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Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:13 am
by caesar2
This was more an idea in discussion between me and Svarun, but I decided to post it since its a good one.

*We have allaince bank with allaince funktions.
*There are many alliances and empires with tax system, or allaince paytemnts, etc.
*What if we have another allaince bank, for such purpose as taxes and things like that.

It could work easy, leader sets the % of members income going direct to allaince tax bank.
Alliance bank space limit could be recount from members banks sizes, as lets say average * 1... or *2 or *3... there must be a limit. But need to be discussed.

Of course, leader, 2IC and 3IC have the ability to withdraw naq from this bank - to won account or to send it as broker to alliance member (donation for growth, fight, whatever). But they cant to put naq there, so this cant be just a bank to store war funds. If alliance do not want to take some % of members incomes, than allaince cant make war/program/growth funds.

*It leads in such a thing, if allaince builds in peace, than can have income, which will produce allaince naq, of course it will bring more farming... etc etc... itc a chain. But I think, this can help the game.

*How long have to be the member in allaince, until his naq goes to alliance bank, etc etc... this is for discussion as well. But lets say the same as is for allaince naq and allaince funktions now.

What do you think?

Jason, I think this must be easy to put in, and dont harm anyone. It can help newcomers.

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:33 am
by Field Marshall
Is an interesting idea, my main concern is during wars, the use of the alliance bank is restricted. When the TL v DDE/mH war started out, we were able to repair every 10 hits whilst somebody was hitting.

What happened then is that Jason restricted it so it was not worth using and then a subsequent update gave us what we have today. It works. You have to have a certain amount of income if you are a warring alliance otherwise it will eventually drip to 0.

By being able to increase funds to say 3% you are effectively increasing the number of times you can make repairs to 3x. In my opinion is unacceptable.

I know that Jason does not like the idea of an auto bank. It is a good idea in the whole, some people gain resources and when war comes become inactive and unable to transfer units. My only concern is that of the repairs.

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:47 am
by caesar2
I wasnt talking about increasing % for allaince bank like we know it today. There will be 2 allaince banks. One for todays purposes, one new, for real Naq, for lets say taxes. It is not auto banking... and if the bank is full, than all naq stays by members on hand.

If we have average bank space in allaince around 1.5Q, and we choose a key average * 2, than the allaince tax bank will be 3quad. All over this amount stays by members. And honestly, 3Q is not big amount, for ppl or allaince, who reach such a big average rate is natural to have those banks full of naq...

So this does not mean to autobank naq, cuse small allaince with small averge size will be bale to bak lets say 800T... and if they have 20 members, with 50b average income, taxing for 5%, than they will put automaticly 2.5B to allaince bank and leave 47.5b on hand... in such way...

20 members * 2.5b * 48 is 2.4Tnaq a day
Wer talking now about 2 - 20T naq daily put automatily to alliance banks... how fast can you farm that amount? best farmers in one turn, average farmers in 3 turns... low farmers in one day... bah. Thats not autobanking, even if you set lets say 10% of income

And again, it should be cut from bank funtions for sure. No more alliance repairs.

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:53 am
by Field Marshall
That's what I hoped you meant. Just the use of the term "alliance bank" threw me!

In that case, knowing how growth schemes work in TL. I fully advocate this. I'd sooner have it take it out of your own bank though as opposed to your income?

Other than that, either way wouldn't fuss me too much. Good idea.

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:10 am
by SVaRuN
I think it goes without saying that I support this

1. - Another bank for a lot of other purposes
2. - % of taxation can be decided and can range from 0% to idk 5% -> it will mean alliances decide on their own how to go about this
3. - This bank IS NOT used for repairs durring wars and such, but acts like your home piggy bank, you cannot put your NAQ in but through the means of taxation (I think that is good because of strategic reasons and to prevent huge abuses)

4. Now the only other thing I would do is, to make it so, that members need to confirm that they will be paying TAXes ohhhh idk every month or so.
This is not just because you give a bit of a freedom in it, but to prevent abuse like alliances storing inactive members just to get the bank and extra NAQ

Alliances use the "alliance wide bank" as it is, through just storing NAQ at someones place. But with this it becomes a bit more strategical and nicely done. So well that is it

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:21 am
by ~Tziki~
ive often thought about this concept, and often came to the conclusion it should be implemented.

But im also under the impression Jason doesnt take to well to suggestions, so never bothered posting it.

I like the idea, and i think its better to take a % of income rather than from a bank as FM said, this would be harder to do and require people to fill their bank, and then if it took a % of their personal bank, the bigger the bank the more it takes.

where as with income, the difference between players is less so the contribution will not be as large.

+ 1 from me :)

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:42 am
by caesar2
Bump for this one. So far nobody else likes this sugestion?

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:52 am
by Guild
% of income being taxed further reduces naq from the open battlefield, and the amount to be farmed.

id go with a more, bank for the alliance, where all members can add naq into it but only the ic members can withdraw

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:04 am
by D3ath
yeah i am with guild on this one, that auto deduction from income is not good idea. Also you can do same thing manually, at least in DDE we did such things earlier, where every player had to pay some amount every week to war chest and in war time we get those naq and use it when needed.

Unless it is based on every members bank and percentage taken from it, so that player has to log in and to bank money, and u take set amount from amount banked to be put in alliance bank, but in this case its very easy to grow the bank :)

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:15 am
by Field Marshall
I think the idea of this is to promote the use of "growth schemes", "taxes" or "jumps" as they are called different things in different alliances.

How do you secure the naq? Well, it's all dependent on a trustworthy command staff.

I think only C2 was pushing the banking from income. Now, if it was from the personal bank, then I would agree that it could be set and adjusted as required. I think the whole thing is substantially confusing and something which can and has been done centrally for years.

I would like there to be one and can see it's advantages. I just think there are far more important things that could be implemented.

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:33 am
by BenjaminMS
Of course, leader, 2IC and 3IC have the ability to withdraw naq from this bank - to won account or to send it as broker to alliance member (donation for growth, fight, whatever).

This idea already has been shot down by Jason, multiple times.

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:22 am
by matty~
its a nice idea with good intentions of helping alliances during wars.. ...

but not every player has a 50bil income , so lets just say a set rate of 1.5-2bil out of your income .. would work good ...

Re: Alliance bank - real use!

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:34 am
by caesar2
Well, whatever. Lets not do it as autobanking/txing system, but as payments to allaince bank. And its up to alliance how they agree on terms of using.

If you should put 5T weekly, than 5T,... if 50T... than 50T... alliance choice.

Using players banks is good as well... but noone can realy see if those naq are there or not...