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Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:08 pm
by BooBz
Would be good to have a 'Collect market broker goods' button. So when a trade expires or is accepted you can collect the gold/ats/uu when you are online.
it would stop ppl getting hit and losing their traded goods when trades expire or ppl accept at different times.

Re: Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:20 pm
by Heisenberg
I'd say no. You take that risk. Makes it too easy to not make a mistake in this game. Trading with someone should always have a risk. If you set a broker it is your responsibility to be there when goods are transfered (Like the person accepting is there to collect goods). Only way to trade safe should be the galactic market. As when you initiate the trade, you are there to collect in theory.

Re: Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:16 am
by Visentinel
hmm the risk is only one sided.

in the trade broker the person accepting gets the goods when they are online but the risk is only for the sender if the trade gets cancelled then 720 minutes later I think it is the naq goes back and if your bank overflows your in for a hell of a farm session at your expense or been raided.

so really if the risk is only one sided then its an issue that needs to be addressed.

Re: Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:27 am
by Heisenberg
There should always be a risk for someone who is not online when a trade is accepted or rejected. They are not there 'to collect' their new goods or get back their own goods. So the goods are simple sent to them, it's there responsibility to put it in storage. The person who is online holds no risk, because they are online. In theory, because they are online they decide to put the naq straight into storage. There is still a risk with UU though, as they need to train them.

Simple PM can also help solve this.

'Can you please not accept that broker till **:** game time.'

Although not everyone will listen.

Re: Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:21 am
by Belsamber

If yes then will their be a time limit to accept the goods ? If not then thats retarded thinking anyway cause then I could quite simply broker millions of units at retarded rates and when they expire they arent technically in my realm so could I then keep doing that and collect them whenever I see fit.

Simply if you miss a trade shame, get a better trader who accepts when your on.

Re: Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:06 am
by Heisenberg
~Chewbacca~ wrote:No.

If yes then will their be a time limit to accept the goods ? If not then thats retarded thinking anyway cause then I could quite simply broker millions of units at retarded rates and when they expire they arent technically in my realm so could I then keep doing that and collect them whenever I see fit.

Simply if you miss a trade shame, get a better trader who accepts when your on.

+1 another great point.

Easy way to hide resources. Banks are limited to the size of cov 42 i believe. An easy way for someone to get past it would be to fill this bank, broker someone, they reject and then they just leave it lying. They can then continue to fill the bank again, giving them enough for Cov 43.

Re: Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:37 am
by Field Marshall
You can already hide resources that way. Send to an inactive account and recover 48 hours later (or whatever it is).

Infact...wonder if that works during bloodwar? :-k

Re: Collect Market Broker Goods

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:43 am
by Heisenberg
Field Marshall wrote:You can already hide resources that way. Send to an inactive account and recover 48 hours later (or whatever it is).

Infact...wonder if that works during bloodwar? :-k

Yeah, the recover time runs down, doesn't it? Where he's suggesting no time allowance. Just resourses sit there untill colected.

Never been in bloodwar so couldn't tell ya haha