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Re: robert vs valhala

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:52 am
by My_Crows
*Munches popcorn with increasing intensity*

Re: robert vs valhala

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:16 am
by ~Odin~
I am going to say this once. I am not Gatebuilder or what ever his name is.

I quit the game, sold my main account to Colonel Jack Oneill and sold my NG account to Harchester. Harchester being the knob that he can be decided to keep the NG with my name and my email address, after speaking with juliette and threatening to take back over the account (NG) because it was still in my email he rushed off and changed it. However kept my name *~Odin~ which bugged me so I created a noob account and called it Harchester.

[9/03/2016 6:46:20 PM] Odin - Alliance Leader The Collective: Well I created an account and re-named it Harchester
[9/03/2016 6:46:42 PM] Odin - Alliance Leader The Collective: he wont change my NG name so I will make sure he cant have his normal name in main
[9/03/2016 6:48:48 PM] JOS (Nathan): Brilliant (cwl)

During this period I only had access to that one noob account, I think I got it to messiah and used it to farm DDE, OE and TF once or twice but it spent most its time in purg because I wasn't playing.

I then decided to play the game again and popped the account out of purg and changed the name back to ~Odin~ so Harch could have his name back and I could apply for Judgement alliance. During this time my former member bfg9000 informed me that he was leaving the game or at least slowing down. I threw out the idea of him handing the account over to me so I would at least have an Unknown with a covert of 38 and he did so. This can be confirmed with email's back and forth between myself and Support to get access to the ascended account sorted out back on my birthday which was 18/06/1989:-

[spoiler]From: GateWars Support <>
Sent: Saturday, 18 June 2016 9:10 PM
To: chris green
Subject: Re: Ascended: Unable to log in (Odin)

Hail Allfather, welcome back.

Copied your details from Main (MID 1974109) to the associated Ascended
account (AID 9333).
Username is bfg9000, email and pass are the same as on Main.

Have fun!

Kind regards,

Then over the last week or so I hear people saying that I am some sort of multi account using person and using an account called gatebuilder and that apparently I bought the account off of KJ. Well This is a complete lie, to the best of my knowledge I have not bought an account from KJ or at least have not in the last 3 years. I provided a copy of my paypal records for the last year to Judement members to prove that I had not sent or received any money from KJ. I am hoping that he has just had me mixed up with someone else or someone is/was using my name while I was away from the game. The last time KJ ever replied to a skype message of mine was back in August of 2015.

From what I can understand I am getting all of this blame all because KJ said he sold me the account. I am saying I never bought an account from him and haven't spoken with him since August of last year, I don't even have him on Facebook and haven't had him on their in years. All of this seems to be a case of people taking one tiny bit of information and running with it and turning it into a game of Chinese whispers, I returned to have some fun in an alliance that didn't give a squat about anyone ingame and an alliance I didn't have to run. I have a clean reputation in this game why would I risk that on this? I would love to see some actual proof that says without a doubt I am this gatebuilder person because simply put....I'm not him.

Now yes, I care about my former alliance mates, I consider them friends. However upon returning to this game I see it as a game not what it was when I was leader of The Collective and was so annoyingly diplomatic that I was voted Hero of the year two years running. So you can mass who you like, you can even continue to mass me. Stats mean little to nothing to me and I can just sit there and log in once every 3 days if I so see fit (Pokemon GO is a blast and far more of a time stealer then gatewars if I'm honest lol). I just wanted to come on here and have my long winded 2cents heard.

Re: robert vs valhala

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:34 am
by ~Dä Vinci~
It's not odin, that's for clear.

Re: robert vs valhala

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:45 am
by R0B3RT
hmm they lied rob :? got a skype print screen where kj said sold to odin that account

going to search in another place that sniper :-D

You have set Peace with the entire alliance membership.Name:

[ Valhalla ]

can be closed now;)