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Game Relaunch

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 1:28 pm
by renegadze
Well I'm guessing hardly a new idea....but having been away from the game for a number of years myself (6 I think) something inspired me to check back in.

I logged into the game with an old account to see very few people seem to actually play anymore.

I could actually be fairly interested in having another bash, but feel since the tv series ended the is little being done to really get this game known anymore.

Anyway...I'll check back in from time to time, and hope to see something new starting to grow

Re: Game Relaunch

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:25 am
by J.S.
The problem with these kind of games, people need stimulation without it. meh.

Re: Game Relaunch

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:00 am
by frazz
how you doing rene

I think in general your right but ascended is a lot more fun than main at the moment a lot mainly to the tournys

I think an app would be majorly beneficial to the game

even just a web wrapper login that's tied to mobile and people would play it a lot more

I know sol has something in progress with that but its been ongoing a year or so