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Bloodwar updates

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:44 am
by D3ath
Hey all,
i dont know should i post it here or somewhere else, so if it fits in some other section, mods u can move it freely ;)
Probably most of u dont have such problems, and might not understand all the fuss about it, but i would really think that we should do something about those blood war informing messages and checkboxes which u have to click once u are close to bloodwar.

I can admit i hate them :D

So i am suggesting couple ideas how those god damned checkboxes could be avoided or at least made easier to check.

1) Give players option, lets say in settings (User Preferences, Login Details and Vacation) where u can check the checkbox, that u always accept to go to blood war, and let players do quick attacks from alliance page without redirecting them and making them click on those checkboxes.
Also i dont think it should be hard to implement, cause u only need to do one more check before attack happens, to see what user has set in his settings. And for most it will still be unset i think so nothing will gone change to them.

2) Get rid of those checkboxes at all, and leave it for players to calculate their hits and the percentage of how much to blood war they are, and if they cross it, its even better cause we will be having more bloodwars, cause now there is not much blood wars going on.

3) If none of these suggestions is implemented, i would love to see the normal way of checking those checkboxes, cause current way where u have to click directly on checkbox sucks, and its the way from million years ago. Currently the normal way of checking those boxes is to allow users to click on text near it to select it. So we could click on the informative message which shows the percentages to bloodwar.

What u guys think about it? Also if u have any better ideas post them here ;)

Also if u dont understood what i tried to say here dont hesitate to ask, and i will try to explain it in some other words, cause English is not my native language and i might have made some mistakes :)

Re: Bloodwar updates

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:29 pm
by Juliette
Well.. good ideas.. I would say make it a switch the alliance leader(s) can toggle (since ignoring the messages affects the entire alliance - when a bloodwar is inadvertently started).

I think the first option (with my amendment) is the best way to go. Allow 'ignoring' (or rather the appearance) of the check-message, but only if that is alliance policy.

Maybe make it a setting the alliance leader can set for specific members (so that particularly warlike members do not have the chance to start a bloodwar without the leadership's consent, while regular raiders are allowed).. or maybe connect it to 'alliance relations' settings; hostile = ignore checkboxes and go straight to bloodwar, neutral = checkboxes, friendly = cannot accept checkboxes (effectively blocking you from going to bloodwar with your allies while still being able to farm/raid/block).. :)
Just thinking out loud.

*(And you are perfectly intelligible, D34th. At least to this non-native. ;))

Re: Bloodwar updates

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:10 am
by D3ath
yeah, didnt thought about alliance option, it might be better that way :)

lets see what others think about it

Re: Bloodwar updates

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:54 am
by BenjaminMS
With an alliance wide option as set by the leadership it's better... at least, in my opinion.

Also, perhaps it's an idea to give the one who've got an 100% + ratio against them while they don't have an 100% ratio yet an option to take it to bloodrealm straight away (with the usual 'prep time' of course) instead of having to spent time and resources massing/heavily farming. This way an additional layer of tactics would be built in.
Said option appears in the command console for the ACO and 2IC, and they'd need to use it both within an timeframe of an hour between each other to activate. This way you can actually ambush your opponents a bit more while still keeping an safety lock against accidental activation.

Re: Bloodwar updates

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:30 am
by D3ath
yeah such things really have to be left for alliance CS :)

as for those tactics, it might be good to have such features, but at start it would be nice at least to get the options to take off those checkboxes :)

start by small baby steps and go further from there :)