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BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:44 pm
by Juliette

For reasons of fixing stuff and prioritising and finding root issues relating to BloodWar, making a list of what bugs are currently known.

Prioritise in order of effect on bloodwar viability and general fun-factor (high-intensity 'mass onliner'; credible bragging rights and actual reward).
Collating threads of reports of bugs, ignoring e-mailed bugs and security holes at this point.
Bloodwar going back to 'design' phase, fails evaluation.


1) Account tagged in alliance, outside of bloodwar:
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=199913 (multiple issues described)

2) 'winnings' not properly calculated:

3) Alliance management during bloodwar:
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=199913 (multiple issues described)

4) PPT during bloodwar

Ad 1. Simple solution: Disallow joining/leaving in the entirety of the bloodwar's timeframe.
Maintains the possibility of 'forcing' a bloodwar by moving members around within empires/alliances, while sealing the 'semi-bloodwar state' exploit mentioned. Fun factor remains as you can ~trick alliances into a bloodwar.
Complicated solution: Actually fix the semi-state exploit, and allow joining/leaving, but impose restrictions on calculations.
Since this is more of a stopgap measure, the entire dynamic of members joining/leaving is a wrecking ball that will break more as it is allowed to continue; banning it is easily explained.

Ad 2. Mechanics; check the numbers and fix if broken. Explain the reasoning properly if it is not, present either answer in a clear and concise manner.
If broken: return wrongfully awarded alliance resources, and for God's sake, explain the **Filtered** logic..

Ad 3. My proposal: Ban alliance management functions from complete Bloodwar timeframe. The core idea of a 'mass-onliner' conflicts with alliance repair and alliance ppt.

Ad 4. Obviously, PPT doesn't fit the concept of a mass-onliner, due to the online part. End all PPTs for all of the bloodwar timeframe.

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:47 pm
by Juliette
Okay.. eh, this wasn't meant to be a forum post.
Now that it is though, it works.

Alright, I'm just leaving it. :-D *stickies*

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:39 am
by Clockwork
Re: point 4.

Bloodwar was never intended to remove PPT, it states this in multiple places. It is however meant to prevent additional PPT's being used for the duration of the Bloodwar.

Remember, Bloodwar is supposed to be fun, not a punishment.

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:51 am
by Juliette
Clockwork wrote:Re: point 4.

Bloodwar was never intended to remove PPT, it states this in multiple places. It is however meant to prevent additional PPT's being used for the duration of the Bloodwar.

Remember, Bloodwar is supposed to be fun, not a punishment.
Fair. I didn't phrase that correctly. :)

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:27 am
by ~Odin~
Juliette wrote:
Clockwork wrote:Re: point 4.

Bloodwar was never intended to remove PPT, it states this in multiple places. It is however meant to prevent additional PPT's being used for the duration of the Bloodwar.

Remember, Bloodwar is supposed to be fun, not a punishment.
Fair. I didn't phrase that correctly. :)
Naughty juliette how dare u make a slip up....unless its costume related i do not want to see it again! lol

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:38 pm
by High Empty
my take on blood war bugs or strange things
1.0(Prizes for the bloodwar)
1.110% of combined alliance bank + your own bank back!
1.210 % of all units killed become reborn and are displaced into the accounts that have done most damage % wise. I.e if Player A killed 50% of the other allainces units, then player A would get 1.350% of that 10%, and the rest would be pooled the same.
1.4 An Auto 12 hour PPT is given at the end of war to All parties.
2.0 Failures ( if not more then 20% of the enemy was killed)
2.1 For a 5 day period ALL stats are reduced by 20%
2.2 A one time lost of 5% of lifers, if they have no lifers they don't lose anything.

3.0 Mutual Respect ( if the difference between the kills were less than 10%) then the following happens

3.1 Winner gets the same, Plus
3.2 10% Increase in stats for both sides for 5 days.

4. Calculating of blood war number of units
Number of units should be as follows:
4.1 amount of Supers, and merc + number of spies and AC on each ACTIVE players account.
Active is defined as Not on ppt and not on vacation mode.
4.2 Currently spies and AC troops are not counted as kills
5. Accounts on ppt are not counted towards the total number of killable unit as well they can't be killed their on ppt.
6. accounts in vacation mode not be counted towards the total number of killable units, unless they drop. * or accounts on vacation mode should be dropped outside of the bloodwar*
7. the total number of killable units is a changing thing, so it takes into account the following,
7.1 Accounts on ppt's and accounts on vacation, they can both be added into the war. (CURRENTLY TRUE, but the numbers don't change)
7.2 Feeding of mercs either off the market or off commanders and officer relationships. This should change the number of total killable units or it should be removed.
8.Black market purchasers, I like cause i use them, it's only an 1 hour ppt but it can be useful, but it's not cheap.
9. Trading in bloodwar, ( you should be able to pass between allied accounts, turns units and naq) Currently you can't. * if trades are coming from accounts in ppt those totals should be added to the main total.
10. AUTO BLOORWAR ENDING, If at any point after the start, that for a 4 hour period that the number of Live units on the alliance counter is such that each alliance members has less than 1 million units and enemy accounts are not in the same boat, then the war ends and a victor is declared.

11. The 4 hour phase for bloodwar could and should allow for untraining of miners but no more trading from outside the alliances unless there are still pending brokers.
(Entering a bloodwar)
12. Each member counts at 120 to the total ( OK)
13. Every member can use upto 90 turns on another member, Currently this is 200 total per member, it was 200 per member. (No max on turns per player) The current way means that if 1/3rd+ of the alliance is on ppt then no bloodwar is possible.
14. 80% warning, the ability to only click it once per account, similar to a PPT instead of having to check it Each time, and have the warning pop back up for 99%.

That's my thoughts for the moment.

High Empty

Hey, and NO dropping allaince tags

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:28 pm
by Field Marshall
3.1 and 3.2 = No

Alliances will create bloodwar with one another on purpose to gain stat advantage and bank increase

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:29 am
by Z E R O
Field Marshall wrote:3.1 and 3.2 = No

Alliances will create bloodwar with one another on purpose to gain stat advantage and bank increase
is it worth massing away hundreds of millions of each other's stats just for a mutual bonus for a couple days? Not only would it take some planning, if you're working together to get bloodwar to get a mutual bonus.. it's gonna take a lot of consideration. Remember you're still gonna have to avoid the bloodcurse.

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:54 pm
by R0B3RT
Oct 08, 00:26 The Order (10) 697,888,939 317,843,342 Dominium Of Chaos (13) 256,516,130
264,354,613 The Order (10)

Dominium Of Chaos (13) 256,516,130

we loose 317,843,342 :smt101

Re: BloodWar: Collation of bugs

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:25 am
by Field Marshall
Z E R O wrote:
Field Marshall wrote:3.1 and 3.2 = No

Alliances will create bloodwar with one another on purpose to gain stat advantage and bank increase
is it worth massing away hundreds of millions of each other's stats just for a mutual bonus for a couple days? Not only would it take some planning, if you're working together to get bloodwar to get a mutual bonus.. it's gonna take a lot of consideration. Remember you're still gonna have to avoid the bloodcurse.
You don't have to mass hundreds of millions.


"3.0 Mutual Respect ( if the difference between the kills were less than 10%) then the following happens
3.1 Winner gets the same, Plus 3.2 10% Increase in stats for both sides for 5 days."

Take 2 alliances with 5 members each, to get into bloodwar they would need to spend 600 ATs each way. When you enter bloodwar, you make no attacks. Under the above proposed you would get:

1.11% increase to bank
24 + 4 hour realm safety
12 hour PPT after

Unless I'm reading it completely wrong?

To be honest, i'm surprised that nobody has really taken advantage of bloodwar and the shifting of realms.