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10 Must see anime

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:11 pm
by Hitokiri
Ok, if you had to pick 10 anime that everyone needs to see, what would they be? I've made a list of ones that I think should be viewed by all. Most of them were in some way groundbreaking when they first came out, others just stand head and shoulders above others of the same genre. In either case, these were my picks:

Tenchi Muyo OVA - Tenchi Muyo set the standard for one of the most popular genres today, the harem anime. The story follows Tenchi, a fairly normal boy until girls from outerspace start showing up. Whether it's the Princess Ayeka or the fiery pirate Ryoko, all of them seem to have a thing for poor Tenchi. Hilarious antics ensue as the group seems to bounce from one possible disaster to another. Anyone who has seen the likes of Love Hina or similar series would be well advised to search this title out.

Grave of the Fireflies - Possibly the most moving movie, animated or not, that I have watched. Set against the backdrop of WW2 Japan, the story follows to young children who have been orphaned by American firebombings of their home town. As they are forgotten by their country and abandoned by their extended family, they are forced to fend for themselves. Keep some tissues handy and do yourself a favor, don't watch this if you don't feel like getting depressed.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - This series set a new bar for animation quality in a series when it came out. While the general plot can be viewed as a mecha anime, the characters take center stage through much of the series, developing a depth that is rarely seen in any other series. It also set many of the now ubiquitous traditions seen in mecha anime today (skin tight suits anyone?)

Visions of Escaflowne - Origanally scheduled to be a much longer series, this 26 episode sprint somehow manages to include a great story with a fast pace that set a new level of achievement when it debuted (and thus has no filler episodes :D). Hitomi, the main character, is transported to the magical world of Gaia, where she meets Van, prince of Fanelia. She accompanies him as he tries desperately to save his kingdom, and stop the rutheless empire that is slowly dominating the lands. With a bit of romance and action, this series has something for just about anyone.

Naussica of the Valley of the Wind - Picking a Miyyazaki film to put in here was hard, not because I couldn't think of one but because nearly all of them could be listed. Naussica was chosen because of it's staying power (Naussica was voted fans favorite female character in Japan for something like 10 years running). Combined with a wonderful soundtrack and a fast paced plot, Naussica takes you into a world where humans have been pushed to the margins of the land. Miyazaki's environmental stance is never more prevalant, and his artwork is, as always, breathtaking.

Cowboy Bebop - From the jazzy opening riffs, you know your in for a sweet ride in cowboy bebop. A western set in space, the story follows Spike and the crew of the Bebop as they try to make a living as bounty hunters. Many of the episodes are stand alone, but a larger plot slowly developes as they make their way through the solar system. This series also has, imho, the best soundtrack of any anime. The music is perfectly suited to the action on the screen, and varies from heavy metal to blues. The music alone puts this series high on my list, great animation and story makes it a must see.

Akira - This dark anime set off what I consider the second wave of anime fandom in the US. Before it hit the shores in the US, anime was geared towards children, and was often heavily edited. Akira began the changes in American perception that cartoons are just for kids. This gritty futuristic anime has everything from gang wars to shadowy government agencies. The level of violence is high, so definately not recommended for kids.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Shirow can do no wrong. His celebrated Ghost in the SHell series finally gets the anime it deserves (the original movie used all of about 5 pages from the origanal manga of over 200 pages). political intruige mixed with plenty of fast paced action, this series will keep you on the edge of your seat. The animation is also of the highest quality, as is the soundtrack.

Seriel Experiments Lain - This gets a nod from me if for no other reason than it was the breakout series for ABe (character designer). This dark sci-fi series will keep you guessing until the very end. If you don't like confusing anime, stay away from this one, it gives up its secrets slowly and unwillingly. Otherwise, it is an absolute gem.

Azumanga Daioh - Follow the antics of a class of high school girls and their teachers. Cute at times, and side splittingly funny at others, this anime is comprised of a series of shorts as opposed to a larger overall plot.

Honorable Mention:
Record of Lodoss Wars
Marmalade Boy
Nadia: Secret of Blue Water
Please Save My Earth
Juuni Kokuki (Legend of Twelve Kingdoms)
Kare Kano

Don't agree with me? Great, post what ten YOU think should make the cut, and why.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:44 am
by Apadizamek
Ninja Scroll!-great action, bit hardcore on the sexuality but thats only about ten-fifteen minutes max. The story follows Kibagami Jubei on his quest to destroy the eight devils of kimon, who are led by a man he killed but came back to life. Dacuan is a crazy goverment agent who deserves mention.

DragonBallZ-great fighting series, violence the works its a great show. It follows the exploits of childlike Goku and his freinds or enemy's throughout the show, gives good values and of course great action and fighting.

Ninja Scroll Reserection- really the story is horrible, and KIbagami Jubei is hardly mentioned,however the actions great and the interesting story of religous intolerance is cool.

Street fighter animated film-so awsome, takes the charectors and puts them in the story, all Streat fighter II charectors get an appearence. Great action, decent story, awsome end fight scene.

Spirited away-amazing anime, bothed dubbed and subbed are beutifull i, the story follows young shahiro as she works in the bathhouse of the witch yubaba to rescue her parents, she makes freinds and once again good values instilled.

more will come!


Hitokiri, that one about WW2 that actually happened to my grand mother, she and her sisters were standed when hong kong was captured and they walked from the coast of china to the mainland to stay with relatives who kicked them out after less then a month, they then lived on their own,

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:07 am
by Hitokiri
Apadamek (goo is life) wrote:Hitokiri, that one about WW2 that actually happened to my grand mother, she and her sisters were standed when hong kong was captured and they walked from the coast of china to the mainland to stay with relatives who kicked them out after less then a month, they then lived on their own,

heh, you like your fighting animes, don't ya? :D

as for Grave of the Fireflies having happened, the story was originally a novel written by Akiyuki Nosaka. It is in fact semi-autobiographical and was written as an apology to his sister, who dies in 1945 of malnutrition. as critic **Filtered** cited from an interview with akiyuki: "Having been the sole survivor, he felt guilty for the death of his sister. While scrounging for food, he had often fed himself first, and his sister second. Her undeniable cause of death was hunger, and it was a sad fact that would haunt Nosaka for years. It prompted him to write about the experience, in hopes of purging the demons tormenting him."

The movie has strong anti-war overtones and of the foolishness of pride (both of the Japanese people and of the main character). Perhaps Ebert said it best: "'Grave of the Fireflies' is a powerful dramatic film that happens to be animated, and I know what the critic Ernest Rister means when he compares it to 'Schindler's List' and says, 'It is the most profoundly human animated film I've ever seen.'"

Seriously, if you ignore every other anime listed in this thread, see this one.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:50 pm
by Solus
I'd probably list

Blood: the last vampire
although the storyline doesn't have much depth, the quality of the animation is absolutely fantastic. This anime follows the mysterious Saya as she kills the demons that have come into our world. it is set in a period of war, on an american airbase in Japan. as the movie progresses, we slowly learn the identity of Saya, and the government agents responsible for her.

Not the best anime out there, but worthy of mention in my book.

im surprised the ghost in the shell movie wasn't mentioned.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:28 pm
by Hitokiri
Phoenix_FEAR wrote:
im surprised the ghost in the shell movie wasn't mentioned.

I considered it, as it was probably the next most important to bringing anime to US audiences during the 90s after Akira. However, I though Akira was a better developed movie. The GitS movie was basically a hacked version of the original manga, using about 10 pages from a story several hundred pages long. Without the background and support of the rest of the original story, the movie felt somewhat adrift (in fact, I only really came to appreciate the movie AFTER I had read the manga).

The series dodges the whole problem by effectively rewriting the timeline and using a lot of original plot elements. The result is a much more complete and compelling story.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:30 pm
by Solus
Hitokiri wrote:
Phoenix_FEAR wrote:
im surprised the ghost in the shell movie wasn't mentioned.

I considered it, as it was probably the next most important to bringing anime to US audiences during the 90s after Akira. However, I though Akira was a better developed movie. The GitS movie was basically a hacked version of the original manga, using about 10 pages from a story several hundred pages long. Without the background and support of the rest of the original story, the movie felt somewhat adrift (in fact, I only really came to appreciate the movie AFTER I had read the manga).

The series dodges the whole problem by effectively rewriting the timeline and using a lot of original plot elements. The result is a much more complete and compelling story.

agreed. Akira was Wikid! however, i'll always see GITS as a valuable foundation to the series. if it didnt exist, i dont think the series would exist, if it did though, it wouldnt be as good.

another good anime: Vampire Hunter D

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:13 pm
by Dannis
I like Spirited away, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and I saw this great one on TV late night but can't remember the name, somthing about a samurai the word geosun(g) comes to mind.

Any help here? cause I'd love to find some more of it I really enjoyed it. Kinda reminded me of final fantasy, one of the characters looks like that cool guy in red with the sunnies in ff10 lol.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:14 am
by Kaizoku_Vaizard
10 - Tokko
9 - One Piece
8 - Yu Yu Hakusho
7 - Ouran High School Host Club
6 - Hunter X Hunter
5 - Hellsing
4 - Zero No Tsukinama
3 - Kiba
2 - Naruto
1 - Bleach

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:49 am
by spasticinformation
Im not gonna bother posting 10, just my number one:

Hajime No Ippo, probably one of the best animes ever. At first I questioned its greatness but after the first few episodes I was completely hooked, I would recommend this to anyone. (note: its about boxing but you have to give it a chance)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 10:02 am
by The Hamburglar
ghost in the shell is a ridiculously annoying movie... cityscape after cityscape with that damn howling song... and the philosophy crap it tries at is absolutely absurd and not absurd in a good way either...

anyway- gundam wing, again not sure if its anime but i liked it... ninja scrolls is pretty cool, the blood is hilarious... and tenchi mujo was pretty good, i liked ryoke, she was funny... although i never got to see the end of the series so i have no idea where it went...

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:54 am
by Balladbird
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion
2. Gungrave
3. Armitage
4. Vampire Hunter D
5. Trinity Blood
6. Samurai Champloo

more to come.....

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:36 am
by Factor
Not ordered by preference.

#1: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
#2: Shakugan no Shana
#3: Noein
#4: Fate/stay-night
#5: Death Note
#6: Great Teacher Onizuka
#7: Kanon
#8: Air TV/movie
#9: Hagane no Renkinjutsushi (FMA)
#10: Damn there's soooooo much more; Utawarerumono, Zero no Tsukaima, etc. etc. (excluding countless brainless anime like Naruto)

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:05 pm
by Hensenshi
1. Anyone who does not list Evangelion in their top 10 does not watch enough anime to know what a good anime is. Evangelion set the president for what new aged anime is. Evangelion defines anime. That's just the 26 episode anime, the two followup movies define confusion, havoc, chaos, and complete lack of understand through the massive plot that is dumped onto you in the End of Evangelion. Do note that in Japan, you must have graduated high school to watch End of Evangelion due to the large number of suicides created by it.

2. Spirited Away must also take a spot, just because of how many awards it has won, and how almost the entire anime society considers it to be the best anime movie aired. I would say that Eva and Spirited Away are in a closely locked battle for first, Eva pulls ahead just barely in my book.

3. Voices of a Distant Star must take the number three spot. It has massive anti-war undertones to it. Although it is only something like 30 minutes long, in those short 30 minutes, the artist uses every possible second to sink the plot into you. In a brief 30 minutes, Voices of a Distant Star creates more plot than most 26 episode animes. When I think plot, I think of Voices of a Distant Star It proved that longer is not always better.

4. I must say that Ghost in the Shell definitely deserves a spot, but which one should get the spot is questionable. TSG, SAC, OM1, or OM2, they were all pretty good. But any choice, Ghost in the Shell clenches the number four spot tightly

5. Cowboy Bebop has to take number five, if just because of the tone it set in the anime genre. The massive popularity of it, while still not passing the basic 26 episode standard of animes gives it a spot tightly holding at number five

6. Armitage Duel Matrix has to take number six. If just for the effort put into it. This anime was completely

7. I also think that Hellsing deserves a mention, solely because it was one of, if not the bloodiest anime to air in its time. The effect it created was massive, and it definitely takes a spot among the top 10, easily sinking it into number seven.

8. Rurouni Kenshin must take number eight. It defined action anime, and single handedly started the American general public's interest in the samurai. There are better samurai animes out there, but this is the start of them.

9. As horrible as this must sound, I think that Bible Black also deserves a mention, mostly because it showed that a Hentai can still have a story to it.

10. I think that the number ten spot is a very hard choice, but must go to X, due to it's massive undertones and specific targeting.

Honorable mentions:
Last Exile
Inuyasha(as much as I hate it, it was definitely a solid anime, and recreated the DBZ effect without the massive damage.)

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 9:01 am
by Samo
Ive not been watching Anime for very long but out of the ones ive seen the best were -

1. Serial Experiments, Lain (By far the best ive seen, i bought the box set after renting the first DVD)
2. MyHiME
3. Spirited Away
4. Chobits
5. Noir

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:08 pm
by Hitokiri
Hensenshi[Omega] wrote:1. Anyone who does not list Evangelion in their top 10 does not watch enough anime to know what a good anime is. Evangelion set the president for what new aged anime is. Evangelion defines anime. That's just the 26 episode anime, the two followup movies define confusion, havoc, chaos, and complete lack of understand through the massive plot that is dumped onto you in the End of Evangelion. Do note that in Japan, you must have graduated high school to watch End of Evangelion due to the large number of suicides created by it.

2. Spirited Away must also take a spot, just because of how many awards it has won, and how almost the entire anime society considers it to be the best anime movie aired. I would say that Eva and Spirited Away are in a closely locked battle for first, Eva pulls ahead just barely in my book.

3. Voices of a Distant Star must take the number three spot. It has massive anti-war undertones to it. Although it is only something like 30 minutes long, in those short 30 minutes, the artist uses every possible second to sink the plot into you. In a brief 30 minutes, Voices of a Distant Star creates more plot than most 26 episode animes. When I think plot, I think of Voices of a Distant Star It proved that longer is not always better.

4. I must say that Ghost in the Shell definitely deserves a spot, but which one should get the spot is questionable. TSG, SAC, OM1, or OM2, they were all pretty good. But any choice, Ghost in the Shell clenches the number four spot tightly

5. Cowboy Bebop has to take number five, if just because of the tone it set in the anime genre. The massive popularity of it, while still not passing the basic 26 episode standard of animes gives it a spot tightly holding at number five

6. Armitage Duel Matrix has to take number six. If just for the effort put into it. This anime was completely

7. I also think that Hellsing deserves a mention, solely because it was one of, if not the bloodiest anime to air in its time. The effect it created was massive, and it definitely takes a spot among the top 10, easily sinking it into number seven.

8. Rurouni Kenshin must take number eight. It defined action anime, and single handedly started the American general public's interest in the samurai. There are better samurai animes out there, but this is the start of them.

9. As horrible as this must sound, I think that Bible Black also deserves a mention, mostly because it showed that a Hentai can still have a story to it.

10. I think that the number ten spot is a very hard choice, but must go to X, due to it's massive undertones and specific targeting.

Honorable mentions:
Last Exile
Inuyasha(as much as I hate it, it was definitely a solid anime, and recreated the DBZ effect without the massive damage.)

Hoshi No Koe probably should have been an honorable mention in my list, if for no other reason than it was basically done by a single guy. Amazing bit of work and a fantastic story.

Spirited Away and Mononoke Hime are both good choices for Miyazaki's work, and both are definately worthy of all the praise, but Im not sure that they are better than some of his earlier "classic" work. Either way, I can't fault any Miyazaki flick.

Hellsing is definately a solid choice, not sure I would put it in my top ten but definately above average (and for someone with an interest in vampire lore I can see why it would be there). Besides, the opening music is groovy :D

Kenshin....what to say about it. Given my nickname, you might be surprised to find I am not an rabid Kenshin fan. The second story arc (Kyoto arc) was fantastic, with the series of villians and heroes and the epic battles showing everything an action anime can be. Shishio was a fantastic villian, and the series survived even the dreaded tournament format that occurs near the end (something that so many action animes seem to rely on and which usually suck the life out of them)! However, the first arc was weaker, and the story after the kyoto arc was weak filler. The OAVs were well animated, but always felt disjointed to me. All that said, Kenshin is worth a look, especially since you can pick up just the kyoto arc.

I gotta say Hensenshi, you've got an interesting list.