online members page.


good idea?

it stinks, i can smell it even when its thousand miles ahead...
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online members page.

Can there be somthing like, a page where u can see alllllll the members that are online?
somtimes there are more then 230 ppl online and it would be cool if you could see who the persons that are online are, and when the last time they were online orsomthing. maybe this idea can be used to find cheat accounts, Forum could make an update of this and he can see the IP adresses and the person who logged in the IP adress and compare it with other accounts with a quick IP Match search update orsomthing, this could be a great update to take out multi accounts or in active accounts.

post your comments below pls.
have a good day.

PS: vote on the poll :P
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or when to plan an attack :P
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No offence but I'm not a fan of this. I've thought about suggesting it a few times....but the downside is that people will know when to attack you or not. They will know who is online and so who not to attack. Then mass attacks etc can be done when the person is offline etc. I don't think it'd be a good idea. Sorry
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you could have a button : if you enable it , it would show you as logged in ??

Magni wrote:No offence but I'm not a fan of this. I've thought about suggesting it a few times....but the downside is that people will know when to attack you or not. They will know who is online and so who not to attack. Then mass attacks etc can be done when the person is offline etc. I don't think it'd be a good idea. Sorry
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Kind of like the ability to be a hidden user on forums that kind of thing? But wouldn't a lot of people just use that and then you wouldn't have a clue who is online again.
Maybe you could do it amonst friends and be able to select who can see if you're online? That kind of thing?
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Lord Kaiti
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I think an idea would be better to have a small image beside the username, when the user is offline, the image is grey, when they are online it's green. rather then having a whole page devoted to them.
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bringed back to life... post your responses lol
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yeah, nice, there could be a page like that where u can c them and it could be next to their name and a pic like Tnarg said, so instead of lookin at the page u can just c if they r on or not
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_Apophis__ wrote:you could have a button : if you enable it , it would show you as logged in ??

So you could set it to look as though you're online all the time anyway? That is self defeating... not to mention confusing.

An idea might be to have an asterisk next to the player's name, should this be implemented. Perhaps at least for members of your alliance.
~Phoenix~ wrote:Rememberance day for what event?
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Only so members of your own alliance can see if you are on. Otherwise it would be crippling. All i'd have to do is wait til someone was offline then I could steal everything from him with little or no opportunity for him to bank. It is highly unfair.
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how about the person has to be a friend and ask permission from the person they want to see, if they accept the propasal to let them see when they are on/off line then they will be able to see each other.
I got banned...well now isnt that nice :)
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ANGER FREAK wrote:how about the person has to be a friend and ask permission from the person they want to see, if they accept the propasal to let them see when they are on/off line then they will be able to see each other.

This sounds like more inbox spam to me :(

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