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Logging On

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:48 pm
by Slim87R
I can't seem to log onto Ascended server. I keep getting this message:

Prepare yourself...the universe has gone quite...

Is ascended down?

Re: Logging On

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:52 pm
by Nigatsu_Aka
wha' **Filtered**

Re: Logging On

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:53 pm
by Sol
try again!

Re: Logging On

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:54 pm
by Slim87R
Just tried again and got this message:

[spoiler]Waking up to the sound of a nearby explosion, you take in your surroundings and remove yourself from bed. Johny sprawls into your grand room, ah Johny...a damn fine friend, had some fun times with him! You slant your head at the sight of his left arm, has he been wounded? You see his mouth move and blood drip from his sleeve but your mind takes nothing in, you're still in a daze. A Farnix planetary cannon drives a shot nearby immediately shaking you up, sound resonates to every inch of your body, it is war! You focus your eyes on Johny as he shouts out something about the Ori attacking. Simultaneously as you suit up, Johny fills you in with a short but detailed report updating events that have elapsed.

Taking it in, you start formulating plans, breaking down scenarios.
The kinetic barrier suddenly breaks, and a window smashes with a Tolah rolling through, unhindering he pulls out a side arm and empties his magazine at you, by this time though Johny has stepped up to the plate and taken the rounds for you, his body limp and numb he crumbles under his own weight and hits the ground hard. You let out an unyielding yell at the intruder, running up to him you put tremendous force into a kick which pushes him back against the wall. Trying to compose yourself you turn to your Demi-God First Prime Grokwey standing firm guarding your door, making eye contact they sense what you need and immediately toss you the trusty 'pile driver' as you walk over to this now scared little Tolah. Planting the barrel into its mouth you unleash a round following it up with a few more down their body, painting your ex-white wall with blood, and a few guts, here and there.
You comport yourself quickly, this is war, lives are continuously lost and one man, one friend, cannot bring you down.

Walking over a bridge you look to your left, at the sunrise, a faint figure you can see bordering the horizon, upon closer inspection with a rifle scope you disarm from your soldier, it appears to be no Ori, Ajna, Tolah or Indu, not any Demi-God or any acknowledgeable is large in size, weaponized with unprecedented appears to be the tournament overlord....

Although inquisitive with a few questions arising, you continue on reaching the command centre, signing in you compile data from scouts, outposts and relays from across the galaxies, sifting through the data you can't believe your eyes. This war is not local, it is not just a group, extremists or your enemies. You slouch back in your chair as you take it in...This is a race war.

Slowly bringing yourself back to reality you decode and view your messages, which reinforce your obvious findings, messages from your race all over the universe are coming in. Reports of attacks, high level missions and briefings, death counts and homeworlds lost, appear before your eyes. Technology mappings, new encoding techniques, better/cheaper weapons, prototypes, ANYTHING that is of use in fighting this war, all of it, from every colony, militarized zone, every science group is being sent out to all available Ajna.

As you sit back in your chair (pure leather may I add), you remember the Overlord. What was it doing here? Is it playing some sick game? Surely not, it creates and uses other realms for that.....doesn't it?

It is time for you to decide:


A slipspace trajectory has been plotted by a scout, a few heavy units of elite Tolah are inbound:[/spoiler]

Don't know what it means, but I guess I am about to find out...

Re: Logging On

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:56 pm
by Slim87R
LOL, looks like an ascended wide forced tourney. Got some required reading to do now.

Re: Logging On

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:56 pm
by Sol
indeed, not a bug nonetheless. Read up before you decide to post anything and look around.