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Cant login to NG or Ascended Servers via Opera 9.64

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:04 am
by DeathIncarnator
Happy New Year all

Since the advent of 2013 I`m having problems accessing NG and Ascended accounts via Opera

Windows NT 6.1
Sun Java Runtime Environment version 1.6

Can still get into main via Opera
Can get into NG and Ascended via other browsers.
So its not an Ip or suspension issue.

I tried it on different computers so its not an Operating system or corruption issue, but still cant get onto NG and Ascended Servers.

When I try to login to NG via Opera I get this message:-

NewGrounds Account
There was a conflict with your connection.
Please relogon.
If problem persists report this code to the administration: loginerrcode s-00000c-

Ascended Account
When I try to login via Opera I get this message

You are not logged in. Please try to login again. Please note that cookies MUST be enabled to login, for security reasons. Only your player ID (not password or email) are kept in the cookie.

So I`ve deleted cookies and history and caches but to no avail.

It doesnt look as if Opera has updated itself.

I sent admin an e-mail incase its something hes done.

If anyone else has come across this please post here.

Re: Cant login to NG or Ascended Servers via Opera 9.64

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:05 am
by Juliette
:-k That is a (very) old version of Opera. If you update Opera to the latest version (12.12) does that fix your issue?

Re: Cant login to NG or Ascended Servers via Opera 9.64

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:27 am
by DeathIncarnator
Thats a good point you make and theres only one way to find out.
Main works fine, its just NG and Ascended that are a problem.
The message saying theres a comflict makes me suspect that perhaps Admin did something, I recollect seeing a banner ad at the top of the NewGrounds screen promoting Google Chrome, which may or may not be relevent.
I would think theres a few others out there using this old version of Opera.
By choice I didnt upgrade on purpose as I didn`t like the later versions so I`d prefer not to upgrade just yet.
I`m going to dig out another ancient relic of a laptop and see if I have any joy with that.

Re: Cant login to NG or Ascended Servers via Opera 9.64

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
by Coulson
It's maybe linked but I can't log in on FB anymore.

Re: Cant login to NG or Ascended Servers via Opera 9.64

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:15 pm
by DeathIncarnator
Mysteriously without me doing anything my end this problem has resolved itself.

Whatever Admin did has sorted it out.



Re: Cant login to NG or Ascended Servers via Opera 9.64

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:59 am
by Juliette
*grin* We have done nothing. :P