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NGM Query

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:40 am
by Quina Quen
Sorry if this has already been asked but am I correct in assuming that 20 ascensions on NG will result in the creation of an account on the main server that goes by the ascended title of 'Conqueror of the New World'? What bonuses (by comparison to standard main account ascensions) is this given? Finally, is it possible to ascend an NGM further and if so what title would it be given?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:51 am
by shruiken
yes once you reach 20 ascensions on NG you can ascend to the main server. Your account will be a CoTNW which will be equal to the 20th ascension level on main ( Origin of Existance I believe). Yes you can ascend your CoTNW account. As for bonuses I'm not sure if it is the same for all accounts but I got 225mil army, 250k UP, C 35, AC 34 no planets obviously.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:51 am
by Duderanch
Yeah when you ascend to main your CoTNW account will be created, it will have:

Naquadah on hand: 2,000,000
Naquadah in bank: 52,055,003,627,520
Bank size: 52,055,003,627,520
Unit Production: 250,000 /day
Attack Turns: 4,000 (2,000 generic + 2,000 personal)
Covert level: 35
Anticovert level: 34
Tech: All technologies; MS tech lvl 8.

Attackers: 1,000,000
Super Attackers: 10,000,000
Attack Mercs: 1,000,000
Defenders: 1,000,000
Super Defenders: 10,000,000
Defence Mercs: 1,000,000
Untrained: 50,000,000
Miners: 100,000,000
Lifers: 0
Spies: 50,000,000
Assassins: 1,000,000
Total Fighting Force: 225,000,000

Shields: 100,000
Weapons: 150,000
Fleets: 100,000

And the stat bonus and AB chance of a OoE, once you get 1001 G&R + all reqs you can ascend to UnSpeakable which will create a brand new *ascended account.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:15 am
by Quina Quen
Thanks dudes.

Just regarding the NGM though - can this be ascended? What happens if you ascend it?

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:23 am
by Duderanch
NGM is newgrounds main, the CoTNW acc you get that you can ascend in main to UnSpeakable which will give you a brand new ascended account. Your account on the newgrounds server once it's available to come off vac is lvl 25 and can't be ascended any further.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:37 am
by Quina Quen
I think I've got my terminology wrong. I was thinking that NGM stood for NewGrounds Multi (not main). I'm still a bit perplexed to be honest.

The Conqueror of The New World account is equivalent to Unspeakable? That's 20 or 21 ascensions right? If you ascend that account, I'm assuming the name changes to the next available ascended rank? OOE? Uknown is 23 right? Where does level 25 come into play? Sorry for being a spaz.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:01 am
by Clockwork
It's quite simple really:-

NG - Account on the New Grounds servers. Once you ascend this account up to level 20 on the New Grounds server, you have the option of Creating an NGM, and in the process increasing the level of the NG to lvl 25 on the New Grounds server at which point if you choose to continue playing it, you cannot ascend it further.

NGM - Account on the Main server that was created by ascending from the New Grounds server at lvl 20. All NGM accounts can be identified by an asterisk at the start of the account name. By default this account will start as a 'Conqueror of the New World' which is equivalent to an old 'Origin of Existance' account. The exception being that a NGM does not start with a NGA. If you decide to ascend your NGM, it will become 'The UnSpeakable', a lvl 21 account.

NGA - Account on the Ascended server created by ascending an NGM on the Main server. This starts fresh, with exactly the same stats on the Ascended server as if you just ascended to a 'Prior' on the Main server.

*Note, the NGM starts life being completely undescendable because it has no linked NGA to descend. At present there is no negative impact, however it has been mentioned in the past that this is likely to change sometime in the future.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:18 am
by Quina Quen
Very kind Sir, thank you for taking the time. :)

Just one final question, can you continue to ascend your NGM to Unknown?

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 8:43 am
by Clockwork
General Riviera wrote:Just one final question, can you continue to ascend your NGM to Unknown?
Yes, just like any other account, same requirements for each level.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:06 am
by Quina Quen
Excellent. Time to learn how to play it! :D

Thank you.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:02 am
by Quina Quen
(Sorry for the double post mods but didn't want to start a new topic).

Just another quick question if I may - is there any point in ascending your NG account to level 25 (I understand that's the top) if your only intention is to create the main multi? Are there any benefits to the main account with further NG ascensions?

Thanks in advance :)

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:02 am
by Duderanch
When you ascend your NG account to main it goes on vac mode for a week (or 2 can't remember) on the newgrounds server, if you chose to bring it off it will be lvl 25 already. You don't have to physically do anything.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:13 am
by Quina Quen
Oh, interesting. Thank you.

Am I the only one who thinks that NG is absolute garbage? Be glad to see the back of it once I'm done.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:36 am
by Duderanch
It was slightly more interesting when it first came out, never been a good game though.

Re: NGM Query

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:40 am
by Quina Quen
The whole ascension process just feels like one huge waste of time and nothing else, as if it is forcing you to wait rather than offer you the opportunity to reduce this time by doing some maths, farming and raiding. The whole mechanics are like someone put the barriers up and forced you to use the sloped metal roller thing at the bowling alley. You can aim right for the centre but you'll have to watch as the ball piddles it's way to the pins.

Sorry, I feel better now.