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Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:02 pm
by unseen1
Just wanted to say hi.I doubt there is anyone that remembers me but heck here I am surprised that game is still alive and kicking.Still same old major powers on the top.Also new to me Dominion and Omega are at it.Once great alliance now enemies?
Well I have a lot of catching up to do around here i guess ;-)
Oh and my 10th anniversary is coming so yay for me and the game ;-)

Anyone here to give some heads up to what is the normal hit and raid ratio per 15AT?

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:19 pm
by Navy
Welcome back!

Obviously it depends on how you play. However, a good naq hit will be 200bil+/15at (some use 12 but that takes longer than just hitting the full attack button). Normal market prices call for at least an 80bil/15at. As for raiding...depends on the person...I go for nothing less than 300k/15 but can't remember market rates.

Hope this helps!