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First Ascension skill help

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:14 am
by Kisra
I've recently ascended to prior, my first level and powered up my stats as best as I could. Just looking for some pointers on what I should focus on leveling up first to make my ascended much better.

Any tips would be much appreciated!

Energy Attack Power Level 600
Energy Attack Skill 600
Energy Absorption Power 600
Energy Repulsion Strength 600
Personal Constitution 600
Energy Flow Ability 700
Energy Channeling Skill 700
Maximum Natural Energy Capacity 700

Outward Charisma 770
All other Physical Abilities 1,100.

196,000 Fleets - 129m CER

Re: First Ascension skill help

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:20 am
by Mental
I'd focus on your fleets so you can grow quicker when/if you are massed and your personal abilities to make yourself harder to descend for now.

Re: First Ascension skill help

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:23 am
by Kisra
Okay, I have 2/3rds of my total planet pop. as labor planets, right now. What is the ideal Labor/Military planet ratio to keep?

Re: First Ascension skill help

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:28 pm
by Sol
There isn't really any specifically, completely depends on your set up, and if you plan to farm more or live off of your income.
If you're fairly active you shouldn't need that much income but delve into the farming scene:
At a glance, you should bump up your attack and covert physical: 1400 and 1300 respectively.
But as mental mentioned you should put more emphasis on your CER, it's quite poor compared to the rest of your account, if you get into a war your personal being would be fine but your CER would gut you when your planets are destroyed (to put it in perspective, a common but above average CER is 1 bill per day, so what takes you 10 days to recover after a strike, an enemy with that caliber of CER would do it in 1 day).
With that in mind you wouldn't even want a fair amount of planets in your military, so I wouldn't train too many supers in defence, untrain as much as you can after farming (while still allowing a fight when you're offline). You could train them as laborers of course so long as you log in to spend your dmu every so often.

Basically, do what you need to do to have minimal losses because you can't afford a big loss.
HU are known to have a flourish of ascended calcs so you can google their name and jump on their forum, I'm unaware if you know of them but anyway, targets for you to aim for:

Cheapest path to 200 mill CER:
739 Outward Charisma
and 338,645 Cosmic Exploratory Fleets.

Cheapest path to 300 mill CER:
785 Outward Charisma
and 432,805 Cosmic Exploratory Fleets.

Cheapest path to 400 mill CER:
818 Outward Charisma
and 517,050 Cosmic Exploratory Fleets.

Cheapest path to 500 mill CER:
844 Outward Charisma
and 594,367 Cosmic Exploratory Fleets.

Re: First Ascension skill help

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:11 am
by teesdale
im hopeless on ascended... but if you need help on main let me know :D