THE rules of changing names and races

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THE rules of changing names and races

The rules now for changing name or race is getting on my nerve. Some players change his in-game name and pretend they are newbies and they infiltrade alliances as a SPY. I suggest that when someone changes name = TOTAL RESET lose everything except Supporter Status and the rules of changing races can remain because their in-game name remain so we still know who they are.

euh now that i 'm busy complaining i got another one too lol.

well did someone notice that the Untrained Peons are UNTOUCHABLE so what's the point of going to battle when you almost know that yours and the opponent income will be unchange, agree when you lost def guards or away guard you must train them back but that's only a fraction of our army.
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make a test....sent yourself a ingame msg and change your u know wath hapens....the new name apears to have sent the ingame msg....

there is no point to lose everything....but i have no problem if this is changed....

but remember that in real life it hapens the same....wen the soviet union fell did they lost there armed power.....its the same thing...u change your nick but all remains the same(ingame u lose your fortifications and weapons)....but now that a lot have used the metod to change the race to replicator to get a cheper covert level(wich is aceptable by all) this can no longer be changed....;)
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last i checked the when soviet changed there name they were still known by there old one.
and its rally fracked up that a person can sell there wepons change race upgrade spy change to othere race incres there money, then buy back 600% of there wepons (sold 10 they buy 60) and attack some one in the top 100, all while there ranked 1,000 or below.
I am dyslexic and i did do spell check. sarry for the type-o's

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myFriend wrote:last i checked the when soviet changed there name they were still known by there old one.
and its rally fracked up that a person can sell there wepons change race upgrade spy change to othere race incres there money, then buy back 600% of there wepons (sold 10 they buy 60) and attack some one in the top 100, all while there ranked 1,000 or below.
well anyone can do that.....thats the point....;)

if new rules are made then only the ones that did that are advanteged....
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forgive_me wrote:
myFriend wrote:last i checked the when soviet changed there name they were still known by there old one.
and its rally fracked up that a person can sell there wepons change race upgrade spy change to othere race incres there money, then buy back 600% of there wepons (sold 10 they buy 60) and attack some one in the top 100, all while there ranked 1,000 or below.
well anyone can do that.....thats the point....;)

if new rules are made then only the ones that did that are advanteged....
i sed that cuz i rally din't know what you were trying to say
I am dyslexic and i did do spell check. sarry for the type-o's

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Re: THE rules of changing names and races

viperman wrote:The rules now for changing name or race is getting on my nerve. Some players change his in-game name and pretend they are newbies and they infiltrade alliances as a SPY. I suggest that when someone changes name = TOTAL RESET lose everything except Supporter Status and the rules of changing races can remain because their in-game name remain so we still know who they are.

euh now that i 'm busy complaining i got another one too lol.

well did someone notice that the Untrained Peons are UNTOUCHABLE so what's the point of going to battle when you almost know that yours and the opponent income will be unchange, agree when you lost def guards or away guard you must train them back but that's only a fraction of our army.

A little piece of advice to those who infiltrate as 'spies' as Viperman suggests - statements like this are now appearing when users sign up to forums:

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law. This is not only humorous, but legal actions can be taken against you.

This is a statement that has been put in by the creators of proboards (

The bits we're interested in here are false and innacurate - not too sure how far these would go in our case - they are even quoting US law about getting your correct date o fbirth - but it is something we all need to be aware of none the less.
Severian wrote:So I say as a last resort, splice Semper & Wolf359 for a good balance, Clone said unholy abomination a hundred times, let loose on forums and problem solved.
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As for viperman's point about Untrained troops - they will go down as you replace the trained troops that have been killed.

However - I would like to see a situatio where untrained troops are killed if they are being attacked (i.e. they are defending).

This makes a lot of sense as you would not send untrained troops to attack someone, but if somebody attacked you, they would not care who they killed.
Severian wrote:So I say as a last resort, splice Semper & Wolf359 for a good balance, Clone said unholy abomination a hundred times, let loose on forums and problem solved.
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i concur with the untrained peons, they shouldn't sent out to attack but as for defence is normal to defend your base at ALL COST so... UP also included.

as for name change, there is here a LAW in BELGIUM that you could change your NAME but you have to PAID fot IT (+/-150€) and investigated if a name change is neccesary otherwise you will have to pay a lot more then 150€ so my point is it will cost you but losing weapons is NOT an option. why? if i want to change my name i'll SELL all my weapons then using that to upgrade so where is the prize you paid to change => NONE. That's why my point of view is changing a NEW name = NEW LIFE!
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Losing untrained men makes defending more costly..and that benefits only one race. It also benefits alliances too much, and I'm speaking as an alliance member here. People sending silly messages that they'll get their alliance to avenge them and stuff... this sort of stuff will just increase. The lone rangers won't have a chance. And if someone says alliances aren't gonna target ppl off certain races..well frankly it's untrue. I get attacked all the time in both games by members of the TA, who claim not to attack other Tauri and Asgard. lol
R0B3RT wrote:yep sorry not a bug i.m a noob :-D
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viperman wrote:if i want to change my name i'll SELL all my weapons then using that to upgrade so where is the prize you paid to change => NONE.
here u are wrong....because wen u sell your weapons u get less naq then u paid for them.....and after u change races/name and try to buy back the weapons u will get about 70% of the weapons u pay a price....and some times u pai a verry big price.....
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rofl so true but all so wrong. there is and 80% money back, and the bank does a 5% sooo. if you need a bigger bank lose an extra 15% of incume and poof bank is so big you can't fit all the money in it. so in short the only "price" is 20% of your money. for a 10% cheaper spy lvl. 20%-10%= 10% humm the banks 5%. so there is realy no price unless you want to talk economics
I am dyslexic and i did do spell check. sarry for the type-o's

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EnterTheLion wrote:Losing untrained men makes defending more costly..and that benefits only one race. It also benefits alliances too much, and I'm speaking as an alliance member here. People sending silly messages that they'll get their alliance to avenge them and stuff... this sort of stuff will just increase. The lone rangers won't have a chance. And if someone says alliances aren't gonna target ppl off certain races..well frankly it's untrue. I get attacked all the time in both games by members of the TA, who claim not to attack other Tauri and Asgard. lol

Remember, this update has been brought about to even the playing field between supporters and non-supporters. Alliances were using the method of troop transfer to limit the loss of untrained units. Now there's no point in using it for that anymore. You lose troops depending on the size of your armed forces. You want to have a defense big enough to protect all of your naquadah, you pay the price for the troop replacements and repairs. You want a strike force that can take the naquadah from the highest asgard defense, you pay for it.

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Honestly i see people change thier names to become unkown pretty much like when races flee planets or bury thier gates u pay a heavey price to change names and i think that the catch with ingame pms should be altered if somone is willing to lose so much to become unknow at least let them become unkow forum it's not fair that people cahnge names and then get indetified by a pm they once sent .
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Really fuzzy math

myFriend wrote:rofl so true but all so wrong. there is and 80% money back, and the bank does a 5% sooo. if you need a bigger bank lose an extra 15% of incume and poof bank is so big you can't fit all the money in it. so in short the only "price" is 20% of your money. for a 10% cheaper spy lvl. 20%-10%= 10% humm the banks 5%. so there is realy no price unless you want to talk economics

Just how exactly do you *poof* have a bank bigger than all the money you have? Bank size, as I recall, is defined as two day's worth of income. So, you'd have to send your production rates through the roof. Which you can't buy back later! At higher levels, one is likely to have over 100 top weapons, offense and defense combined. So, 100x134,200 = 13,420,000. And if you have enough production to bank THAT MUCH NAQ, then you have absolutely no need to resort to name changes, race changes, or any other dodgy tactics.

Next myFriend subtracts 10% (Replicator discount for covert purchases) from 20% (of your total worth in Naq) to get 10% (of total worth in Naq). Which is completely wrong, because you can't get by on Covert alone. You'd *have* to buy weapons back (at 167,000), resulting in the 20% loss noted above. The 5% loss to the bank is a seperate mechanism, which reduces the overall loss, but does not reduce it to zero.

The exact amount lost would be something like (money_banked*.05) + (money_spent_on_covert*.1) + (money_spent_on_weapons*.2).

Which is *not* in any case, going to equal zero. You'd have to compare the original purchase cost of everything you sold off to how much you were able to sell it for to get an exact figure.

Now, Covert levels are big-ticket purchases, millions of Naq. 10% of oh, say, 6 million Naq is a sizable chunk of change. But if you have to lose 20% elsewhere to save 10% there, is it really a savings at all?
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you go poof by a name change. you bank is big with there is no max (and it looks like you have not found the hitch in the game so i will tell you cuz your new, you have a second bank called wepons)

true covort won't do it alone but nor will attack and affter about 500 wepons in attack its not worth the cost to repair vs what you get soo then you turn it into a bank save your money sell all and befor you could only have say 40mill now you can have 90milll (part of witch is from wepons) use the 90mill to upgrade spy and go back buy some attack wepons and go on a rampage with alll your attack tuns (the repair bill will be alot smaller)
OR if you still don't get that
you can stick your money in your wepons by the 500k bill for a raid for 1milll naq. and stick alot into unit preduction and make more money and have people attack you more offten.

so if your a peron with no life and can bank ever 3 turns then do it but if your a person that has work and stuff to do all day then go with the first option

i am not going to explain this any more cuz it really sounds like you have not a clue what i am saying.
I am dyslexic and i did do spell check. sarry for the type-o's

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