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Era 42: Profligate Neurophagic Eidolon

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:06 pm
by Support
On Earth, the PNE was first sighted in the Yucatan peninsula, in close proximity to an archaeological site. Soon after that, the first Asgard and Goa'uld cases were reported and as time progressed oddly enough even the Replicators started showing signs of the affliction. In Replicators, the PNE showed as rampant AI. In the Asgard, it activated clones and corrupted civilization. Even in the Goa'uld, where craziness is often masked by ambition, their kind of crazy was extreme. To the Humans, the PNE appeared as that dreadful thing that comes around in nightmares, the Zombie.

  • New units: the Dead, and Zombies. Friggin' Zombies.
    • - Zombies: Fierce and violent. They can (and will!) use weapons on both attack and defence.
      - Dead: Everyone who either lost their life (or brains/machinery). With Telchak's Device these can be resurrected as Zombies. Every day around midnight a massive bonfire is held and the entire lot is burned.
    New technology: Telchak's Device
    • - Allows 'resurrection' of Dead to powerful Zombies.
      - Borrowed from smugglers for a limited time for a fee.
    New politics: Zombies are disloyal b*s
    • - Some will stay behind in the lands you attacked.
      - Zombies eat everyone, get ready to hurt!
      - Units that die on the field of battle stay on the field of battle, your opponent's Deadpool grows.
    New rule: Biggest is best!
    • - The biggest population takes first prize. Or rather, a first prize.
      - Prizes awarded in Black Market Credit. (Main or Quantum)
      - 100$ BMC to the biggest Armysize.
      - 100$ BMC to the biggest Total Power.
      - 30$ BMC to the second biggest Armysize and Total Power.
      - Prizes stack.

We launch 23:59 gameTime today, April 4th.

Re: Era 42: Profligate Neurophagic Eidolon

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:13 pm
by Kikaz

Re: Era 42: Profligate Neurophagic Eidolon

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:41 am
by reborn
I do like the new style of page.

this era does seem to have a few new things in it have to work head around it.

1 question though
New politics: Zombies are disloyal b*s
- Some will stay behind in the lands you attacked.

I do hope they have to beat your defence for that to happen, if not I can see that being abused with ppl that hardly play , right at end buying weapon and just hitting everyone.

Last wave that was beta though, r we going to see that for era 43? I would like to see what that would be like with everyone play it. Did seem of an interesting wave tbh.

Re: Era 42: Profligate Neurophagic Eidolon

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:04 pm
by Support
reborn wrote:I do like the new style of page.
Thank you. :) Good to hear positive feedback on a work in progress.
reborn wrote:I do hope they have to beat your defence for that to happen, if not I can see that being abused with ppl that hardly play , right at end buying weapon and just hitting everyone.
This will not be a problem, will let you figure out/do some math why.
reborn wrote:Last wave that was beta though, r we going to see that for era 43? I would like to see what that would be like with everyone play it. Did seem of an interesting wave tbh.
I have good test usage data for the Space Regions, but by itself the concept does not add enough of a challenge to be the defining feature of an Era. We will definitely use the data and feature in future Eras. It could be a part of 43, happy to hear your take.

Re: Era 42: Profligate Neurophagic Eidolon

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:07 pm
by reborn
I did think it was ok to run as it was tbh, but if want to add something else in I don't see why not.

Though why not 1 era as it was in beta an then another era with something else added in a few more down the line. Just my thoughts on it.