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Should descension be a duel?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:48 am
by Funky White Boy
O.K I want to get people feeling on this.
I think it should be one on one
I also think it should be a duel until one side or another is defeated.
What do you think

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:26 am
by Nutter
How will the duel work though? I mean both players would be wiped out, your army stands infront and defends you until there all gone, if its a duel then both armies would be near enough wiped out, then what one deascended for 1 month then has to rebuild, and the other just has to rebuild there entire army again. As you have described it im against duels

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:35 am
by Funky White Boy
Exactly it is a duel to the death for honour or bust. Not something to entered into lightly.

If you slap my face with your glove for thy ladies honour I will be forced to shoot you dead and all that jazz :-D Maybe we should have seconds as well!

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:37 am
by Nutter
Yea, but what about the people that don't want a duel to the death, the person that simply attacked someone for some naq as we all do, and then the other person retaliating into a duel of death, there would have to be a way like a challange into a duel, but then if they dont accept the challange you can still do a personall attack on them

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:46 am
by Funky White Boy
I suppose you could have it so that like in main if both sides agree then it can a duel to the death with honour. If a challenge is issued the 2 sides have 1 week to prepare their accounts for battle, the outcome is one will certainly be descended

If the challenge is not accepted then battle commences immediately and lasts for a certain time frame, descension is not certain.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:02 am
by Nutter
Yea but that still doesn't explain the whole time frame thing, does that mean theres going to be a time frame, and both people have to attack manually, or do you attack automatically 3 or 4 times, i think the duel thing should be shot down and not done, as it is pointless.
If they don't accept the fight:
the battle commences straight away -> end of battle -> repeats the request -> denied -> battle commences
They will just continue to do that and then the other person will still be deascended.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:14 am
by Funky White Boy
Attacks are going to be one on one anyway. We have no idea as yet on the time frame in which attacks will be allowed and how long after attacks from others with be banned.
I persoanlly hope that the attacks are automatic rather than manual otherwise it is open for abuse, ie friend attack you once to protect you from attacks from others for a more prolonged period.
That is partly why I suggested duel to the death to stop this potential abuse.

There are plenty of flaws in most ideas but better to thrash it out here that have what happened with planets happen again in ascended.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:15 am
by Nutter
True but the whole fact, u get a freind to attack you, would wipe out halve your army anyway so its pointless, if you dont know your going to be attacked in the first place

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:19 am
by samson1111
it should be definately for a set of time, and there could be a possibility, that no1 will be descended

if it could come out, that 1 has to be descended... 2 friends could start a fight, never attack each other and couldnt be descended

EDIT and the oponent should be chalenged (1 day to prepare for fight), then only start the battle

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:26 am
by Nutter
1 day to prepare for a war that could deascend your account!!! I think you should allow a whole lot more time than that, i think this duel stuff should be scrapped have it as Forum proposed it and have seperate attacks only with a time delay allowed between attacks say 1 hour or something.
Thats just my opinion

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:51 am
by ohknee0
I voted for set length of time - really need more info regarding specifics though...

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:04 am
by Kerrus Magrus
what he's saying is he thinks that when someone attacks your ascended self, it only cvounts his ascended atk skill stuff versus your ascended defense. when in fact it likely pits all of your powerup self skills versus all of his. so when you attack him, he is attacking you aswell.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:17 am
by Funky White Boy
Exactly I think

At the moment if you have been attacked it is your defence against their attack. What I would propose would be a pure ascended attack not involving the physical realm at all.

Both parties would attack and defend until the best being is left and the other was vanquished to descend for the week. The physical realm would not be involved.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:40 pm
by The Dalek Empire
One on one duels with no interference. Off the top of my head...

The attacking Ascended player launches his attack by cashing in Action Turns. To be exact, thirty (30) Action Turns per one (1) Game Turn he wishes the duel to last, up to a maximum of fifteen (15) Game Turns (so 450 Action Turns maximum, and no, I don't know what's up with the putting of numbers in brackets :P). The costs are expensive, because if you are going to duel someone you should be serious about it. If you want to be light hearted, then stick to massing.

The attacking Ascended player has that length of time to Descend the player, else the duel ends. During a duel, neither Ascended player can engage in activity involving another Ascended player other than the opposing duelist. Nor can either of the duelists be attacked themselves. The duel also automatically ends should one of the duelists be Descended. This essentially locks away the duelists, preventing alliances ganging together against individuals. It also encourages the solo style of Ascended play.

The winner of the duel receives a % bonus to the effects of their Charisma rating for the next day (48 Game Turns), representing word of their power circulating and people wanting to follow such an awesome god. This % bonus depends on the relative positions of the duelists in the Influence Power rankings.

A player 50% or more below your Influence Power ranking will generate a 0% increase to Charisma (people are unimpressed by your ability to step on bugs).
A player 10% or more below your Influence Power ranking will generate a 5% increase to Charisma (your victory was noted, but people expected you to win).
A player within 10%, above or below your Influence Power ranking will generate a 15% increase to Charisma (news of your victory over a worthy adversary spreads across countless worlds, and people flock to your banner).
A player 10% or more above your Influence Power ranking will generate a 25% increase to Charisma (Worlds are entralled by the knowledge, understanding and raw cunning you must possess to topple a foe so clearly above you).
A player within 50% or above your Influence Power ranking will generate a 100% increase to Charisma (Zealots and demagogues across a million worlds roar praises to the one they call the Godslayer! Such fame will not last, but while it does believers will elevate their opinions of you to the near infinite - make the most of it!). :P Note. This is unlikely to happen naturally. It could well be that other players will "set up" a poor soul to then be trounced by some lowbie. While embarassing, we can be sure that the offending people will one day be repaid a million fold for the insult.

If the duel times out, the player that launched the duel has their Charisma reduced by 75% for the next week (336 Game Turns) as various populations learn of the incompetance or foolishness of the god in question.

There, random thoughts on bonuses for victory and a few ways to dissaude people from duelling for the hell of it.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:55 pm
by Funky White Boy
I like it!