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APP turns suggestion

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:41 pm
by Mental
There has been a lot of heated discussion about APP and turns and how unfair it all is.

My suggestion is to replace APP for turns and make it DMU for turns, Now I do not mean farming DMU and swapping it for turns instead encourage people to build an income that they have to defend and in return they gain the extra 4000 turns once every three weeks from cosmic trade.

I would have it set so that they have to be earning a certain percentage of their possible maximum income to qualify, I would hope it would help discourage accounts sitting in sniper mode and promote extra activity, building and fighting on the ascended server.

Re: APP turns suggestion

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:50 pm
by Slim87R
I could roll with that. I think that building up should yield a higher conversion rate as well. Encouraging building is always a good thing.