assimilation for replicators!

assimilation for replicators?

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assimilation for replicators!

i was reading forum lately about disadvanatage of replicators, and i was watching again few days ago season8 of SG-1 (reckoning) i think that replicators should be given abillity to assimilate oponents weapons because in the SG-1 they are 2nd race after ancients, and they kicked goaulds so bad.

So what i had on mind is, that replicators should be given abillity to produce 35% or 40% troops more and abillity to assimilate 10% of weapons!!! :-D
Last edited by Bahamut on Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: assimilation for replicators!

Bahamut wrote:So what i had on mind is, that replicators should be given abillity to produce 35% or 40% troops more and abillity to assimilate 10% of weapons!!! :-D
lol...u must be kiding.....lets se....u have 100 unit prod and you are your commander and a replicator and get 160 units/day.....realy not going to hapen....I HOPE

abouth the weapons...lets se..i work hard to get 1000 weapons and a replicator comes attacks me onece and gets 10 weapons....over 10 mil AND naq.......hope this wont hapen as well
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well maybe i was exessive with that unit production but assimilation should be able for them, my opinion!

tnx for pointing to me, forgive me, forgive_me

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after implementing such thing like you propose it would be a matter of minutes before everone changed into reps- troop prod bonus would mean replicators would outgrown everyone in game, and 10% of weps per attack? lets say replicator attacks me and i loose over 200 weps? i dont think that is a good idea....
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i like the idea of assimulation, but it would be a bit unfair.
maybe if its one percent?

oh and forgive_me, 10% of 1000 is 100 so you'd lose one hundred weapons an attack, which really ISN'T FAIR

i have no quarrel if its about 10 or 5 per 1000, as you should expect big loses if you are a powerful guy!

EDIT: Forgive me, i realise you probably mistyped your post as you said over 10mill naq. 167,800 x 10 = 1.678mill so you must have meant 100 weapons as 100 x 167,800 =16.78mill
if you are not a tau'ri that is!

sorry if i sonded patronising above, i don't mean it to be
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well precentage should be more discused but that was just a morning tought lol.
but assimilation would be good, and strength of replicators weapons should be for both attack and deff a little bit lower because they are equal as goauld weapons plus they get cheaper covert upgrade, i opened onother account on sgw (replicator race) and from what i saw guys u playing as replicators u don't have any disadvantage that high, when your weapons would be a little bit weaker then your up should be a bit high then normal, and if it would be introduced assimilation of few % then your race should be balanced a lot, u would still have covert for less naq, and at higher levels that mean a lot naq.
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i agree bahamut

assimalation would be a big thing so a compromise in the form of weapons strength is acceptable.

covert means alot and reps get big savings!!
(the main reason i became one before the penalties for changeover ;) )
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It makes perfect sense to me guys!!

The Tauri Are pretty well advantaged with their strike! Asgard have their defense! All this would be doing is creating another superpower for them to contend with. The asgard and Tauri already HAVE the upperhand. This is what no one understands in this debate. All the assimialtion bonus would do is add another card to the fold. I am in favor of it BC it seems like a good bonus for them, dare I say it? ON TOP OF THEIR COVERT BONUS.

As many people who think this would shift the power in the universe all I can say is good. Cuz the Tauri and Asgard lack compedition and need some badly.

I thought the idea of race bonuses was supposed to level the playing field?
This bonus for the replicators would sucessfully place them on that plane the Asgards and Tauri rule, since more and more Goauld are effecively becoming asgard and Tauri for the bonuses, The replicator bonus is fair and equal in my opinion. We have sucessfully balanced the game.

Then maybe we can work on giving Goauld an outragious bonus to match!!
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ok these are some ideas that i came up with

1. Assimilation only works if u defeat the enemy
2. cheaper weps are easier to assimilate than expensive ones (DUH!)
3. set the assimlation rate very very very small percent
4. asimilated weps get turns into untrianed soldiers? or naqada?
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I disagree with this idea.

I recall the upgraded ability to assimalate people's soldiers not too long ago.

I fear that this would give the Reps the ability to assimilate anyone's compelete weapon array and destroy people, more so than anyone else - thus shifting the balance of power VERY much in their favor.

So, I am in disagreement with this one.

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Mattathias wrote:I disagree with this idea.

I recall the upgraded ability to assimalate people's soldiers not too long ago.

I fear that this would give the Reps the ability to assimilate anyone's compelete weapon array and destroy people, more so than anyone else - thus shifting the balance of power VERY much in their favor.

So, I am in disagreement with this one.


I agree, the next day reps will have the most people and they will only attack asgard/tauri so they can get their weapons soon there would be no point in being any other race besides rep because reps would gain asgard/tauri bonuses.
CRÅYSHACK_Toe wrote:*comparse his post count to the unspeakable one's*

[sarcasm]Yay I realy don't matter.[/sarcasm]
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Mattathias wrote:I disagree with this idea.

I recall the upgraded ability to assimalate people's soldiers not too long ago.

I fear that this would give the Reps the ability to assimilate anyone's compelete weapon array and destroy people, more so than anyone else - thus shifting the balance of power VERY much in their favor.

So, I am in disagreement with this one.


I agree completely.

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No offense to Goa'uld or replicator: I find the Goauld and Replicators to be very unappealing strategically. The need a good bonus.

I should have mentioned the values of the weapons. Were forgetting about the weaker ones. But who uses them other than the newbies? There would definentely be safegards for abusing the privilege on the Defense/covert challenged. The weaker weapons I am guessing will give you next to nothing!

If it is a covert thing, it should be the nearest to your covert rating. Perhaps even cost spies? Maybe to soothe the ones who know the replicators would reign, we could give them a slight covert turns decrease?
To limit use of the Assimilation bonus?

Yes I agree that It cause a huge rift. But the Asgard and Tauri already have one, why not give a supercharged outragious bonus to the replicators? This could get exciting!
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Saturnine the Great wrote:...cause a huge rift. But the Asgard and Tauri already have one...

Although I can't deny the truth in this, it's not because the game is unbalanced. With all of the best Goa'uld players switching races, and some of them quitting altogether, it's not a big surprise.

Before we go changing the game to give replicators OR goa'uld an unfair advantage on purpose (That IS what you mean, isn't it?), we should recognize that the reason Asgard / Tauri are so far ahead is because of membership for the Tauri and for the Asgard it's just good players.

I'm sure if the Reps or Goa'uld had membership even near the count of the Tauri, or if they had some of the players the Asgard have it would be a different story... and that's just how the game is.

- Esker
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that why esker it should be disabled race change .
when u play some rpg's or fps u can't change in the middle of the game character and continue playing game, u need to start all over again.

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