Limit on attack turns (as started in rules) not working

Fledgling Forumer
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Limit on attack turns (as started in rules) not working

"You can only attack any particular player 5 times in a 24 hour period."

If admin fixes that bug, it will solve all the problems of people doing a kamakazi attack with a pea shooter. An attack is an attack if it fails or not. So that limits people to around 75 total turns in 24 hours against one person..
I am keeping my eye on you!
Jean Gregoire Gabriel
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How many times have you been attacked by the same person in one day? My highest number of attacks has been 10, but this person declared war on me - would I be right in thinking this ups the limit?

Also I think Admin has imposed a new reduced weapon damage when the opponent's attack is considerably weaker than your defense.

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I think enforcing this would be great no more mass one turn attacks and J.G.G i have been attack by the same playre on sevral occassions for about 4 or 5 pages worth .
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I had 129 seperate attacks from one person in a 1 hour period
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This would be a terrible idea i think. Many of us who do attack rely on hitting our enemies thousands of times in one sitting, effectivly cutting them down and making them take days to recover, depending who they are. If we are limited on attacks as we are on covert then everyone will get massive forces and we will no longer be able to attack them as it wouldnt be worth it. This is a WAR game, in war the enemy strategizes and hits multiple times and does not relent until their own losses become unnaceptable or victory is achieved. This is the way it should stay . Thats my opinion anyway.
Fledgling Forumer
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Well, its good that EVERYONE agrees to limiting their attacks to 5 times per player per 24 hours when they DECLAIRED they would follow the rules then by signing up. so as we are ALL in favor of this, admin can fix the bug! Problem solved.

I am keeping my eye on you!
Lord Dougy
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even though i lose out most of the time in these mass attacks but if that is taken away how do u take each other out?
---->Lord Dougy<---- aka _lord_dark_

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Just make the attack damage proportionnal to the amount of turns attack

If 15 soldiers gets killed while using a 15 turns attack on the guy, a 1 turn attack should only cause 1 death then. same thing with weapon damage.

The little guys could still attack the bigger guys but would need to have a whole lots of turns to create the smae damage.

That's my idea :evil:
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well limit is dumb then people who are in top positions are usualy unyouchable lol . and people who want at someone with a whole lot of naq just sitting out wants to make the defense strenth down a bit so they can steal there naq is another reason for not limiting attacks.

King 4 Day wrote:well limit is dumb then people who are in top positions are usualy unyouchable lol . and people who want at someone with a whole lot of naq just sitting out wants to make the defense strenth down a bit so they can steal there naq is another reason for not limiting attacks.

Attacking for 4 pages in stat in less than 30 min, is NOT for naquadah
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Okay people, the name of the game is StarGateWARS - not StarGate5ATTACKSPERDAY, or StarGateATTACKFORNAQ - StarGateWARS!!!!

Why are you so against mass attacks - they are the only thing that keeps the game from going stale!!! When we gave THE SAZ a good pasting a couple of weeks back it was bloody good fun, and respect to SAZ for rebuilding as she has done (she even congratulated us herself).

Besides, now that untrained cannot be killed in atatcks (I believe) it doesn't impact as much as it once did!

General Hammond: "Colonel, sorry I cannot authorise a further attack, you've stormed the base 5 times today already"

Colonel O'Neill: "Yeah sure thing General. Fallback men - NOT!!!"

I think I've mentioned it before, the name of the game is StarGateWARS!!!
Severian wrote:So I say as a last resort, splice Semper & Wolf359 for a good balance, Clone said unholy abomination a hundred times, let loose on forums and problem solved.
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It's good to have wars but a war should not be over in 30 minutes.....
SSG EnterTheLion
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if this were truly war, the small guy should be crushed! The best solution to this is make weapons damage related to the the attackers attack and defender's defence. So the closer ur attack is to someone's defence, the more damage u can do. Anything under 30% of ur defence should be brushed aside with no damage whatsoever.
R0B3RT wrote:yep sorry not a bug i.m a noob :-D
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If this were real war, brushing aside any attack would make no sense. Hypothetically speaking if someone shoots at your tank, your tank gets damaged. Even if its a bullet or two its still minor damage. No matter how big you are every attack matters.
SSG EnterTheLion
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one bullet would barely make a dent in a tank..and we are talking motherships here. think a pistol is going to dent a mothership?
R0B3RT wrote:yep sorry not a bug i.m a noob :-D

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