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Campaign Discussion

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:14 pm
by overlord elz
Have had this idea since around 2008 but always saw a lot of problems with implementing, but thought I would throw up a topic about it as I mention it in response to another suggestion and thought it deserves its own discussion thread.

The idea is generally to help scope out wars with end dates, kind of like blood wars, but with a bit more definition in how people participate, and are rewarded. As I said there are a lot of holes in how this would work, but with discussion could become viable.

Any alliance leader (or individual) can define a campaign, you have campaign leader (alliance and by extension that alliances leadership control the campaign). The campaign has a set goal, and time frame and goals can only be changed after 48 hours or something (to help allow for treaties and agreements to shape the campaign).

Campaign goals can be like "Alliance disbands, 1Q Campaign loot etc"

You can set things that allow any alliance to join campaign, and campaign drains all the naq (kind of like alliance levies are currently done).

Being part of a victorious campaign gives all participants insignia to be displayed on their account page. Would be cool to have medals etc associated with the campaigns too. Might be too drastic a change, but would add a lot of cool things to see what campaigns people have been part of.

How I see the main idea of the campaign that all actions by campaign members contributes to a resource pool. So all attacks on the defined enemy drain 10% of the retrieved naq/uu into the resource pool. At the end of the campaign the resource pool is then allocated to the members as defined by the campaign leaders. This needs some form of control, but the general idea is that you can set up campaigns based on total farm values (1q naq pool total) so the campaign automatically ends when the resource pool hits the campaign target.

I think campaigns should also include the ability for both parties to agree to peace treaties etc that (if agreed upon) enforce a peace treaty between all members, as well as default war settings between members to prevent nox abuse.

I have a bunch of other ideas for this campaign business, but never really thought to suggest it as the game is starting to wither a little.