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The one that defied Omega

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:30 pm
by TheEnder
erm..i was going to do some of my last spam when i saw this thread. :-D
Let me copy it from Gallactic Colloseum:
"I would not like to name all and to generalize because is not resonable. Yet many of you Omegans have a twisted personality...
U think u are better than the rest just because u wasted lot more time and even money (!!!) in damn game? On the contrary.
It is sad u are basing your superiority complexes ( OMG we are Omegans, no one dares to touch us, blah blah...cut it off, i massed ya ass as much as i could and i enjoyed it, and i hope other will do the same. in a small game u try to create a hegemony... no comment ) on this not on something else.
One day your alliance will be defeated or the game will sist to exist. Remember this.
Either way, u proved nothing to me. I do not wish to insult anyone, just to point out some things everyody knows (even u Omegans u know u are excesively cocky , even though u are powerfull ingame )
I quit the game.
Is not worth any more.
I will like with this occasion to say goodbye and to wish the best to all that made my time on forums or ingame enjoyable and even teached me a few things that i will not forget (I'm including here some omegans too not all are "bad" guys).
I would nominate a few ppl but if i do that i expose them to massing from omega
~better Death than Disshonor."
that's it :D
Buh bye! :P

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:43 pm
by Phlamingoe
you forgot this..

"Well, i got some free time so i'll do it.
Midnight, thank you for all the pleasant debates we had and for all the emoticons u sent me through MSN :)
Flamingo, thx for entertaining me so much. u really are a funny guy.
Postasu, my first CO. thx for all the help and support with both resources and advices :) u teached me all i know about this game.
Bonehunter, mate, tx for getting me in this game :) maybe you provoked me too much :P and now u can keep the uu and naq :D
Atum, thx for being my first and last and loyal officer. i liked the way u think since u first posted at intelectuallism room.
Satan666 thx for making me laugh when i first saw your nick :lol:
Magius, thx for the tough compettion in the ellection and for all the support as direct Co in martial law conditiones. and for that hilarious convo over time :P
Thx to Madcat for all the help during my struggle to get in GnR :)
And many others, like Milamber, Ravenger, Diomreh, Naum, Punisher, Solitair and all the others that made my time spent on forums, ingame or on msn enjoyable. Good luck and the most important thing: have fun. this is not a life matter, it is just a game. some try to drain some juice for their ego from the useless victories in the game, and that is sad (see Omega) some gain some experience from it an some just try to enjoy it. I did it in my own way and i'd say that u should listen only what u feel within."

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:34 pm
by dude co
even though i was massed to the stone age as a direct result of you'r actions i am sad to see you go
you were a good team mate to have a a good ally but you stepped over the mark and as a result many others suffered for you'r actions


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:20 pm
by amadkiwi
um dude, this topic was dead. Been over a month since the last post. Hes already long gone

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:04 pm
by ???????
BYE N00B137

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:29 am
by Balladbird
U Know You Love My Posts wrote:BYE N00B137


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 1:08 pm
by Yearofthestinger

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 6:01 pm
by Phlamingoe
actually im pretty sure he still umm...that is all :-D