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Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:36 pm
by Kikaz
The changing of Plague.

Follow the route of ascended and have UP get less effective steadily, Keep the trade, raid and beginning of plague sizes the same.

And black market cap as is..

Allow people to grow large armies and then larger stats would be built nullifying the effect of planets and to an extent MS.

This would lead to an arms race to get large armies as they should not be wiped out in ten minutes by someone sitting with barely anything but a double strike.

Also, more ME for all you ME chasers. :smt047


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:50 pm
by Mathlord
That would turn everything in the game into up planets that have to be merlined. It would be great for you, less great for those of us that don't want to invest in merlins or 10 quad planet defenses.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:57 pm
by Kikaz
Or raw UP?


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:56 pm
by Mathlord
Kikaz wrote:Or raw UP?
How will someone with raw up compete with someone with 10 up planets? If you are going to make the purpose of the game army size growth again, only allowing up to be a source past the raid cap severely handicaps those that don't have 10 big up planets.

Say I can't afford up planets...what's your total up Kikaz? 15 mil or so? I'm sure that cost you a pretty penny...but how much would that cost for me to get with just raw unit production?

Upgrade UP from 0 to 15,000,000.

It would cost 187,500,012,500,000,000 Naq to upgrade.

You would need to enter 5,000,000 for multiplier.

There are two things I think would be fair honestly...if you raise a hard plague a considerable amount and then raise the raid cap and buy cap relative to them. Or you get rid of the caps and just let everyone go loose with as big of army sizes as they can get because what the hell, why not, it's our money dag nab it. The latter would totally break the game, but at least it would be fun. Us sitting on our accounts amassing up would be no different than newgrounds.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:18 pm
by Kikaz
I have 9 mill UP total right now, not all planets are UP though admittedly.

696 trill to get 1 mill UP attribute on a planet..

Not hard to do when some people have 1 trill incomes and make 48 trill a day. (Every two weeks they could build one of these just from income if they had a defense to keep it)

Hell with 100k turns you can farm 1.6 quads theres two planets right there.

So farm 500k turns and you can have 10x 1m UP planets? OMG, I know a lot of players that farm 500,000 turns in two months!

3.2 quads to build a 12 trill planet defense, but all but 4 accounts in the game can't mass a 6t planet defense which again costs less than a qad

Every 200k turns gets you a 12 trill planet defense.

6 months of farming you can have the same set up as me.

As for merlins..

Maybe you should suggest MT's give more and take away cash buying of them, see how it works.

As for 9m raw UP, farm 4 million turns and your there. ;)


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:21 pm
by Ryuujin Jakka
i don't quite get what u mean ... hmm. like when we are low army our raw uos are like 25 mill? as we hit caps it decreases ? or what ?


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:23 pm
by Mathlord
I have said countless times now that merlin buying is the root of the problem. Since that's not changing we of course shouldn't make changes that only exacerbate the problem.

Do you really want sgw to become a battle between who can build bigger merlined planet stats than anyone else?


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:24 pm
by Mathlord
~Đea†ħ~ wrote:i don't quite get what u mean ... hmm. like when we are low army our raw uos are like 25 mill? as we hit caps it decreases ? or what ?
Yes...if your total up is say 25 mil a day then when you hit plague, that drops to say 20 mil at 700 mil army, 15 mil at 800 mil army, etc. etc.

If you keep raid cap low, all you will do is ensure that the only way to grow is to build raw up and up planets. If the key to the game becomes up planets that is a HUGE advantage to those that can merlin their planets and makes the top unreachable for those that don't want to spend that money every week.


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:09 pm
by Ryuujin Jakka
Mathlord wrote:
~Đea†ħ~ wrote:i don't quite get what u mean ... hmm. like when we are low army our raw uos are like 25 mill? as we hit caps it decreases ? or what ?
Yes...if your total up is say 25 mil a day then when you hit plague, that drops to say 20 mil at 700 mil army, 15 mil at 800 mil army, etc. etc.

If you keep raid cap low, all you will do is ensure that the only way to grow is to build raw up and up planets. If the key to the game becomes up planets that is a HUGE advantage to those that can merlin their planets and makes the top unreachable for those that don't want to spend that money every week.

but isnt it more or less just like that as is , the plague kills your up as you go up ?

wel not exactly your up in direct, but your units whichneed replaced by a up that beats the plague


Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:58 pm
by Mathlord
~Đea†ħ~ wrote:
Mathlord wrote:
~Đea†ħ~ wrote:i don't quite get what u mean ... hmm. like when we are low army our raw uos are like 25 mill? as we hit caps it decreases ? or what ?
Yes...if your total up is say 25 mil a day then when you hit plague, that drops to say 20 mil at 700 mil army, 15 mil at 800 mil army, etc. etc.

If you keep raid cap low, all you will do is ensure that the only way to grow is to build raw up and up planets. If the key to the game becomes up planets that is a HUGE advantage to those that can merlin their planets and makes the top unreachable for those that don't want to spend that money every week.

but isnt it more or less just like that as is , the plague kills your up as you go up ?

wel not exactly your up in direct, but your units whichneed replaced by a up that beats the plague
With the current plague set up there reaches a point where you cannot keep growing. I see your point they do have similarities, I just fear further pushing that envelope. I mean the whole point of making this change would be to allow army sizes to grow.

I made two counter-suggestions in this thread. If we're raising plague or increasing how up functions through plague, we should in turn raise the raid cap and buy cap or those of us that do not want to invest solely in up planets.


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:45 am
by teesdale
effectively its exactly the same now with pluage... except instead of being less UP, its xx amount dies... only difference would be the loss of units would come straight out of your gain, instead of killing what you already have trained and replacing them with uu.

Math your thinking big on the numbers there... nothing saying a 20m UP can drop to 5m at 700m, 2m at 800m uu, 1m at 900m uu ect...


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:53 am
by teesdale
FYI i voted no potato... current system and caps stop armies from getting to absurd pointless levels


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:28 am
by Mathlord
teesdale wrote:effectively its exactly the same now with pluage... except instead of being less UP, its xx amount dies... only difference would be the loss of units would come straight out of your gain, instead of killing what you already have trained and replacing them with uu.

Math your thinking big on the numbers there... nothing saying a 20m UP can drop to 5m at 700m, 2m at 800m uu, 1m at 900m uu ect...
Yeah I realize, was just an example of numbers. I didn't mean anything by them specifically.

The key difference is that no matter your army size, you will still keep growing, albeit slowly. With the current plague setup, you can reach a point where you lose army by doing nothing.


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:53 pm
by Ryuujin Jakka
Mathlord wrote:
~Đea†ħ~ wrote:
Mathlord wrote:
~Đea†ħ~ wrote:i don't quite get what u mean ... hmm. like when we are low army our raw uos are like 25 mill? as we hit caps it decreases ? or what ?
Yes...if your total up is say 25 mil a day then when you hit plague, that drops to say 20 mil at 700 mil army, 15 mil at 800 mil army, etc. etc.

If you keep raid cap low, all you will do is ensure that the only way to grow is to build raw up and up planets. If the key to the game becomes up planets that is a HUGE advantage to those that can merlin their planets and makes the top unreachable for those that don't want to spend that money every week.

but isnt it more or less just like that as is , the plague kills your up as you go up ?

wel not exactly your up in direct, but your units whichneed replaced by a up that beats the plague
With the current plague set up there reaches a point where you cannot keep growing. I see your point they do have similarities, I just fear further pushing that envelope. I mean the whole point of making this change would be to allow army sizes to grow.

I made two counter-suggestions in this thread. If we're raising plague or increasing how up functions through plague, we should in turn raise the raid cap and buy cap or those of us that do not want to invest solely in up planets.

we i can see the benifits and downfalls to that , she game is expanding, so much so that smaller stats can be destroyed for the cost of nothing with planet and motherships making it one sided. , but if everyone where to have large army sizes then planets and ms's wouldnt be just as effective

it would mean the game is more actual skill based than reliant on **Filtered** like planets and stuff , but then how do you combat your "up" problem, as kikaz said it aint hard to farm , you've spent some money yourself math , you can't view yourself amongst non spenders anymore. i still spend the odd $ but very little. at that it aint all that hard to farm planets , i mean look at a few acc's for sale from no $ spenders like nem ,his planets are pretty much on par with any of the big planets floating about . he just went the route of using his income to build himself up ,where as others farm besides you can hold 10 planets and gain merlins on certain routines on the market ,it aint all that hard to work out :)

p.s disregard planets for a second , 700m army isnt hard to reach with a 3m up... so why would your 20m up drop to a 5m up at 700m army ? thats not even what the plague cap is at the minute , i would agree on raising the raid and possibly the trade caps, or maybe not just raise the raid caps. it would allowbetter warfare but its weither people will invest the UU that theyve raided into stats , it will allow more income elephants as the admin calls them.

then as you say why would people need UP planets and who would this update really affect other than 1-2 people ?
if the raid cap was increased , everyone would just sit at say 750m army, and do **Filtered** all with it ...

i can't vote on this , i am undecided if this were to be implemented it would needa **Filtered** lot more thought put to it and all dynamics looked at.

unless you increased the raid cap past the "plague" cap and those who want to raid to the raid cap need to have the UP to back it up or else it just chops mills and mill's of UU off them per turn

meh i dunno
need alot of thought and level headed discussion , something that can rarely be had on this game lol.


Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:02 pm
by Mathlord
With the way the game is right now, whatever the raid cap is, actives can get there easily. Hell even I can raid 400 mil in a day and I'm the crappiest raider this game has ever seen.

Let me try to explain what I mean again. Suppose as with this suggestion that we do not increase the buy cap or the raid cap. Instead the goal is to allow people, through unit production to grow more than they currently can. That would push the game towards a focus on unit production and getting as big of a unit production as possible.

I was using made up numbers before obviously...this is just a suggestion and apologies for being off by 17 mil of the current plague cap lol. So suppose plague is instead of 717, starts at 750. At 750, your up is cut in half or by 30% or something...the at 850 it's cut another 10%, then at 1000 another 10%, so on and so forth. It could be harsher cuts, it could be softer cuts, who knows what it will actually be. The point is, the strength of your account and your ability to fight will almost solely depend on your ability to get into the high army size levels and stay there.

As it currently is, there are only ever a few people that go to a billion army size and build stats instead there will be dozens of people reaching that size area and building at a level that nobody with a buy cap/raid cap double strike will be able to mass down. The game will change to being dependent on keeping your army size on par with the other big guns. And that's fine, but if you only allow unit production to be the source of that growth then you have a problem.

We cannot disregard up planets. Why? Because you're right, up planets are easy to get and they are FAR cheaper to build than the corresponding raw up that would be added. Remember what I said, raw up of 15 mil to build would be 187 quad naq. Now to get to 2.6 mil raw up and 10 1.3 mil up planets would cost:

To upgrade planet from 0 Power to 1,300,001 Power.
It would cost 1,175,156,339,885,000 Naq to upgrade.
You would need to do 684,211 upgrades.

Upgrade UP from 0 to 2,600,001.
It would cost 5,633,339,833,335,000 Naq to upgrade.
You would need to enter 866,667 for multiplier.

So that's a total of a bit over 17 quad naq...less than one tenth the cost of just investing in raw up.

So order to compete, you'd need 10 up planets. And in order to protect 10 up planets, you'll need merlins just like you need right now for att/def duals if you want to mass super efficiently.

So again...if you want to raise plague considerably (which I'm fine with honestly) you have to increase buy and raid caps as well. Forcing the game to once again rely on a stat that is SO heavily reliant on planets will just further eliminate people who do not spend money from competitiveness.

At least today raiding is so cheap that (if you can get turns) you can raid a ton and have lots of units you can throw at the stats people are building.

And yes I'm a dollar spender who does spend quite a bit on this game. That said this is a free game and I know I am not willing to spend the money necessary to merlin 10 planets all year round nor should I or any other player be required to spend that kind of money on a free game.

If we go that route, then we're no better than runescape.