Officer's Income Bug

Fledgling Forumer
Posts: 141
Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:55 am

Officer's Income Bug

Ok, I keep track of my officer's income because I have officers who are very particular about how much I give them. I discovered it when a new officer joined and I update the percentage to make sure the server updates my officer's income as well. The next day, I checked their account and found that their income's been reduced, and so I update the percentage again. This happens again the next day, so I calculated their income and found that the lower income is the correct one.

I had one of my officers log in and tell me what their income was, and found that every time they log into their account, their true income + my bonus to them becomes their income per turn, but when I update the percentage on my part, their income increase by 500,000 - 1 million until the next time they login again.

Pretty sure it's a bug, I'm not touching the income percentage button anymore, they're confusing my officers.

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