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Who is still around

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:59 pm
by solmyr
I have no idea how SGW is going these days but MS's must be astronomically large. What do you farm a 15 AT hit for now? when i last played i could do 20Bill and turn ove enough but 30 or more was more frugal?

Anyone on the forums from The Confederacy still? What about Tekki is that ol legend still about?

Much love


Re: Who is still around

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:00 pm
by Mathlord
Woah, there's an old face. Welcome back to the forums!

Game is crazy. Biggest mothership is over 35 tril power (they did increase mothership power 2.5x a few years back...still that is around 3 million volleys and shields haha).

Farming is at least 200 bil per 15 turn attack I'd say though real farmers hit for higher than that...raiding is 300k uu per 15 turn or higher. Naq is dirt cheap and uu are now a bargain thanks to how easy raiding is.

Not sure about any TC peoples, Tekki retired probably three years ago now. Geez, amazing how time flies.

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 3:24 am
by Norbe
Nice to see an old friendly face. Welcome back Solmyr.


Re: Who is still around

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 7:50 pm
by solmyr
Well good to see the Tauri are still about XD. You guys FINALLY made friends with DDE yet :smt047

Trying to think who was around the top when i last played. JT probably had the best account id be surprised to hear he has left. I cant log in but i left my account to ChaosTheory when i quit the game. Can anyone see if 94442 (if i can remember correctly) is still around ingame? I know i had a top 30 MS at one time when iwas sinking 6 Hours a day into this. God how this game consumed my spare hours. good times.

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 9:32 pm
by Navy

UnKnown of the INDU
{On The Cusp of A Black Hole...}
{Temporarily on the Protected Planets Treaty...}

Looks like he vac'd the account.

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 12:54 am
by solmyr
Navy wrote:Chaostheory

UnKnown of the INDU
{On The Cusp of A Black Hole...}
{Temporarily on the Protected Planets Treaty...}

Looks like he vac'd the account.
ahh well looks like he took it to the grave. Probably a good thing, i couldnt afford the time in my to get hooked again :smt091

And it took me years of solid play to get a semi competitive account. It would be so far behind the 8 ball its ridiculous XD

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 1:18 am
by Navy
solmyr wrote:
Navy wrote:Chaostheory

UnKnown of the INDU
{On The Cusp of A Black Hole...}
{Temporarily on the Protected Planets Treaty...}

Looks like he vac'd the account.
ahh well looks like he took it to the grave. Probably a good thing, i couldnt afford the time in my to get hooked again :smt091

And it took me years of solid play to get a semi competitive account. It would be so far behind the 8 ball its ridiculous XD
Coooome oooon. You know you want to come back ;)

Plus, now-a-days very competitive (if not leading) accounts are going for relatively cheap. Just look at the market section.

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 1:32 am
by harchester

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 2:40 am
by ~Snipez~
why hello there :-D

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 1:43 pm
by Duderanch

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:57 am
by solmyr
Ahhh Harchy!!!! If TC was around and me still i would be asking you to join stil. you know you always wanted too. And Snipez, my old CO..... How u doing brother?

Hey Duders. Glad too see you still around. I totally would have smashed you in those 1v1s if you didnt have some BS mothership action. Sure it was like #T or something when i fought you last vs my measly 1.5 or whatever it was....... Just too huge.

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 1:28 am
by ƒëmmë
*hugs* nice to see another aussie return to forum if not game. xx

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:52 am
by solmyr
Hey there Femme. Yeah wont be coming back to play anytime soon i couldnt devote the time i had my crack im a dinosaur now hehe. Still for at least teh short term ill try to stop in here and there and have a chat!

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:41 am
by R0B3RT
Mathlord wrote:Woah, there's an old face. Welcome back to the forums!

Game is crazy. Biggest mothership is over 35 tril power (they did increase mothership power 2.5x a few years back...still that is around 3 million volleys and shields haha).

Farming is at least 200 bil per 15 turn attack I'd say though real farmers hit for higher than that...raiding is 300k uu per 15 turn or higher. Naq is dirt cheap and uu are now a bargain thanks to how easy raiding is.

Not sure about any TC peoples, Tekki retired probably three years ago now. Geez, amazing how time flies.
a print with your ME
stop post **Filtered** you raid lower and never farm
better show your paypal log and i trust you

Re: Who is still around

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:03 am
by borg
Im still here solly and himla - we tried keeping eternal knights alive but finally gave in - there a few ex members in dde too - hope all is well with you :D