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I'm a noob... Kinda

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:56 pm
by Evilweevil
Played this a long time ago
Forgot how to play

Need help ill be someone's officer if they can answer questions
Robe quit? WTH? Lol

Re: I'm a noob... Kinda

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:05 pm
by HippyFool
I assume you used to play Main, not Newgrounds? (Newgrounds has only existed for about a year)

NG is a separate server, although once you ascend to level 25 on NG you get a pretty good main account (you ascend from NG to Main).

And as far as I know, yes, Robe quit. I am sure someone else knows more than I do about it though :)

Re: I'm a noob... Kinda

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:28 pm
by Evilweevil
U assume correctly :-)
Lots of stuff I don't remember particularly about acending

Re: I'm a noob... Kinda

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:38 am
by Mathlord
Newgrounds ascension is very different from main ascension.

In the main server, you ascend by gaining 1001 g&r points (which you get by being ranked high and NOT having nox protection on) and satisfying certain ascension criteria. Here is a great ascension guide to the main server:


In newgrounds, you ascend by gaining a certain amount of "higgs", which doubles every ascension level...except between 18 and 19 where the requirement quadruples.

To gain higgs, you train priest units (they can be called lots of things like pastors, rastamen, etc.). Higgs are collected by the priest units just like naquadah is collected by your miners. You can increase their ability to collect higgs by going to the technology page and buying "deeper meaning centers". You can increase how many priest units you can train by raising your unit production (generate more units to make as priests).

One note, only 1/3 of your total army can be effective as priests. If you 1000 units total and train 500 as priests, only 333 of them will generate higgs for you. The rest will just sit there, so keep that in mind when training things.

Welcome back to the game! Best of luck out there. If you have any more questions, hit me up on skype at