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Auto-login script detection threats are scary

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:05 pm
by agapooka
I use Opera web browser (the browser I use is noteworthy for its distinctive approach to cache) and I sometimes leave the login page open and put my computer in sleep mode. Sometimes I leave the game page open and the first page that loads is the old login page (from cache), with the old validCheck value.

Code: Select all

<input type="hidden" name="validCheck" value="21280172"/>
A few times, I've turned on my computer and attempted to log in using this page and I always get a scary threat that my account could be deleted because the system has detected that I am using an auto-login script.

I wanted to let the game administration know that these threats have left a psychological scar on me.

On a serious note, the current script detection mechanism is flawed. It is trivial to write a script that bypasses it and equally trivial to trigger the mechanism without writing a script.

The entire point of a CAPTCHA is to prevent scripts. This would be a more appropriate script detection mechanism.

A script that detects that validCheck variable would simply look for the value of the hidden field using JavaScript.

Code: Select all


One could create an AJAX call from a different page and use a regular expression to locate the data that he is looking for. I did this for the ingame chat I created.
