as speedy one as possible or eventual/ future one is...
when the game will enter it's second and real stage, meaning when people will stop ascending and will focus just on growth, income and what not, than things will pick up
You guys are in the millions of army sizes and you expect people with few thousands to perhaps couple ten thousand armies, to have big enough incomes for you to farm them with gain?...

So two options really

A) you wait up... which will I guess for you guys take some time and might be boring as hell but hey, this game doesnt have that many players and quite some of them joined later on the way

B) The update about MT was imo a bad one... you see people ascending faster, would solve this problem quicker, the game would enter it's real stage (after ascensions) faster and that is that

Your MS idea is also a logical one.


Re: Farming and MT/SS

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:44 pm
by Juliette
I will take these posts into the balancing discussion and get back to you in this thread with the thoughts of the game administration for further feedback. :)