Covert Recruitment trouble

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Covert Recruitment trouble

I have noticed today that there seems to be something wrong with training covert agents. This is what happened the second time I noticed the bug: I had 1208 untrained and about 60 million Naq. I tried training 1200 covert agents and it said that I didn't have enough untrained. It did this repeatedly. Then I trained the 1200 in two groups of 600 and it was allowed. There is obviously something wrong here.

train 1200 --> failed
train 600 + 600 --> successful

Something very wrong here guys...
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Maybe you did the math wrong, and while trying it over and over, a turn completed and you had enough when trying 600 and 600 and it worked. If possible, post your math here.

Also it takes 4,200,000 to train 1200 spies, check your log, its possible you were attacked and a turn ticked then you hade enough

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