The Return of the Raid function

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The Return of the Raid function

Ok I not everyone like this new form of attack, but now with the increase of naq production I am starting to the feeling that those with high up will be cemented at the top with no real way of others knocking them down, the only way out is ascention. No one knows for sure other than forum when that will be up and ready. I feel that with the new increase (50%) that it makes having a high up such as over 1000 and in some cases close to 2000 is the only viable tactic for some to keep up. We need some way to offset this. Now granted I am pleased to see more naq out in the open for attacks, I still find it not worth attacking. Truly this game has turned into who has the bigger armies and guns.

So I am purposing that Forum return the raid function. I think it needs more ideas and time to work out the kinks, but unless someone has any better ideas that is the only option I see out of this New Cold War we are now seeing.

Please post your thoughts :mrgreen:
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I would gladly welcome back the raid function so long as it was a COVERT ACTION. Then I would be very happy to see it return.....otherwise it really wasn't worth doing.
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maybe u should do something about getting your army biger that do not envolve raiding troops from someone else so i guess u couldn't raid it from top players so the only way is to raid from weaker players!!
Maybe u should spent some naquadah in unit production. my opinion.
Lord Dougy
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i like the idea of a raid function for covert as well.
---->Lord Dougy<---- aka _lord_dark_

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Bahamut wrote:maybe u should do something about getting your army biger that do not envolve raiding troops from someone else so i guess u couldn't raid it from top players so the only way is to raid from weaker players!!
Maybe u should spent some naquadah in unit production. my opinion.

Well that is why I said "work out the kinks". You'd be only building for the sake of building you would never really catch up to the top players. Trust me I have thought about it. I find it isn't worth my effort to play follow the leader just because I can.

Making the raid covert would be a great idea. Any other suggestions?
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I agree the raid function should return, and also as a covert option, maybe call it propaganda or something. But I think there should be a limit on how much you can get, and you shouldnt be able to do it on somone that is ranked over 100 (maybe some otehr number) ranks away from you. This leaves the noobs picking on the noobs and the other people trying to take people from the other people :-) confusing?
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raid = a covert function is a brilliant idea.
wish it would be implemented...
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is anyone else thinking of making a poll? im just thinking of it but i cant, so i hope somone else will :-)
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My idea for raid functions would be to


Covert Score + Attack Score / 2


Covert Score + Defense / 2

whom ever has the better over all score wins... the attacker loses a % of spies to do this... have it use 10 covert action out of the 50 you get that way you limit it... no damage to weapons... no other troop lose other than the attacker % of spies and what is stolen from defender... make the capture 1% for lower ranked players up to 5% from higher rank players... no more than 3 attacks on the same target in a 24 hour period... repeated attacks in consecutive days gives a lower % of troops stolen...

this kind of thinking actually brings replicators back on par with something special... and will make the spy level alert worth something...

just some quick ideas to start if off of.... hate it love it its 4am so you get the idea...
Lord Dougy
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but u have to steal more men than u lose spies.
---->Lord Dougy<---- aka _lord_dark_

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yeah, wouldnt be bad a mixed function of attack and covert, would make you balance your stats more.
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You forget that covert doubles with every level. In the end, the attack and defense scores wouldn't even matter.

I proposed this a while back. The basic concept of the attack doesn't change.

To make it somehow like the normal naquadah raids, you can only steal units that have been generated in the last 24 hours. Thats when they have only just been generated and are vulnerable to conversion. This prevents getting more than a players UP. It could be done by keeping a number that maxes at the players UP. It increases every turn by the number of units produced that turn. It decreases everytime you get raided. If it's at 0, the raid converts 0. If raids are to come back, this mechanism could keep it from becoming too powerful, without making it worthless.

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Lord Dougy
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it also means ETL will be lossing 1800 men...
---->Lord Dougy<---- aka _lord_dark_

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Not losing per sé. Not gaining would be a better description. It's a way to slow someone down, not destroy them.

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Sorry LL, but I'm not in favour of this... maybe because I've spent too long (like several others) increasing up. Raids arrived, I was somewhat horrified, then gratefully they were "removed from the main server and unlikely to return"...

@ Sleipnir

If we did implement this, capping it is a good start Sleip, but allowing for the full up of any given day to be stolen would mean that everyone, no matter how much they spent on up previously, would be on equal terms (this is a good thing, the game should be level for everyone, but there have been costs incurred. These players that have been playing the smart 'long strategy', will suddenly find themselves with billions - yes billions* - of naq worth of nothing). Perhaps, in order for the up upgrades to retain purpose, it could be a set fraction? ie, you can only steal (for example) 50% of the person's up. That way 200 would remain at an advantage over 100 and so on...

I do agree with what Lord Dougy said though, EtL would be losing ... a lot ... of men, whichever way you want to dress it up. Not very fair, I know how long the guy has been working on his up.

* I worked out what it would take to get to 17-1800 before, I believe it was around the 2.5-3 billion naquadah mark. I'll work it all out properly later, someone probably has a spreadsheet... While these people may be 'slowed down', they are still getting nothing out of what should be a safe (and extremely expensive) investment.
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