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Changes to the Quantum forum structure

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:11 pm
by Neimenljivi
You may have noticed a few changes to the structure of Quantum Forums.

Upon reading smoosh's proposal of adjusted structure of the forums, I've been thinking about it and decided I will go with it.

The only noticable change, that is not of cosmetic nature, is the removal of Recruitments section - all the active threads are now going to be in QW General.
Each thread remains active for the duration of the era when it's opened - so if someone posts in the middle of this era, as soon as the next era starts (the mods are aware they should wait a few days though), the old recruitment thread will be removed unless author of that thread wants it to remain and updates it for the new era.
The Recruitment section was pretty much empty with rare threads emerging now and then and there really is no use for outdated recruitment threads to remain in the active forums.

I want the Tips and Tricks section to stand out so that newbies can easily find it and ask questions or find their questions have already been answered to, hence why it remains as a section by itself.

The other changes? Moving Bugs, Game Cops Section and Suggestions into the For Admin section where they are now subsections. The Game Cops Section is not yet listed in the sub-section legend, and all of the threads which are in those 3 subsections are now being shown when clicking on the For Admin link, but that will be fixed as soon as deni, the forum tech-admin, can. So these 2 things are known and the tech admin was made aware of them, so it's just a matter of waiting a bit to see them fixed :)

So basically here's new structure:

    Quantum Wars
  • Quantum Wars General (which will also hold all the active recruitment threads)
  • For Admin
    ..........................Game Cops Section
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Quantum Archives

If you have any questions, thoughts, concerns, feedback you are always welcome to let me know of it.
