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Vacation Mode

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:52 pm
by Fallstar
I'm not sure we need this just yet, since we don't really know how long a wave will last.
But I think that is an important feature needed to implement for this game.
It should be similar to other "vacation" modes in other games.

I'm thinking on the lines that you cannot attack/spy on anyone for the last 24 hours. So basically when you’re in vacation mode you do not gain any turns or naquada and cannot be spied upon or attacked.

For in-game description call it a time dilation device like the one in Stargate where SG-1 went to the planet and after they went to sleep it was like ground hog day for O'Neil because of the device.

Re: Vacation Mode

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:19 pm
by NoDot
Fallstar wrote:For in-game description call it a time dilation device like the one in Stargate where SG-1 went to the planet and after they went to sleep it was like ground hog day for O'Neil because of the device.
I like the idea, but I'd say it'd be more like an N_3 and Stargate shield around your planet.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:04 am
by SGC_Replicators
if u are in vacation mode u cant get attcked and u dont get any turns and money right? or its vice versa

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:01 pm
by Guest
I think this is a good idea. And if implemented I think that there should then be a time limit placed on the protected planets treaty of 2 or 3 days (rough figure) because it seems to me if you can get the treaty for an unlimitied amount of time by getting supporter status the best strategy is to paythe 10 or 20 bucks and then just sit and wait for a month or so after which point you can simply buy your way to the top, which strikes me as a flaw as it seems to me one should need to fight their way up. Let newbs have a couple of days grace and paid supporters too. If someone can't play for an extended period of time let the set it to vacation where they lose nothing but also gain nothing from just sitting and waiting.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:52 pm
by AbonZel
In other games I can see there being an exact point. In other games, you would lose land which would have to be gained back through work. In this game, you lose money which is generated anyway. Also, you lose few soldiers when attacked, even with a big military, and if you have a big military, you must be able to generate soldiers so you will probably gain the soldiers back just like the money. In any case, I see this as hurting the person who goes into vacation mode. You won't get money, which would come back anyway, same with soldiers, and you won't gain turns which are probably the most important thing in the game. Then again, perhaps I'm wrong...

The biggest threat that I see vacation mode being useful for is your weapons being sabotaged.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:14 pm
by Fallstar
The reason I suggested this was because of this post.

Anonymous wrote:So if I'm going on holiday for 6 weeks then I have no way of freezing my account 'till I get home I take it.

I might as well accept I'll be deleted by the time I get back. :(

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:17 pm
by AbonZel
Hmmm, I didn't realize that inactives were being deleted. Indeed, there should be a way to not be deleted if you cannot access your account for a period of time.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:26 am
by IncontinentHegemon
exactly, a vaction mode. The concept is simple ppl, can't attack or be attacked, but don't grow any resources as well while you're away. When you get back your account is as you left it. But this shouldn't be allowed for say overnight, there must be a condition, say 4 days or so, if you go into vac mode, minimum time is 4 days, max is whatever. If wave gets reset, then account gets reset by default, back to previos wave's options say, and vac mode just continues until it was meant to expire

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:56 pm
by Forum
or - what would the max you would wnt to see inactives stay around for (considering, as mentioned, they gain Naq, etc so actually benefit those around them :) )

really - how much vacation do people get?? I only get 2 weeks :(

so - vacation, or longer 'inactive delete' cycle?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:56 pm
by Psi Kiya Trist
Forum wrote:so - vacation, or longer 'inactive delete' cycle?

i'd say vacation, cause then i could go on vacation, and have say like the 200k i can't put in my bank now safe while i'm gone having my time OUTSIDE, which i haven't done in forever...

Psi Kiya Trist -the not-so-physically active powerhouse

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:09 pm
by Forum
on the flip side -- if you have a unit growth of 20 untrained a day, leave for 20 days -- you'd come back to (say) no Naq ... but 400 extra untrained (and therefore 400 x (per unit production) Naq / day) ... say it's 20 / day ... that is 8000 a day.....
so -- an extra 8000 a day, or 200,000 total (25days worth) ....

just to put it in perspective...

Psi Kiya Trist wrote:
Forum wrote:so - vacation, or longer 'inactive delete' cycle?

i'd say vacation, cause then i could go on vacation, and have say like the 200k i can't put in my bank now safe while i'm gone having my time OUTSIDE, which i haven't done in forever...

Psi Kiya Trist -the not-so-physically active powerhouse